Its been a long time

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Quick authors note.

Hi guys. Hope you are alive and well. Stop and read very carefully. I'm so sorry. I've given up on this amazing book and too reach it to 800 view would be my dream.... I've been away over the summer thinking about making a new book. A totally different genre to want I usually write. It on a different account run be me and my other 2 friends and we basically write the book.  If you want to have a look at it, it's called The Elite Killers by cheeky_monkeys. So yeah. I'm going to write a new chapter for this book again. Byeeeee.

Summer P.O.V

Lessons sucked without Felix. Raindrops started to fall heavily into the cold tarmac. I just wasn't feeling the vibe today. Everyone around me was giving bad vibes. Even Hazel. When I needed her the most she would just ignore me in lessons, putting her hand up for every question, avoiding me a break. Hazel was a changed woman. She changed her friends into small shy ones that would be hunched over  a book in the library. The real Hazel wouldn't do that. She blocked me on Facebook, twitter and what's even worse. Remove me from her friend list.Her old status update was:

Hazel loves her BFF, summer. She's a good friend and we will never be apart.

Now it's;

Hazel absolutes loves Jasmine, totally loving the glasses. Hahaha xx

It's like I've been replaced. By someone else. The next day, I waited by her locker. I needed answer and I wanted them now. She walked over to her locker chit-chatting away to Jasmine wearing a I love my best friend t-shirt . It almost made me sick.

" So I've done the new homework that was set. I'm so good at maths now,"

Hazel never does her homework and even if she does it is always at the last minute. Who is this new Jasmine girl and what has she done to Hazel?

" Hazel! Hazel! Why aren't you speaking to me?"

" Do you hear a voice calling your name? No! I don't believe it," Jasmine cups her hand around her ear. I felt so angry. I mean hello, I'm talking to Hazel. Why do I want to talk to a friend-snatching beast. Actually, I DO. I want to hear my inner feelings.

" Jasmine. I don't like what you are doing brainwashing my friend. You aren't even her friend," I say pushing her out of the way, smashing her head against the wall. Hazel looked on shocked. " Hazel don't tell me you didn't see that. An imaginary person smashed her head,"

" Summer. I'm so sorry. My mum threatened that she would take my WiFi and that I should removed you from everywhere. Ignore you at school. Make new friends," Hazel whispered looking at her surroundings.

I scoffed. " You broke... our friendship because you care about your WiFi? It's like I don't know you anymore at all," I walked away leaving her shocked.

Why did she do that. I was so angry that I blogged. I blogged how friends back stab and your future boyfriend will leave you. I had a lot of hits but that meant nothing to me. I was a loner now. No friend. Felix left. Felix. He left me. I started to cry. People walked past as if nothing happened. Even my evil history teacher walked past with a triumph look on his face.

" Summer? What the hell. Are you crying?," A voice said in front of me. That sounded like Felix. My mind was telling me to get up and hug him. But it wasn't him and It can't be him. He left.

" Summer?"

That definitely Felix. He stands in front of me looking more gorge than ever.

I suddenly blush but then I become very angry at him.

" Why did you leave me? I wanted to know where were you when I needed you?" I spat angrily. Summer was on FULL ANGER VOLUME.

"Read this,"

He left winking and laughing walking away but I was in no laughing or winking mood.

The crumpled piece of paper said.

Summer. I know you are mega angry with me but I want you to know that I missed you and I loved you. Funny thing is that Poppy has burned down her kitchen and while it has to be refurbished, she and her family have to stay with us. Talk about her snoring. It's SOOO loud. God help me. But I've already got you.

Love Fee x

I smiled and tucked in the crumpled piece of paper in my pocket but something in my mind was suspicious.

Why was Poppy sleeping at Felix's house and not her friends house? Was there something going on?

It's nothing





" Shut UP," I yelled out at my inner- thoughts. People stared at me like I was mad. Maybe I was. But I will get down to the bottom of this. But first.....


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