Chapter Five

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"Kawākari, are you feeling okay?" Yato said in a concerning manner.

"I should be fine. I just need to drink water and relax for a bit." My stomach is suffering from severe aches since I ran away from the guys and I didn't allow the food to settle in.

"Here."  Midori handed me a bottle of water from the vending machine.

"Thanks." I open the bottle and took a swig from the holy gift from the heavens. I close it and set the bottle on forehead in an attempt to soothe my stomach problems.

* Knock* *Knock*

Someone was knocking on our dressing room door. Peering into the room, our director was letting us know how much time we have left.

"10 more minutes guys before the big show! Don't worry Kawākari, we will reveal you later so take the time to relax and settle yourself.

I just gave her a thumbs up as my response.

"Aoiki, Midori, Yato! We're going to start off the show with you three since you guys are the most experienced. You guys will first introduce yourselves and will give some facts about the game. After that will be a small interview and they will ask you simple questions about yourselves. After all that, that's when we will reveal Kawākari to the crowd. From there, he will go through the same process and we will spend the remaining time to answer questions from the fans. Did you all get that?"

"Yes Director!"

"Alright, show time in 5."

The director leaves and everyone looks at each other.

"All right. This is it everyone!" Aoiki says in enthusiastically.

"No mishaps now. We got this far so let's see it to the end." Midori added in.

"Yeah! Let's rock! Don't worry Kawākari! We got your back so lean on us if you need to."

I remove my arm from my forehead and look at my fellow otome brothers.

"You got it. And everyone, thanks for a great experience. I had tons of fun working with you guys and made tons of great memories together. So let's enjoy ourselves out there."

The three nod their heads together and went ahead to the stage. I wave them off and sulk in my nervousness.

God, I'm shaking... I don't know if I can do this...

I was beginning to think about bailing, but then I remembered everyone's faces and their excitement for this event. I make a fist and said to myself.

I can't back down now. It's for Aoiki, Midori, and Yato. I have to do this for them. Not only that but for my fans also for... Airis...

I take out my phone and sent her a quick text.

Oh my god! It's almost time for the broadcast! I can't stand it!

*Ding!* *Ding!*


(Hey... I'm just texting you because I'm just a bit nervous because of something. Also I won't be able to keep in touch with you for about two hours or so...)
(And I don't know how to consider this... But I guess you can consider this another Christmas gift for you. Merry Christmas Airis!)

Another gift? But you already got me the best gift possible. What can it be now?

(I see. And if your deal is making you nervous, then just calm down.)
(You worked hard for it so don't back away.)
(Whatever you did, just know that I'm proud of you for doing something you've enjoyed doing c: )
(Okay... Well, then I will wait for you to return.)
(Whatever that's making you nervous, I hope you can get over it.)

(Thanks, that makes me feel a little bit better.)
(Thanks Airis! I will see you in a couple of hours or so!)

(Good luck!)

I'm proud of Kawākari. Whatever that deal was that he accepted, he should be happy about himself. It's a bit disappointing that I don't know what he's doing and all I can do is support and congratulate him for his efforts.

After being a bit concerned for his choices in life, the live broadcast started.

Oh my god it started!!! Hurry up and show me his face already!!

I was in my living room watching the broadcast of the game's special event. During the opening, I was shock to see only three of the voice actors.

Huh!? Where's my boo at!? Where's his face? I want to know how he looks like!!

To stay on track, I had my laptop with me to follow along with the chat during the event. My mother was watching with me and she seemed kinda curious as well about the unknown voice actor of the game since I talked about him ever so often.

"Welcome to the special live broadcast of a very certain otome game that took this nation by storm! Not just because of the colorful cast we all went through, but due to a very mysterious voice actor who wouldn't give out his name.

Whoever this person is... They surely kept their identity under wraps. We also have received word that the mysterious voice actor is a bit ill and will be appearing on the show at a later time."


"But it's safe to say that the person will be appearing after the interview of the last character. And with that! Let's straight into things with these special people one set!"

