part 23

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Avni's room..

"He is not same neil now... He is changed a lot...He understands me..i can trust him...yeah i can trust avni u talk to him only coz of ur baby....he is juhi's husband...he has his daughter..."

Avni lies down on bed...


It's a dark night..
Avni was wondering here and there in her room as it's too late and neil isn't arrive till now...

She tries to call him but she gets no answer..

Avni- where are u many times i told u to inform me whenever u are late...but u never listen me..

On the other side..

It's some pub area where neil and juhi is sitting..
Neil is consuming alcohol continuously..

Juhi-neil u don't know her... She is cheating u... How can u believe her..

Neil-no juhi she loves me... She said this to me..

Juhi-seriously she also says that she hates you..neil u are too innocent.. u don't know how these kinds of girls traps a rich person.. she don't live u..she loves aarav...yes she loves aarav..

Flashes of avni and aarav's best bonding cames into his mind... avni can't cheat me..

Juhi-she can neil...see u understood me as ur frnd naa... I wanna give u advise she is cheating u trust me..

Neil gets up while loosing his balance..

Neil-u....s...hut...up.... My avni never do this...u... U only cheat me..

Juhi- neil u will regret afterwards... please believe me..avni only loves aarav and ur money..

Neil doesn't say anything and leaves from there...

Khanna house..

Avni is hell tensed..
Suddenly someone taps her shoulder..


She turns but it's aarav there..

Aarav-bhabhs what happen it's 2 and u are still awake..

Avni-aaravvv actually neil...he is not arrive till now.. don't know where is he..he doesn't answer my call..

Aarav-ohhoo relaxx...maybe he is stuck in some workk..wait I'll call office..

Avni- i had already he is not in office..aarav don't know where is he..

Aarav-accha relax...take water first..

Aarav takes a glass of water and helps avni to drink it..

And a sound of claps came from back..

They turns it's neil there who is not such in able to stand properly..

His red eyes red nose red cheeks clearly shows how much he drunk..

Avni-neil...u in this condition..

Neil- i....hate....u... Aarav leave...


Neil-i said leavee....

Aarav-avni i think i should leave tell me if u need any help..


Aarav lefts from room..

Neil-why u do this avni....why...

Avni-neil look at ur condition...we will talk tomorrow..better u sleep..

Neil-no i wanna talk now...why u cheated me avni..why u play with my feelings...i regret for my mistakeee naah and u forgive me then why u do this..

Avni-what are u saying neil..what i have done..

Neil- u cheated me avni...u don't love me.....(he cups her face )u know naa avni how much i love u...

Avni-neil i know...i love u too... please for my sake sleep now..

Neil-no avni...i...i want my answers now..

Avni slightly pushes him to go but he looses his balance and falls on bed above avni..

Avni-neil leave me..

He puts his finger on her cheeks..

Neil- why u are my wifey naa..

He kisses her cheek giving shivering current to avni's whole body..

He came forward and kisses her forehead..

She closes her eyes due to anticipation..

Before he move forward avni puts her hand in between..

Avni-neil u are not in ur senses please leaveee...

She tries all of her efforts to save herself but all her efforts are waste..

Whole night sound of Avni's sobbings came from the room..

Next morning..

It's totally a messy room..

Neil was sleeping there..

His eyes open coz of sunlight..

He gets up holding his head. head...

He gets up and notices the condition of the room..
Blur flashes of yesterday came into his mind reminding him what he has done in drunk condition..he see here and there in search of avni but she is not there..

He gets up and goes downstairs after freshen up...

Shweta calls him for breakfast but his eyes were searching someone..

Shweta-she is in kitchen..


Shweta- puttarji avnii.. she's in kitchen...

Neil rushes to kitchen without wasting any single second..

Shweta- iska kuch nhi hoo skta..


Avni is chopping Vegetables..neil enters there..


Avni- do u want something?

Neil- avni...i...i am sorry..

He tries to hug her but avni steps back..

Neil- avni don't know she... I mean juhi she fills rubbish in my mind and I'm not in my senses.. please forgive me...i am sorry...i am really sorry..u can punish me avni...

Avni- do one thing kill me and then say I'm sorry okay..maybe then u will got relief...

Tears drops from Neil's eyes..

Avni-just shut up neil...for God's sake stop this.. u know what's the exactly meaning of love...there is respect which acts as main element in every relationship...but no u'll not understand this all as u never love someone...neil I'm not ur playing toy whom anytime u love whom anytime u through away... I'm also human...and all just i want is that i don't want to see u please leave from here..


Avni- neil please..

He downs her head with wet and leaves from there..

Fb ends..

Precap- chooti chuhi's  bday party..

Hiiii 🙋🏻‍♀️

How are u all..

Sorry for late update 😶

How's it?

Hope u like..

Take care
Stay safe..

Loads of love..

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