Dividing Line

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This chapter kinda reminds me of Death Note. Hence, the picture.


I open my eyes and look around me.

"Where am I?"

I speak at a normal volume, yet my voice still echoes around me. The falling sensation hasn't left my body. Twisting my body, I position myself so that I shoot straight down like an arrow. All of a sudden I start to feel a pull. It feels like a gentle tug more than anything, and I feel myself being drawn to it. I give in, wanting to find a way out of this inky tunnel.

A loud tearing noise fills the space around me, opening a void beneath me, and I shoot through it. The tunnel spits me out in the middle of a grassy meadow. Everything seems normal at first, until I look up at the sky.

The world is divided between light and darkness. One side has raging red and black skies, devoid of any light. Shadows cling to the trees and grass, and they stain the world with their shades if gray. I find myself slowly edging towards the uninviting sea of darkness. What are you doing?! Get away! I have no idea why, but I feel drawn to the raging skies, longing for the shadows to suck me into them, to become a part of them.

The other half of the field is drenched in sunlight. Small diamond-like dew drops reflect the rays into the grass, which drink it up greedily. Everything is lush and green, whereas everything on the other side is either dead or dying. Soft humming from the wings of millions of tiny insects, mixed with the warm sweet scent of dirt and plants, creates the perfect summer's afternoon on the right side of the world. The whole thing repels me, pushes me away. One step into the light, and I know it will swallow me up.

A steady pounding starts  towards the west, growing louder by the second. It mixes with the rumbling thunder emanating from the bloody sky and creates an otherworldly beat, somehow convincing my heart to follow its lead. Voices mix in with the steady drumbeats and chant strange words that make no sense to me. Curiosity drowns out any fear I could have bean feeling.

In the east a chorus if sweet soft voices floods the meadow. They lilt and drop, forming an intricate melody. Sting gusts of wind hit me from that half, no doubt caused by the downbeats of large wings.

And I stand silently under the split in the sky, waiting for whatever is making it's way towards me.

Both armies come into view at the same time. On the left, demonic looking creatures march towards the dividing line; men with black feathered wings of a twenty-foot span and rough long horns, beasts with twelve inch fangs and claws that could shred a human with one swipe, and many other grotesque things. The humanoid figures wield strange weapons that kind-of resemble axes, but with an indescribably dark twist. This feels familiar...

On the right, white robed angels float towards the darkness, held aloft by their snowy white wings. Their golden hair streams behind them, catching the sun and glowing, looking like halos as the wind swirls it around the crowns of their heads. Majestic winged horses circle above them and flap with enough force to push the grass flat against the ground. The angels are unarmed, but a nagging voice in the back if my head insists they have something up their sleeves, something that should make me nervous. Don't you remember?! Clearly, I don't.

Sighing and rubbing my temples, I close my eyes, attempting to shut out all of the noise and chaos coming from the advancing legions. What do I need to remember? This feels familiar, but I don't--

My thoughts are interrupted by the loudest thunder crack I have ever heard. I crack open my eyes and look from the left to the right. Both armies are standing stock-still, and not even the rustling of leaves breaks the heavy quiet. Just as I am begin to feel suffocated under the thick blanket of silence, a sudden flash of light blinds me and knocks me backwards. It is so bright I can see the glow through my eyelids. Once it has dimmed I stand and open my eyes.

Two figures stand face-to-face in front of the armies, glaring at each other intensely. One of them has raven hair and three foot black horns protruding from his skull. The tips of his massive ebony wings brush the dusty ground. Ruby red eyes, flashing with both excitement and rage, study the figure across from him.

The other man has shoulder-length wavy golden hair that gleams under the sun's rays. His tight robe shows off his toned chest and shoulders, and his blue eyes stare with sorrow and hatred at the being heading the dark army. He fits every description of a god I've ever heard. Pearly wings gleaming, he spreads them out to their full width, showing off his impressive wingspan. The devilish man does the same.

As they stand there, silently challenging each other, it hits me.

I remember this.

I remember everything.

And this is impossible.


I'm sorry, the ending sucks. But this was a rush job. I wrote this whole chapter out and was this close to publishing it...

...and then I accidentally deleted it all.

I had to start from scratch because I forgot to copy it down. So I'm sorry, I'll come back and edit later. For now, this is what you get.

So enjoy!

~Waiting for Armageddon

Song: this is war (Thirty Seconds to Mars)

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