Chapter 4

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Jack was bleeding. Again.

Katherine had gotten home from work ready to tell Jack about her encounter with Spencer when he hadn't been there. That was strange since he was usually home before her. It was well after dark when he finally stumbled through the door bedding like no tomorrow.

"Jack!" She cried jumping up from her spot on the couch. His lip was split and his nose looked like it was broken again.

"Hey Ace." He mumbled through the amount of liquid coming from his nose.

"What did you do?" She said rushing over to him.

"Got into some trouble." He mumbled swaying a bit. Katherine grabbed his shoulders to steady him, he looked pale. Katherine pushed him to the couch and rushed into the kitchen for a towel.

"You idiot, stop getting into trouble! I swear if the cops show up on my door step..." She left the threat hanging in the air.

"That cop ain't coming here, I bet he can't even walk home." Jack said darkly taking the towel from her and wiping his face.

"Wha-? Oh, you mean Spencer? I can't believe you got into another fight." She said not believing it. "I talked to him today." Katherine said sitting next to him in hopes to change the subject.

"Wmmmfh?" Jack asked his voice muffled from the towel.

"Yea he wanted to "go for a walk" or whatever. He told me he was the one who tipped Snyder off that got you into the Refuge." Katherine said turning to him.

"So he admits it?!" Jack asks pulling the towel from his face. "What else did he tell you?"

"Just that you didn't want me to know what happened between you to. I want to understand Jack, what happened? Do you hate him because he helped get you thrown into the Refuge?" Katherine asked.

"It's complicated Ace, you wouldn't understand." He says looking at her sideways.

"Then tell me so I can understand!" She said shooting to her feet. "I hate that you don't think I can't handle it!"

"It ain't that I don't think you can handle it, it's jus'... I'se don't wanna give ya that burden." He said looking up at her. Despite being covered in blood he was looking really good tonight, his dark hair was tucked into his hat and his blue eyes were like a swimming pool of goodness... She snapped out of it and narrowed her eyes at him.

"Your gonna tell me. Or your sleeping on the couch tonight." She said, she knew -for Jack at least- that was a serious threat.

"Awe, come on Ace-" He said reaching for her skirt. She slapped his hand away none to gently.

"I'm being serious!"

Jack frowned and sat back pressing the towel to his nose again. He regarded her for a moment contemplating what he was gonna say.

"Fine, you win. I do hate him for getting me in the Refuge. That night I'se stole some food for da boys Spencer -or Bolt is what we called him- was supposed ta give me a hand. At the last moment he chickened out an' I went in by myself, I thought he'd go back to the loggin' house but he went straight to the Refuge an' got ole' Snyder. I can still remember the look on his face when they'd hauled me into that place." Jack said bitterly.

"What was his face like?" Katherine asked sitting next to him again.

"Sickening joy, almost like he'd won the lottery." He said pulling away the blood stained towel. "I'se spent four months in that hell before I escaped, when I finally got outta there all da boys had said he'd moved outta the Loggin House an in with his ole' man." Jacks expression darkened at the last part and Katherine had a feeling there was more to do with Spencer's father. But Jack didn't say anything about it he just moved on. "Anyway, we spent the rest of the two years that he lived in Manhattan fighting with each other, so you can see why I don't like the guy."

"I do now, thank you." She said sincerely. Jack wasn't one to talk much about his past so it was always nice to learn something new, even if it might be painful. Katherine shifted in her seat, she didn't want to push her luck with Jack but she really needed to know. "There's one more question."

"Only one? Wow I'se proud Ace." Jack said smirking at her. She sighed with relief, he was teasing her and that was always a good sign.

"When I told Spencer about you calling him Bolt he got really mad. Why is that?" She asked fiddling with her fingers. Jack didn't answer at first, he set the towel down and scratched his head. His nose had stopped bleeding so hopefully it wasn't broken.

"He had dis idea he'd be the best Lock Master in the world, it was kinda his dream, like me goin' ta Santa Fe. He only ever told me about dat dream though, the rest of the boys just called him Bolt cause' that's what I called him. I promised him I wouldn't tell anybody so thats probably why he got mad." He said grabbing her hand absentmindedly.

Katherine tried to imagine the tall and muscular Ryan Spencer showing the world he could get out of anything. The thought amused her, how had he became a cop out of that dream?

"So that's why you guys got in a fight tonight? Because I couldn't keep my mouth shut?" She asked feeling a little bad.

"Nah, it ain't ya fault. Spencer's always had a chip on his shoulder, he just enjoys taking it out on me. Always has, always will." Jack said his voice filled with something she didn't recognize. Guilt? Sorrow? What was it?

They were silent for a few minutes until Jack suddenly smiled at her.

"Why do we always talk about such depressing things?" He asks cheekily. She rolled her eyes and pushed on his chest lightly.

"What do you want to talk about then?" She asks curiously. Jack twirls a finger into her hair and leans into her.

"How about we talk about what happened behind Jacobi's Deli this morning." He says suggestively.

"Making out with you does not qualify as something to talk about." She retorted.

"Ok, we don't have to talk then." He says leaning in to kiss her. A hand to his face stoops his progress.

"Easy there Cowboy, you have blood all over you and I'm not kissing you get cleaned up." She said pushing him away. He gives her a grudging look and it makes her laugh.

"Ok, fair enough. At least I don't have to sleep on the couch tonight?" He says his expression turning hopeful.

"No you don't have to sleep on the couch tonight." She repeats with a sigh.

"You just made my day."

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