{12} - Thank you.

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Niall's P.O.V

Amy was clinging onto me the whole time. She suddenly didn't want to sit with the boys anymore. She just wanted to be with me and wanted me to hold her. I didn't complain. I needed her to feel safe with me, so badly. I didn't want any scary thoughts to invade her mind anymore. She didn't deserve this.

And I realized that I still had no clue why Jake kidnapped Megan and Amy. What did he want? And why did he actually want me to bring Megan and Amy out of the house safely? What was he motive actually?

"Granny will be here soon and she will bring you home for you to rest. It's past midnight now," I said to Amy who was still on my hips while I was sitting on the chair next to Megan's bed. The boys had gone home and offered to come again tomorrow. I didn't have much of a conversation with them. I didn't ask them about the tour, about the fans; I had no time for that. Megan, Amy and my baby were my priority at the moment.

"I don't want to go home without you," Amy whispered to me sleepily.

"I have to take care of Momma," I told her and that managed to silenced Amy up.

"You don't let anyone hurt Momma okay?" Amy voiced out after her few seconds of silence.

"I promise, I won't," I promised and I meant it. Even if Amy didn't ask me to do it, I would do it.


"Yes darling?"

"I want to tell the policeman everything that happened. I want to tell him that the mean woman pulled my hair and then stepped on Momma's stomach where the baby was. I want to tell him that Jake is a nice guy because he fed me food," Amy went on. I was shocked for a moment. Amy was telling me a part of what had happened.

"You will tell the policeman? You cannot lie whatever it is. You must tell the truth about everything. You promise me?"

"Yes Poppa. I don't want Momma to hurt anymore," Amy said and wrapped her little fingers around Megan's hand.

"Thank you baby," I whispered in her hair and kissed her temple. She was willing to at least give the policeman some information that would help them with the case.

* * *

"You ready?" I asked Amy before we entered the investigation room. I had gotten Mom to take care of Megan while I brought Amy to Inspector Richard's office.

"Will you come with me into the room? I don't want to go alone," Amy voiced out.

"I will ask the policeman if I can enter the room with you."

We waited for Inspector Richard for several more minutes until he 'invited' us into the investigation room. I had asked him if I could enter with Amy and Insp. Richard agreed with it as long as I stand behind Amy and not make any eye contact while she was telling the story.

"Hello Amy," Insp. Richard started off, friendly, a character I have never seen him in before.

Megan's P.O.V

It was pitch black. I didn't know where I was. I could feel someone around me but I couldn't see who. I could hear people talking but I didn't get to hear exactly what this person was saying.

Suddenly there was a light shone to me and I could see shadow of a man holding a baby and a little girl. I wanted to ask them for help because I wanted to get out of this darkness.

"Hey," I called them and slowly, their faces became clear to me and I saw my husband, Niall, and Amy. They were having a little baby with them. Who was that baby?

"Amy?" I called her and she only stood there, holding Niall's hands and cried. Why didn't she come to me? Why was she crying?

"Niall?" I called for him but his reaction was just as the same as Amy's. He remained standing there and looked at me and I realized that he was crying too.

"Niall, Amy, why are the both of you crying?" I asked but they didn't answer me.

"They are very sad, Megan," I heard someone's voice but I couldn't see who. It was a woman's voice.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"Niall haven't been coming home. He didn't care whether he stinks or not, he just wanted to stay here and take care of you. He always makes sure that someone is looking after you if he's not around. Amy is also about the same. She has been asking me and Niall when you are going to wake up. We don't have the answer to her question but we don't want to make her feel sad if we said that we do not know."

I continued listening to this woman's voice as she said about Niall and Amy. Why Niall wanted to take care of me? Why Amy was so sad about me sleeping?

"You have been sleeping for too long Megan. Come on love, fight for it. Niall and Amy and your baby need you so bad," the voice said and I felt the lights that were shining over me got brighter and I had to squint my eyes to avoid the direct light.

The lighting soon got better and I took some time to adjust where I was before I heard the same woman's voice.

"Megan, you're awake darling?!"

Niall's P.O.V

I was crumpling my fist still even after Amy has finished her story. At some point of time, Amy would stop and Insp. Richard's assistant, Alice, would calm her down before letting her continue.

Amy said Jake was a nice guy and there was another woman who was the bad one. I could feel my face getting red from the moment Amy said that the woman actually stepped on Megan's belly and pulled Amy's hair. But in conclusion, this kidnapper was more to torturing Megan.

"She has big belly like Momma too. I forgot her name, her name is ugly," Amy said at the end, leaving me confused. Who was this kidnapper? Why did she want? Was Jake being kidnapped too, that was why he wanted to help Megan and Amy?

God! I didn't have any answer to any of it. I wanted the kidnapper to suffer, the way that I did and the way that Megan and Amy did. This kidnapper was an animal! How could she lay her leg on Megan's belly? This explained why Megan was in so much pain and why she was so drained out.

My baby, she wasn't confirmed healthy but I hope she didn't suffer from anything from what had happened to her before she was born.

"From Amy's story, we could get a slight picture of everything but it still wouldn't be able to help much," Alice informed me. I sighed and looked at Amy who gave me a sad look. I understood that she was feeling down for not being able to help the officers. She told me she wanted that woman to be arrested because she was feeling really sad seeing her Momma got hurt.

"Thanks Alice." I then scooped Amy off the ground and hugged her tightly.

"It's okay Amy. Don't be sad. The police will do something to arrest that woman," I consoled.

"She's a witch!" Amy remarked. "I'm scared she will hurt me and Momma again."

"She won't," I said immediately, "I won't let that happen."

There was a moment of silence before Amy voiced out again. "Thank you Poppa."

"For what darling?"

"For rescuing me and Momma."

I smiled and kissed Amy's temple. At the same time, my phone rang and I looked at the caller ID to see my mom's number.

"Hello Mom."

"Niall? Come back to the hospital now. Megan woke up!"

* * *

I slammed the car's door and locked it. I placed Amy on my hip and ran into the hospital, hoping to reach Megan's room the next second.

When my mom told me that Megan woke up, over the phone, I quickly shut off the line and ran towards my car, speeding up to the hospital. I couldn't wait to see Megan. She was out for 5 days and plus the times that she was being kidnapped, I have missed her a lot.

I reached Megan's door and was panting terribly but I quickly pushed the door open and saw my mom smiling. Megan was still on the bed and she looked like she was sleeping. She was looking weak.

"Momma!" Amy called excitedly and jumped down from my hips to run to her grandmother who then put her on the side of the bed.

"Your Momma is sleeping. She will be awake soon," Mom informed Amy. "The doctor jabbed her earlier because she was whimpering of pain. She will be awake soon and would be able to tolerate the pain from the operation, better."

I nodded at my mom and held Megan's hand. I moved her hair backwards and kissed her forehead, her eyelids, her nose and both of her cheeks. I wasn't embarrassed to kiss Megan anymore with my mom watching me. I kissed her lips.

I knew Megan would fight this through. She was a very strong woman and always had been. I was thankful that Megan still wanted to fight her pain through and woke up. I just loved her more.

"Thank you Megan."

 * * * * *

Yay so Megan woke up! Heheh. Tell me what do you think of this chapter and vote for me if you think I deserve it.

Oh and for those who suggested the baby’s name on the previous chapter’s comments, I am so sorry that I already have decided on the name since a few weeks ago. The name will be revealed in the next chapter as well as the ‘winner’ who picked up the name for me. Yay!

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