Alexander Theo James Meets the Hunter

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Alexander Theo James on top in the picture.

Alexander Theo James Point of View:

"He's here."

My beta Peter Jackson said as he closed the door so that now no one can hear what was being said inside my office.

"Bring him in."

I dropped his file and waited patiently for the human hunter to come in. After a few seconds he came in and I had to admit he was good looking hot for a guy, but sadly I didn't swing that way and I hope he didn't either and tries to flirt with me because my patience will blow up if he does that's is the reason why we needed a new hunter since the last one couldn't stop ogling me and my men mind you she was a girl so it wasn't that uncomfortable just plain annoying.

"So Mr. Stones why are you interested in my pack?"

I questioned leaning back against my desk watching him intently with my brown eyes seeing if he would fidget. He just smirked at me as if he has been through this situation hundreds times and it wouldn't surprise me a hunter rarely stayed with a pack for life since they might fall in love with a werewolf and the same for the werewolf with the hunter and in comes the mate making the whole situation not a pretty one.

"I fell in love mind you with a women 10 years older and her mate found her. She was 36 and I'm 26 you can see why everyone thought he was dead. So I moved here with my godson in hopes of forgetting everything."

Okay now this was getting interesting and I leaned further towards him bring my elbows on my desk it  was very rare that a werewolf will find their mate this late in life.

"Wait godson?"

He nodded.

"Is he a hunter?"

He shook his head.

"He is the last living known descendant of the Lock family, he's name is Skyler James Matthew Lock and he is the son of my best friend James John Lock and Sarah Mary Lock. In hopes to make sure he doesn't suffer the same fate as his parents I kept him in the dark of his heritage."

I leaned back trying to stop the shiver I felt when I heard his name.

"Very well you can be the hunter of my pack, the Red Six Pack. How old is he?"

I bit back a curse when I realized I said that out loud earning a raised eye brow from Mr. Stones. 

"In case he's in high school so that I can have my pack keep an eye on him to make sure no harm comes to him." I hurriedly said and he nodded still a bit skeptical.


I have no idea why but when I heard his age I felt my stomach drop. Why, I have no idea why and just nodded looking back down at my papers to give him his schedule. After that he said goodbye and left. As soon as he was out of the door I put my head back of my chair and let out a tired sigh. Rubbing my temples I opened my eyes and yelled a come in and the door opened to reveal Camellia. Her black raven hair reached the small of her back and her sharp grey eyes looked at me calculating.

"You seem stressed. Do you want me to make you feel better."

I was about to shoo her away but then I decided against it and instead sent a quick message through the pack link about the hunters godson and to make sure he wasn't bullied. Done with that I stared into the eyes of the power hungry beast in front of me and beckoned her forward. She gave me a cold smile and made her way toward me till she straddled me. With her trailing kisses down my neck and grounding on my cock I shut out the pack link and let loose.

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