It's my fault (Hiccup and Astrid's POV)

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Astrid and I flew back to the edge. I turned to.Say something but she had her eyes closed and her head rested on my back, smiling. I smiled and kissed her forehead. We landed on the edge right when she opened her eyes. I helped her off of Toothless. We walked into the clubhouse​. 

"Well, seeing your not dead, I take it that your all good now?" Heather asked.

"Yep." We said 

Everyone smiled. 

"Ok, so here are a few ideas on how to get Zoè back I-" Snoutlout started.

"First, I just want to stay I'm sorry guys.... It's my fault Zoè is gone. If I hadn't stayed in my hut, she'd be here right now..." I said 

Astird kissed my cheek and smiled softly. I wrapped my arm around her waist, she put her head ony shoulder and I put my head in hers. 

"Ok... So, I vote agianst going in dragons blazing." Snoutlout said with Tuffnut.

Astrid's and I blinked in surprise. 

"We think that if we do that, we could get Zoè killed." Ruff said sadly.

We nodded. 

After hours of planning, Astird finally came up with one.

"Here's my idea. Tuff and Ruff will fly in first, low so the hunters don't see them. As they fly, they spread Zippleback gas around all they ships and light em up. We'll have the A team from Berk , Stoick and Gobber, right after the twins do that, everyone else will fly in. If you get knocked out of the air, fight all the hunters on that ship, take em out, get your dragon and the other ones, sink the ship. If possible, a rider hose into help. Hiccup, Heather and I will drop onto all the ships and try to find Zoè. When we do, we get her out of there on Scarlett, take down the ships, and Capture all the remaining hunters, Viggo, and Ryker." She finished.


"I love it!"

"She's letting us blow stuff up!"

"I know right! This is awesome!"

"Nice one!" 

"That's a great plan m'lady." I siad.

She smiled. We had dinner and joked around that night. After awhile, everyone fell asleep next to their dragons. 

Astrid and I slept with each other and our dragons. I fell asleep, content and happy with Astird with me.

(Astrid's POV)

I woke up to the sound of Stormfly squking. I opened my eyes and saw her run out the clubhouse at midnight. 

"Stormfly!" I called quietly.

She didn't come.

"Stormfly?!?" I asked sitting up. 

She didn't come. I rolled my eyes and tried to get up. Something wrapped around my waist. I looked down and smiled. It was Hiccup. I gently removed his arms and kissed his forehead.

I made my way outside. I didn't see Stormfly and it was really dark. 

"Stormfly!" I called. 

No response.

"This isn't funny gi-" 

Suddenly huge hands covered my mouth and pinned my arms behind my back. I started to struggle. He let go of my mouth. I was about to start screaming but he put a cloth over my mouth. 

Then, I passed out.

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