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I was in my room after taking a beating from my "Dad" for "breaking plates".


I stayed silent, not wanting to say anything to piss him off.

Y/N: [Mentally] Why? Why do they hurt me? I'm just a kid!

I heard someone opening the door and saw my "sisters" standing there.

Y/N: What do you want?

Yang: We just came here to check on you.

Y/N: [Mentally] Bullshit. Since when they did care about me?

Ruby: What's wrong?

Y/N: [Emotionless] Leave.

Yang gets closer to me and grabs me by the throat.

Yang: That's no way to speak your sisters, rat.

Y/N: I'm a hedgehog, get it right!

Yang punches me in the stomach and lets me go while Ruby stands there.

Timeskip Midnight

I got up and started getting ready to leave this hellhole to an island I've read about called South Island. I know for a fact that these bastards won't be able to find me there. I left a note behind for my "family", I opened the window jumped out, and started running to the ocean so I could get to the island.

Y/N: [Sighs] This could go well or bad.

I got into a running stance and I blasted off running.


During Y/N's escape, Ruby woke up and went to check on Y/N, she doesn't say it out loud but she cares about him. Ruby arrived at Y/N's bedroom door and knocked on it.

Ruby: Big bro? Are you there? I just want to talk.

No response.

Ruby: I'm sorry for hurting you, I'll try to talk with Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Qrow, and Yang to stop hurting, how does that sound?

No response.

Ruby: Y/N?

Ruby opened the door and saw the window open.

Ruby: [Tears flowing] Y/N? Y/N!!

When she screamed, she accidentally woke up her entire family and they came to check on her. 

Summer: Ruby? What's wrong?

Ruby: It's Y/N, he ran away!

Yang noticed a piece of paper on Y/N's bed and went to check it out, when she read it, she was in tears.

Tai: Yang, what's wrong?

Yang didn't say anything instead, she handed the paper to her mother who read it out loud.

(If you're reading, then that means I'd run away. I hope that one day we won't ever cross paths again- Signed Y/N The Hedgehog) 

Summer noticed that the note was written in blood and she finally realized the pain she and her family did to Y/N. She hopes that one day, she can apologize to Y/N. Now back to the blue hedgehog, he was struggling to not fall into the water.

Y/N: C'mon, I need to make it!

The young boy was getting weaker by the waves caused by the storm, but he had to stay strong. Until...

Y/N: So close. [Notices something] Huh? Is that-.

Y/N's eyes widen in fear, it was a giant wave that he couldn't pass through. In fear, he tried to run back but it was too late, the wave came down knocking the poor boy unconscious.

Y/N's POV Timeskip Morning

I woke up on what seemed to be a beach. I got up and brushed myself off. I noticed some palm trees and a tiny bird.

Curious, I walked over to it and saw it was trying to get back up to its nest.

Y/N: Hey little guy, need help?

The bird nodded, so I motioned it to get on my shoulder and it did while I climbed the tree. The bird got off and was reunited with its family. Seeing this made me smile before frowning knowing that I'll never have a family like this.

Y/N: [Mentally] I know this is for the best, but I hope that one day, I'll have a family that'll love me.

I walked around the area to investigate my surroundings. It was like a paradise, there were no Grimm whatsoever, and there was only nature everywhere. I lay down on a field of grass and smiled. 

Y/N: [Picture below] This feels like home. My new home.

3RD POV Years Later

We see a blue streak zoom past the city of Station Square, this was none other than Y/N The Hedgehog. He is now a well-known hero of the city saving it after the Perfect Chaos attack, he hangs out here to relax with friends.


The blue blur ran off into the Mystic Ruins until a Biplane was heard, he looked up to see his best friend and little brother figure Miles Prower better known as Tails.

Tails: Y/N!

Y/N: Yo, Tails. Long time no see, what's up?

Tails: I have something in my Lab that I want to show you, you remember where it is, right?

Y/N: Yep, in Emerald Town, I'll be right there!

Tails flew back to his Lab while Y/N smirked.

Y/N: I wonder what Tails wants to show me? Well, I won't know unless I get there.

Y/N speeds off unaware of a bird watching him from afar.

A/N: Sorry if this is short, I ran out of ideas but I hope you'd enjoyed this.

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