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I took down this book a while ago but due to incidents I no longer have to keep this part of me hidden so here it goes.

Hi, I'm J. A former proxy. Yea I know that's hard to believe but it's true. I became a proxy at such a young age and I'm not ready for that line of work at all so I did the only sensible thing, I ran. I ran as far as I could. I've done my best to keep myself hidden but it's getting harder. I guess I needed an outlet and this is it.

I'm also no ordinary human. I was born... different. Eyes that change colors, pale skin, and even a minor case of Tourettes. I was born into my Pack as only a half blooded. I was a sin a werewolf should never of mated with a human but hey it happened. And as luck turned out, my dad wasn't completely human either, he had just a sliver of fallen angel in him. I'm a weird hybrid who can't even shift on command and has wings that randomly come out of my back. A growl so realistic that people are scared of it. I'm a monster.

Somehow I guess I was able to still be normal in my child hood though. Still went to school and had friends. I was bullied for my stutter and weird hand movements. But that was normal to me.

About two years ago I started running into issues. I'd have hatchets and knives fly at me while walking through the woods. Masked me would chase me. I got really sick, would often cough up blood. Life was hell. I'd wake up in the woods not remember how I got there. I woke up one time with a pretty gruesome circular gash in my hand. And then another time with a simple line in the same spot. Then I was taken. I was taken into a old cabin somewhere where he showed up and finished his god awful mark. It hurt so much too... but then everything got better. I had a place I could go to for help I had a job and made friends. After a while though I realised. I couldn't live that life so soon I wanted my freedom.

That puts us here now. In present time. I'm at a friends for the night to hopefully stay safe. I'm far to weak to go up against even Sally right now...

I'll sign off for tonight love all of you freaks out there.


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