{25} - Unexpected.

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Megan's P.O.V

Maybe I shouldn't have gone into her room. All she would ever want to do would be insulting me and nothing else. But I had to clarify some things. I wanted to know how she could brainwash mom and dad to be involved in the whole kidnapping case.

Thinking back of the times when Amy and I were first being kidnapped at that boutique, I totally had forgotten that there were two guys who captured us. One of them should be Jake. I wasn't expecting the other one to be dad. My dad. I had never seen him since the time my parents chased me away from home. I wondered where he was. But now, I really wouldn't want to see him anymore, to avoid more disappointment.

I entered the ward where Amanda was and found Alice by her side, standing and talking to her walkie-talkie. I gave her a small nod before going over to Amanda. She was on bed and her eyes were puffy red, like she had just cried.

"I want to talk to you in personal," Amanda said even before I took a seat. Alice took her cue and left. I took a seat on the empty chair and Amanda spoke, "You're sending me to jail."

"Yes I am," I answered through gritted teeth, "I was planning to send only you, but you're dragging mom and dad with you."

"Of course I did. They love me too much just like I love them. So there's nowhere for us to be separated," Amanda answered cynically, "Unlike their daughter whom got pregnant at 16 and went away."

"They chased me away," I said loudly.

"Hah, I know. I was the one who told them to do so. But right now, after getting the tittle of a 'mom' myself, I never want to have my son to go away from me. Did it hurt to be away from mom and dad at the time, Megan? Now do you think it hurt for me to be separated from my son?"

Did it hurt to be chased away from home? Of course it did. But I wasn't lost. I had the home that Daniel left for me. Did it hurt to be away from mom and dad? I didn't have time to feel for that as I was too busy taking care of my pregnancy, for Amy to greet the world in a perfect condition. So would it hurt for Amanda to be separated from her son?

"I don't have the answer for that," I answered truthfully, "But maybe it was karma."

As soon as I finished my words, a nurse came into the ward pushing a bassinet. She was pushing in Amanda's baby and left as soon as the bassinet was placed next to the bed.

"Yes, maybe it's karma. I've done bad things to you and now, I had to get my son involved in paying everything that I had done to you," Amanda said and this time her voice was softened and sounded like she was at the verge of crying.

We were left in silence before I decided to be mean, "Is that all you have to talk about? If that is all, I'm gonna have to leave as my husband and daughters are waiting for me outside."

"No, that is not all," she said as she took some papers from underneath her pillow and gave it to me.


Niall Horan's Blood

Amanda's Baby Blood

Result: Positive


Niall Horan's Blood

Amanda's Baby Blood

Result: Negative (Fake)

What did I just read? What was that? I re-read for the second time.

 "What the hell is this?" I asked, angrily.

"You see if you hadn't put me in jail, I'd probably still keep the result as a secret. I've realized how much you're hurting Megan and trust me, I didn't meant to hurt you further but I have to let you know the real results. The doctor who delivered the result to Niall the last time was a fake one. I made Mom paid him to lie to you guys," Amanda admitted.

I felt my eyes welling with tears. This was totally unexpected but why was I taking this news so calmly? I knew Niall wasn't at fault. It was all a trap but the baby turned out to be his. The thing that I have been so afraid of had become real. My biological sister had a baby with my husband. Oh god.

"Then what do you want me to do?" I asked, quietly.

"You see if I'm gonna rot in jail along with mom and dad, my son would have nowhere to go. He's Niall's son and so, I need your help."

Help? She was asking help from me. I probably need a laugh. "What makes you think I'm gonna help you?"

"You will. I know you. Megan your heart is pure, and even after the bad things I have done to you, I know you wouldn't drag my son into this matter. After all, he's your step-son as well."

This time, I let my tears fell. Amanda made a point. The baby was my step-son. And the thing was I couldn't live, knowing Niall had a son with my sister. "I cannot do this," I heard myself muttered.