So the last one will appear after these three? I hope it doesn't take long. I spent a couple of good months playing this game! I demand satisfaction!!

For the past 20 minutes, I sat through an interview of the three characters.

Aoiki Kasabe... A 25 year old with red eyes and hair. He works as a host in Tokyo.

Midori Yuudachi... A 26 year old with dark green hair and light green hair. He works as a doctor at the nearby hospital where Kawākari and I live.

Yato Sasabe... A 24 year old with blond hair and blue eyes. He works as a pastry chef at a local bakery where Kawākari and I live.

So two of them work near us, but for some reason, I can't shake this feeling that I've seen two of them before, but where?

Midori stood up and made an announcement.

"Now that we have concluded our interviews, I think we should finally reveal to the world our fourth companion."

The entire chat and live audience went on a frenzy over the announcement. Everyone begins to encourage the person to come out.

Including me, but I think my mom was just looking at me in a weird way.

"We just want you to know that this is his first time on live television so he may be a bit timid." Yato stood up and joins in.

First time on television? So that's why no one can figure out who he is.

Aoiki went backstage to go find the last missing piece of the puzzle.

Yato and Midori stood by the stage where Aoiki left. Yato then continues on, "He may not look what you guys might imagined him to be, but he's our greatest partner and our junior in this project."

Junior? So he's younger than the rest? But... Ah screw it! I don't care anymore! SHOW ME HIS FACE!!

"And with that!—"

Yato and Midori looks towards Aoiki's voice, smiles and motions them to come over.

And in unison, the three introduced the owner of the beautiful voice I was deeply infatuated with.

" " "Please welcome Kawākari Estheim!!!!" " "

What? Did they say... Kawākari Estheim???

I felt like I was on the top of the world, but when they said his name, it felt like I was pushed back down to the ground.

The three of them grabbed and held a familiar friend of mine with purple hair and eyes in their arms. He looks at the crowd with a very concerned expression.

The entire crowd and internet went dead silent after the reveal of the last voice actor of the game.

N—no way... Kawākari is... The mysterious voice that I love...

"Ara♪ Well look at that! Kawākari's famous. Isn't that great? You're friends with a very famous person." My mom chimes in with a joyous voice.

No way... I can't believe it... Kawākari... I'm in love... with your voice? My closest and best friend... After all this time... I was with my beloved voice actor the entire time... I couldn't believe it...

Tears were rolling down my cheek after the great reveal that my mysterious and beloved voice actor was actually my best friend.

The emotional turmoil I was going through was so heavy that I decided to take my laptop and continue to watch the broadcast in the comfort of my room.

I get into bed and set the laptop in front of me. I curl up in my blanket and stare at the screen with blank eyes as if I was staring into a pond.

So you were there beside me the entire time... No wonder why I'm strangely attached to you...

"Kawākari? Kawākari!"

"Ah! Yes!!?"

"Whoa, what happened? You kinda blanked out dude!" Yato said.

"Uh! Yeah... I was just completely overwhelmed by this. I—I should be fine now..."

"You sure? Because... you're crying right now."


I touch my cheek and I felt something wet. Then streams of tears begin to fall without resistance. I frantically begin to wipe the unrelenting torrent of tears.


I looked longingly at my phone and thought to myself.

He needs help...


Why... Out of all times, you had to text me?

While trying to fight back the tears, Midori goes through my pockets and grabs my phone.

"Wait! Midori—"

"Hmph♪ It's better if you take a look at this."

He hands me back my phone and I take a look at the text.

After reading the text, I smile and wipe away my tears.

"Hehe... I'm sorry for crying in front of everyone. I'm just been so overwhelmed by this and just as the others said, this is my first time to be on television. Allow me to introduce myself to all our fans.

I'm Kawākari Estheim, the mysterious voice actor of the game. It's nice to meet everyone! I just want to thank everyone who played my route and has supported me throughout the game. To be honest, I don't know if I might have any fans after this reveal since I don't live up to their image hehe..."

After announcing this, the forum's chat went active and the fans were telling him that they still love him.

