The Witch in my Grandfathers House

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{Date Check}  This happened when my dad lost his job and we all had to move in with my grandpa on my mother's side.

            When my dad lost his job, we decided to move in with my grandpa so we could get money from renting and my mom working while my dad tried to find a job.  While some weird things happened, this was also another great part of my child hood, despite the shortage of money.

         Although having lots of fun and happiness in the daytime, I had a reaccuring nightmare about being chased through the old tunnel ways of my grandfathers house by a witch.  It was the same every night.

             I would be wearing an oldfashioned night gown and I'd "wake up" To look out my window to see that what was normally a hill (that was small in width but pretty tall) in my grandpa's side yard was now a small, rickety, old cottage, with a metal pipe as a chimney, that had sinister black smoke puffing out of fit.  I would continue watching as a woman as rickety as the cottage and as sinister as the smoke billowing out of it would exit the cottage, and look into my window and smile.  The chase was on.

           This is where it would start to differenciate.  I stayed at the window long enough to see the witches limbs lengthen and extend once, she looked now more animal than human.  That was the first time I had the dream.

           She'd lunge towards the garage door that had a direct pathway to the upstairs.  Where I slept.   I would flee to a room where I knew there used to be a tunnel, and there it would be, unblocked, and the perfect size for a child to run through but an adult would have to do this crouchlike shuffle.

             By the time I'd have turned the first turn, the witch would always already be in the tunnel.  She would always try to "cheat" as I saw it when I was little, doing things like trying to trick me into slowing down or going back to her, or even sometimes, using her magic to speed herself up or close off the pathways I'd have chosen.

           Eventually, I would get far enough ahead that I could exit into a room and hide, and if I hid in the same hiding spot as I did the night before, she'd find me.  When she'd find me, I would wake up, and I would feel sick, or my parents would be grumpy that day.

              Later on in my life,  I brought up the topic of my reaccurring witch dream.  To my surprise, my mom had the same dream when she was little, and my dad had the dream when he was dating her.  My brither and sister also admitted to having the dream.  The details such as where the witch would come from or what she'd look like were all different, but everyone was chased through the tunnels at my grandpa's house.

        Another detail that was rather similar was that the witch would turn into a large black cat.  One day, my cousin and I were playing in the sandbox in the same side yard that would show up in my dream.  Mysteriously, we both looked up at the same time in the same place to watch the figure of a large black cat prowl through the feild and behind the hill.


I remember that last part very distinctly.  We both snapped out of it after it dissapeared behind the hill and just looked at each other, horrified.  You'll be glad to know that I have not seen the black cat or had the dream since that last day.


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