"Listen Megan. The baby didn't mean to happen. I'm sorry I had sex with your husband. It really didn't mean to happen. Even after all these while I thought it was Jake's baby. I wasn't expecting it to be Niall's. Even if it were to be Niall's, I wouldn't let you know. I'd probably get Jake to be responsible," Amanda spoke, softly, "I so regret the day I had shot Jake dead. I didn't even think that he would die. I was meant to shoot you, Megan. Not him. You're right. Now, I have nothing. Nothing at all. I wouldn't know how long would I suffer behind bars. Maybe a few years, maybe forever. My son might not want to be with me when I'm out of prison or he might not even get the chance to know me. I have lost everything now. I lost my son, I lost Jake."

Amanda was crying by the end of her small speech. All the time when she was telling me those, she was looking at her son. I felt bad, suddenly. I wouldn't want to be separated from my children. At that short period of time when Amy decided to live with Niall, I was crushed. So right now, I definitely knew how Amanda was feeling. But I also knew I've had enough thinking about other people. It was time to think about me. But what was there to think about me when 'me' includes Niall and my family and Niall now had an extra member. Oh god.

"I'm sorry for all I had done to you Megan. I now knew what it felt like to be lonely and also, to be separated from my loved ones. I named my son, Jake. All I would want you to do is to accept Jake into your family. Think as he came from you even though I know it's hard. He has nowhere else to go Megan, if you don't take him in. It's okay if he doesn't know that I'm his mom. He deserves a better family with me not included in it."

I didn't say anything. I hid my face in my hands and cried. I didn't know what to do. I only knew I should cry and that was all. What else should I do? How should I handle all this?

"We already had gotten Mr Walker arrested at the house he was staying. And I'm afraid Mrs Horan, I'll have to end your 'conversation' and bring Amanda along with Mrs Walker to the station for further investigations on the case of Jake's death," I heard Insp. Richard said. I looked up and just gave him a curt nod before watching as Alice handcuffed Amanda and pulled her from the bed.

"Can I please kiss my son first?" Amanda asked and Alice nodded, guiding her to the bassinet. I looked away from seeing Amanda kissed her son.

Once Amanda, Alice and Insp. Richard were out of sight, I leaned my face against the pillow of the bed and cried so hard. Jake was in the room with me and I heard him started wailing, probably for his mom. I was torn whether I should take him in or not. He wouldn't have anywhere to go.

"Megan..." I heard a soft voice calling me. I looked up and saw Niall looking so concerned at me. I was still crying and I knew I couldn't stop any moment soon. "Megan, what's wrong?" Niall inquired, pulling me into his embrace, where I always had felt safe.

I didn't say anything but handed him the two piece of paper that Amanda had given me. Niall had to know the truth too. The decision would also be his.

Niall's P.O.V

I let Megan entered Amanda's ward and waited with Amy and Elly at the waiting area when the boys called, saying that they would like to come over and hang out at my place. I told them that I was at the hospital and they decided to meet me there.

Just on time when they reached, I saw Amanda being ushered out of her ward by Alice and Inspector Richard. Insp. Richard basically just told me that he will call me should he needed to. I waited for Megan to come out but she didn't. So I asked the boys to take care of Amy and Elly while I looked out for Megan.

There she was her face against the pillow and mattress of the hospital bed. I walked over to her and called her, only to see her crying with face all read and puffy eyes.

"Megan, what's wrong?" I asked as I pulled her into my embrace. She didn't say anything and pulled away slightly, handing me some papers.

I read both of them and my eyes widened slightly. No, this couldn't be happening. I read it for the second time then third time and forth time before ripping it off. "Megan, those can't be true," I said and cupped her cheeks, removing the tears that were there with my thumb.

"It is, Niall. Amanda paid the doctor to lie to us. The baby is yours. The baby is your son," she told me, pointing to the baby that was in the bassinet as tears streamed down her face even faster. I didn't realize that I was starting to tear up as well but what pained me the most was the look of disappointment that I could see right through Megan's eyes.

I had my eyes on the bassinet while my hands still holding onto Megan. When Megan made a move to leave, I got panic. I still remembered Megan's words.

