Barbie Swan Lake

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"Barbie comes to life in her third animated movie, based on the beloved fairy tale and set to the brilliant music of Tchaikovsky. Barbie as Odette, the young daughter of a baker, follows a unicorn into the Enchanted Forest and is transformed into a swan by an evil wizard intent on defeating the Fairy Queen." -IMDb

Beginning 2/10:
I watch this movie when I was a kid about a million times because my mom's car had a DVD player built in and with that being said, I don't remember the beginning. I just rewatched it and I was like what the heck is this? Barbie (cause we can't have a Barbie movie without Barbie) is talking to Kelly. I had to Google Kelly's name. That's how unimportant she was to the entirety of the story. Barbie then tells Kelly the story that everybody cares about. Points just because  Odette was dancing in her Dad's bakery and honestly I dance when I'm making food to.

Plot 5/10:
To remove a curse with the power of love. That's it. It's not a bad idea but the way in way executed was just a bunch of things stuck together. There wasn't any subplots. I guess they directors was thinking "Pfft... who needs subplots when we got dancing."
It's for little girls and they probably thought the simpler the better.

World Building 3/10:
There isn't much. The story has one basic setting which is the magic forest. It's funny how the journey to get there was more interesting then the forest then the forest. If there was flowers that were created just for this move, I'd have more apperception.

Characters 5/10:
Odette- I would liked her better if they focused on her selfishness. She didn't want to help until she was cursed. That should of been addressed. The unicorn couldn't keep her mouth shut the entire movie and didn't touch this?

Prince Daniel- I wished he was fleshed out more. The talking unicorn had more screen time. I would love him interacting (dancing doesn't count) with Odette or even a scene notifying Odette's family and their reaction cause he's like well I tried. He should of tried harder.

Rothbart:-I WILL RESTORE MY HONOR.  I was trying to go through this review without an Avatar reference but here I am. Not going to lie I wanted him to win.

Odile- They squandered her potential. She could of turned on her dad and said "If your not going to give me what I want. I'll get it for myself." I would've Stand (Stanned?) her so hard. They did her dirty at the end. How can we call the heroes, heroes when they cannot respect a person allergies? That wasn't even funny.


Fairy Queen- She wasn't evil given a proper name. I find that so funny. They should of made her Odette and Maria's mom. That would of been so good. Like I know this is a kid's movie but we could of gotten a happy ending with a twist. This would explain why Odette could of remove the gem, why her mom is absent, why she can fight Rothbart, and why the Queen trust her so quickly.

Maria- NEEDED MORE SCREEN TIME. She should of pulled a Anna and teamed up with Daniel and saved Odette. I would of loved to see Maria dressed in a full suit of armor.

Barbie and Kelly-  As unnecessary as a talking unicorn

The Troll Guy- Good Bookworm. He was unnecessary but I like him so he stays.

Elves- Meh....  I'm kind of neutral on them. They don't need to be in the story but, it's a children movie so comic relief is necessary.

Character Design 4/10:
Odette- She is a gorgeous. I think she has the best dresses. Well, she's the only one that changes clothes.  I wished she wasn't a copy of Barbie thought. Like I realize it's a Barbie movie but the movie established that Barbie was an entirely different character. If she looked like Kelly that would of been kind of like Kelly imagine herself as Odette but it will make my others opinions a little awkward.

Daniel- A week goes by and he's still wearing the same clothes. He also looks like Julian from Princess and the Pauper.

Maria and Odile- Had more potential. They are my favorites.

Lila- Should of been an adult non talking unicorn that fell in love with Maria's horse. That's a subplot. There's a character in Miraculous with the same name and she's also annoying.

Fairy Queen- Don't like her design. She's basically the Party City version of Glinda the good witch.

Rothbart and Troll Guy- That's how you do character design.


Relationships 0/10:
Give me drama or give me death.  We could of had Maria and Daniel teaming up and trying  defeat Rothbart. Maria falls for Daniel during their journey to the forest. Daniel asks about Odette's childhood and hobbies falling for her more and more. Rothbart gets defeated and then Odile turns on her father. Odile kidnaps Odette and then tells Odette that she's no better and addresses the fact that they're both selfish.
Rothbart revels that he just wants Odile to be happy because her mom died and the Queen points out that him ruling the forest won't bring his wife back. Then the Queen tells Rothbart that she had two daughters herself and that she left them in the human world. The Rothbart is like "How did I not see it before. She can use the gem because she's your daughter." The Queen is thinking that's possible.
The talking unicorn was 50% of the movie when we could of had a message of Parents will sacrifice anything to protect they're children.

Casting 10/10:
I love all the voice actors including Odile's. That's all I got to say. I don't care if Odette and Barbie has the same voice actress it works. If I had to improve it, let's not have a talking unicorn, okay. Okay.

Dialogue 4/10:
It doesn't follow right. Rothbart is the only one who responds correctly everybody else sounds like their lines were put in Google translate. It probably was.

Animation 5/10:
There's some parts where the animation is at a peak like when the troll is walking down the stairs. But the dancing is bad. It feels like frames of animation are missing.

Ending 2/10:
I didn't get a kiss so I'm salty.

Overall 37/100:
I remember loving this movie when I was a kid and now that I'm an adult it's like meh. I am going to make Odette's Swan Princess dress because it's pretty and I got 3 yardish of lamé. That has nothing to do with my thoughts on the movie, I just want to cosplay her cause she's skinny and I'm thick and for the nostalgic. I know a lot of my ideas go off from the original source material but it's not like the movie stuck to the ballet at all.

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