The deal (Astrid's​ POV)

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Ryker shoved me into a office below deck and sat me down in a chair roughly. 

"Aye, so how long have you and that one legged Viking been together?" He asked.

"Hiccup? We are not together." I spat.

"Do you think I'm Stupid?!? I saw you kiss his cheek when he saved you after you took me down, I saw that little brunet call you her mother and the boy her father. So don't lie to me!" He said.slamming his fist on the table. I didn't say anything.

"If you don't say anything, I swear I'll have Viggo kill the boy now!" He siad.

"No!" I spoke suddenly.

"Now, awnser the question! Are you to a couple or not?!?" He asked.

"Fine! We are!" I said.

"I knew it. And the girl Zoè?" He asked.

"Adopted." I siad through my teeth.

"Ah, dose she know?" 

"Of course not! She's to young!" 

"Good. A dark truth like that could destroy her. Like it did to Viggo and me." He said.


" It's none of your concern! It's in the past now! We've chosen who we are. Now, I have a deal for you. It's o e that you​ probably won't be able to turn down ." He said slowly running his hand along the flat of his sword.

"Try me you ugly scum!" I said struggling agianst my ropes.

He laughed.

"You should have looked at Dagger more closely before we blew him out of the sky!" He said.

I blinked.

Dagger... I felt like I was going to cry. We all know he's gone. But it still hurt.

"Anyway, Viggo and I are willing to let everyone dragon on our ships free, along with your fellow riders and their dragons, even yours if..."

"If​? If what?" I asked.

I would do anything to get them out of here.

"You give me your life." He said.

I blinked.

"Y-you mean..."

"Yes, I get to kill you. Either that, or Hiccup dies. Right now." 

"You can break my soul, take my life away, hurt me, kill me, but for the love of the gods, don't touch him." I siad.

Ryker smirked​ and held out his hand. 

"Deal." He said.

I didn't hesitate. I shook it.

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