If the baby is yours, then you have to let me go.

I quickly stood up with her and hugged her tightly. I wouldn't let her go whatever it is. "Megan please," I said, "You cannot leave me. Please don't leave me."

"Niall," Megan called and pulled away from me slightly. She forced a smile even though it totally didn't make it because her eyes were puffy and her face had turned red. "Let's talk about this at home okay? I want to rest first."

* * *

I sent Megan straight up to bed and let her have a rest that she wanted. We didn't say anything throughout the journey back. Megan didn't even look at Amy and Elly who were respectively in Harry and Zayn's arms. She just remained silent. I totally still couldn't believe that the baby was mine. I told the nurse that I would come back the next day to retrieve the baby but in all honesty, I had no idea if I should.

I told the boys the results and they were all surprised, just like I was. But they didn't say anything, probably trying to not stress me even deeper, which I appreciated.

I went back down and heard the sound of baby's crying. "Niall, come over quick! Elly is crying and I don't know what she wants," I heard Louis loudly called for me.

I quickly went over to him and tried to rock Elly, to quieten her but in vain. Harry and Zayn had saved themselves by following Amy into her playroom. I wondered if Megan decided to leave me, would I be having this hard time taking care of Elly or would Megan brought Elly along?

No! Pushing all the negative thoughts aside because I wouldn't let Megan leave me whatever it is, I went back to rocking Elly.

"I think she wants milk," Liam suggested.

"But Megan's sleeping," I told him.

"Don't you have formula?" Louis asked.

"I'll go check," I said and passed Elly to Louis. I went into the kitchen and opened up all the cabinets, trying to look for any boxes or tins of formula.

Five minutes later, while I was still searching for the formulas, I heard Elly stopped crying and Liam and Louis went in the kitchen, getting a glass of water each for them.

"Where's Elly?" I asked.

"Megan took her already," Louis informed. He and Liam then said that they'd like to go up to the playroom and play with Am. I let them be and walked to the couch where Megan was sitting on with Elly in her arms.

Elly was already asleep. "Did Elly wake you up?" I asked, awkwardly as I took a seat a butt away from her.

Megan didn't reply me but nodded. "I'm sorry, I went to find some formulas to give her but I couldn't find. Didn't we have any in stocks?"

"No, we don't have formulas yet but I already had some milk pumped and keep it in the fridge. Didn't you find it there?"

"Oh nope, sorry. I thought it should be in the cabinet," I said, grinning guiltily, trying to act like nothing had happened but Megan didn't mind me which made me sigh in defeat.

Slowly, I turned her body around so that she was facing me. "Please, talk to me," I said as I caressed her face.

"What is there to talk about, Niall Horan?"

"Anything Megan. Anything. I don't like this silent treatment," I told her truthfully.

"Me too. And I don't like the result too. I feel so cheated Niall. Amanda made the doctor lied," she said and her eyes were welling again.

"Megan, please forgive me," I said as I tried to pull her closer to me, only to felt Megan stiffing herself.

"What are we going to do Niall?" She asked which made me cringed because I didn't have the answer. "Do you want the baby Niall? Do you want to take him into the family? You're all he has left."

"Megan, I honestly do not know..."

"How could you not know Niall? He's your son. What does your heart say?"

"Exactly," I stated out loud, "Because he's my son, I would have to take him in whatever it is. But I do not want to lose you. I wouldn't be able to choose between you and my son."

"Alright," Megan said after a couple minutes of silence. I had told her the truth and I didn't regret but I really hoped that Megan would consider something good and good for all of us.


"We'll discuss further tomorrow alright? I really need a rest," Megan said and got up without turning back. She made it into our room and I heard the door locked.

Why when I thought the happiness was mine again, it had to be taken away?

* * * * *

Tada! Surprised? Please don’t hate me :P

 I have my prom night tomorrow and I’m so excited about it. So, next update would probably be in three days time? ;)

Vote if you think I deserve it and Comment because I love them!

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