Don't worry Kawākari. You still have fans and they still love you.

He joins the rest of the cast on the couch and the hosts were beginning to take a massive interest in him.

"So you're the mystery voice actor of the game. I wasn't expecting a very young man to appear on this broadcast. With that said, let's have a small interview so your fans can know a little more about you."

"Then let's get this interview started!"

"Wow! Isn't being youthful great? Let's see... I'm pretty sure everyone is dying to know this, but how old are you?"

"I am 16 years old!"

When he announces this, the chat blew up with comments like, I'm the same age as him! Or, He's within the age limit! Or Wow! He's so young!

"Really!! You're only 16 years old!? And you're voice acting with these professionals?"

"Yes. Fortunately, I'm glad it's with these guys. It's been such a great experience working with them."

" " "That's right! So if any of you girls want him. — You have to go through us!" " "

Huh!?! Wait... So by weird relationship with them? *Gasp* Kawākari!! You are gay!

I see him struggling to get away from them.

On the chat, everyone was like, BL? A boy love romance? I find it kinda sexy! I know right!! I want a BL game of all of them in it!

I would approve of this as well. I've fantasied about him being whipped by his friends before he left. To say the least, if that side submissive side of him is true... ...... Wait! Didn't I say I love him as a friend? But with this new found knowledge... how am I suppose to view him now?

It's like, we were on the same level all this time, but now the gap between us is so vast like the sky. Am I even a friend worthy of his presence?

I continue to watch the broadcast and it seems like Kawākari was able to let things cool down.

"What a colorful bunch you guys are... ehehehe..."

"That's not me! It's always been them! Playing such mean tricks and games with me, like sleeping in the same bed, pushing me up against the wall and forcing themselves upon me... I don't like it! I'm 16 and they're in their mid 20s!! Isn't weird! It's weird right?! Right!?!?"

"You're not wrong... Alright, next question. What do you do for a living?"

"What I do for a living? Hm... Does being a 2nd year high school student count as one besides being a VA?"

"A high school student... I guess that counts... But I think thats great news for our younger fans out there, am I right?"

The fans go crazy over this information.

"See?♪ Okay next question... What's your favorite food?"

"My favorite food? Anything sweet really. But... If any of my fans are sweeter than I wouldn't mind eating them."

My heart skipped a beat when he looked at the camera in seductive manner and licked his thumb.

Damn it Kawākari...

"Just kidding of course!"

"Aww, I wouldn't have mind it..."

"Did you say something?"

"Ah! No I didn't say anything. Next question!!"

"No, I definitely heard you say—"

"Next question!! Favorite hobby?"

"Hmm... That's kind of hard to be honest... Most of the time, I'm always with my best friend so I don't know, but if anything... I guess stargazing and maybe some other things."

Other things? What other hobbies do you have?

"What do you mean by other things?"

Kawākari stood up and walked over to the hostess asking the questions. He casually grabs her chin and leans in.


"Why don't I show you then?"

"N—no... we can't do something like this on live—"

"Shut up and become mine."

"No, not here..."

Stop it Kawākari!! Stop it!! She doesn't deserve your kiss!!!

I guess this is enough teasing for now.

I pull back away from the hostess and say to the camera, "Nevertheless, this was merely a joke."

Everyone seemed to forget to breathe because everyone was still. Moments later, everyone was back to normal.

"Eh!? No wa—! I mean!! That's a very mean joke. To play with a maiden's heart like this!"

The hostess puffs out her cheeks and glowers.

I chuckle lightly and apologize back to her.

"Anyways, it looks like that's all the questions, but I'm sure your fans have questions for the casts of the game. So let's go pick some questions up from the forums chat and for those who are watching at home, you can call the number on the screen and ask your questions as well."

I sat back down with the others on the couch and heave a sigh of relief. "Good job Kawākari!" Midori congratulates me.


"For your first live interview you did pretty well, I especially liked it when you decided to seduce the hostess there. You have good eyes Kawākari." Aoiki says in a normal manner.

I chuckle and thanked him as well.

"Um... Mr. Kawākari?"

