Vacation Part 2

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After that little scare, everything else was fine. Until Snoutlout came up with the diving competition.

"Um... Snoutlout? What is this diving competition of your​s?" Fishlegs asked nervously​.

"Ha! Fishface, it's kinda obvious. It's a diving competition." He said smugly.

Zoè walked up to him and kicked his shin, causing him to whimper. We laughed.

"He means, how to play!" She said.

"Astrid... She's scaring me." He groaned quietly.

"Good.  Now when I'm gone, she can help Heather and Hiccup keep you in check." She said picking up Zoè who laughed.

"What?!? She doesn't get in trouble?!?" He exclaimed.

I sighed.

"He's right Ash..." I said.

"Hiccup! You can't be serious!" She said in disbelief.

I held out my arms. She groaned and handed Zoè to me.

"Zoè, what did we talk about before we left for Berk?" I asked.

"No hitting people." She said sadly.


"Unless they hit you first...Or it's Snoutlout." She said smiling.

"That's right." I said kissing her head.

"See Astrid? Hiccup kn- wait WHAT?" Snoutlout yelled.

We laughed.

"So, Snoutlout. Before we have Zoè kick your where with really hurts... For fun.... How did you play this diving competition?" Astrid asked as she came over to me.

"Well, we start off easy. First you have to dive into the deep end. Someone will be out. The first to surface. Second, we dive from the second lair of rocks, same outcome, then we dive from the eighth lair. Two will be out. Then we dive form the top of the waterfall. If you call your dragon, your out. If you surface first, your out. Then the final two have to dive from the backs of their dragons into the deepest end, whoever surfaces first loses." He said.

We all slowly looked up to the top of the water fall, twenty feet on the air.

"Well... Im in!" Astrid said.

"This is going to be awesome!" Ruff laughed.

"Yeah! I hope I break a bone!" Tuff siad.

"I'll do it." Heather said.

"Seeing Heaters doing it... Fine." Fishlegs said.

Everyone looked at me. I looked at Zoè who was tapping my shoulder.

"Daddy? I don't want to play... I'm scared." She said lowly.

"How about you judge?" I asked.

Her face lit up.

"Yeah! I'll judge!" She said jumping down running over to Toothless who grinned when he saw her and rolled onto his stomach so she could scratch it.

"Looks like I'm in!" I said.

Everyone​ cheered.

First round, Fishlegs got out. Second round was the twins. Third round, well see for yourself.

Free falling. 

"AH! HOOKFANG! HOOKFANG!" Snotlout screamed. 

Hookfang flew up to him and caught him but dunked him in the water.

"AGH! Hookfang." 

Heather surfaced first. Then off the back of our dragons into the deepest end of the lake, from seventy feet in the air, way above the clouds, was me and Astrid. 

I set Toothless's ​tail to where he could fly down by himself. We stood up.

"Are you ready?" Astrid asked excitedly.

"You bet."

"Ready? One."


"THREE!" We said together jumping.

"WOOOHOOO!!!!" Astrid laughed.

"YEAH BABY!" I screamed.

Everyone gasped and Zoè covered her eyes. We dive under the water. I surfaced with out Astrid. After a while, we started​ to worry.

Suddenly she surfaced. Sputtering and coughing. I swam up to her and held her close.

"Huge... C-cave... Hide out... S-sorry deep... D-dragon... Hurt." She breathed.

We gasped. I gently picked her up and set her gently in a sitting position agianst a rock.

"Heather, can y-" I started.

She nodded and made her way over to Astrid.

"Don't come after me. No matter what." I said.

Everyone nodded reluctantly. I mounted Toothless and we dove under water.

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