"Uh???" I look over and there was girl holding a microphone.

I picked up the microphone on the table in front of us and stood up.

"Kawākari's fine. If anyone wants to ask me a question, please refer me to my name since I'm more comfortable that way. So what's your question?"

"As a high school student, how did you balance the work between the game and school?"

"I always try my best to study ahead from my classmates so I can then focus on the game later on. I plan things ahead in advance and I only spend time with my best friend, rather than being in a group. Is that all?"

"Yes that's all."

For the remainder time we have left, it was all about fans asking us various questions.

Everyone got to answer a good amount of questions and elaborate on their answers. I was kind surprise to since no body bothered asking if any of us were interested in a relationship or if we were in love with someone.

I was getting tired as the cast answered fan related questions. For some reason, after the fact that Kawākari was the voice actor I love, I felt more drained than ever and disheartened.

I want to sleep... I should let him know at the very least.


(I'm just letting you know that I'm getting tired and I'm going to sleep a bit early. Goodnight.)

(Okay, goodnight.)

She seemed pretty normal even knowing the fact that I'm her beloved voice actor... I wonder if she's okay though. This must have impacted her strongly.


After the meet and greet, I was clearly exhausted and wanted to crash on the bed and sleep forever.

On the ride back to the hotel, I fell asleep.

"Hey! Hey! Kawākari fell asleep should we begin our mission." Yato said.

"Early morning before he wakes up. I'm tired too so let's call it a day." Aoiki replied back.

"Yeah, that would be for the best for all of us." Midori chimes in.



God... I'm so tired. ...Why can't I move?

I open my eyes and I couldn't believe my eyes. I was wrapped in red ribbons and was gagged.

What happened!?!?


"Hng? Hey, Aoiki!! Kawākari's awake!!" Yato calls for Aoiki.

Yato release me!!!


"Don't worry Kawākari. You're in good hands!"

Why did they tie me up? What's going on!!

"Hm? Oh, that's great to see he's awake. Okay! Let's get going!!!" Aoiki came in and was enlightened to see me like this. "Hey Midori! Let's hurry this up!" He calls for Midori.

Midori came in and assisted with the kidnapping. They carried me out of the room and into the main lobby.

Everyone was looking at us and thought what we were doing.

"Good morning everyone. I hope you got a... a good's night... sleep..."

Our director came in and saw this.



Help me!!

"...I'm just going to assume that the three of you will handle at today's meeting then."

The three agree and the director allowed them to continue on.

Where are they taking me? What's going to happen to me?

"Yato, you got his phone right?"


"Can you find his friend's address?"

"I wish I can if I can find out the name of the friend."

"It's Airis." Midori informs in.

"Thanks! ...Ah! here it is!! Let's go!!"

Wait. Why are we going to Airis's? Oh don't tell me...

After catching on to their scheme, I begin to thrash like a fish on dry land. I gave them a hard time, but in the end, I was getting too tired to fight back.

I'm screwed...


A few hours later, they finally brought me to her house.

They knocked on the door and her mother answered.

"Coming! Who is it..."

In front of her was the cast of the game her daughter plays.

"Ah, good morning Airis's mother. We are here just to deliver Airis's present for this Christmas!"

"I... can see that."

She sees me thrashing around and shake my head in retaliation.

Please help me!!!

"Um, this present is too big for the tree... Why don't we set it in her room?♪

"What a great idea!! Where's your daughter's room?"

"Upstairs and first door to the right."

"Thanks a lot."

The three of them hauled me up the stairs and stood right out her door.

"Let me check if she's awake. ......She's asleep. Hurry and put it in."

"We won't even take long." Yato assures her.

They set me down by closet and add the finishing touches.

"Alright! We're done!" Aoiki exclaims.

The three left me there and just as they left. Aoiki looks at me with a devilish smile and then — — he slams the door shut!!! Thus waking up the sleeping Airis.

"Huh!! What happened!!" She looks around and couldn't see a thing. She rubs her eyes and once things have cleared up, she was surprised to see this.


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