Chapter 7

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So I was gonna make you all wait like four days for this one but... it's been four hours so... here you go. Don't expect updates like this all the time cuz this happens like... never. Love you all TOO!! Hahaha

Katherine woke up in a dark room, she blinked around until her eyes adjusted to the small amount of light coming from the window. By the looks of the light it was probably late in the after noon. Only then did she realize what had woken her, she was cold, small constant tremors ran through her body and she noticed her dress was still a little wet from falling in the puddle. Then her eyes widened as she remembered what had happened, Spencer... falling... coming to his apartment... kissing him... Jack. Could they really be brothers? Had Spencer been lying? She sat bolt upright on what ever she was sleeping on, a blanket falling from her shoulders as she did so. Katherine looked around her and noticed she was in a bed, it was about the same size as hers except it didn't have a chest at the foot of the bed. Her stomach suddenly got sick with unease and she found herself rubbing her shoulders nervously.

"Don't worry, I didn't touch you." A voice said from the door way almost giving her a heart attack.

"Wha- Spencer!" She gasped clutching her chest "What did you do?"

"Nothing, you fell asleep." He said putting his hands up in defense. She thought back to what had happened moments before she passed out, the memory was fuzzy but she still remembered. She threw the blankets off and stood up, she quickly regretted it when her head almost exploded with pain. In a second Spencer's arms were around her steadying her.

"What happened?" She asked feeling her head.

"Maybe you got a little more then you were supposed to, I was a little distracted when I gave it to you." Spencer said and Katherine could hear the smirk in his voice.

"You drugged me?!" Katherine asked outraged then clutched the front of his shirt when her head span in response.

"Yea, but you'll be fine. A little morphine never hurt anyone. Next time I kiss you I won't drug you." He said smirking at her.

"Why you little-"

But before she could finish she was once again scooped into his arms and being carried out of the room.

"You can't just do that! It's against the law." She said as he set her on the couch.

"Ah, but I am the law." He said and went into the kitchen.

"What? That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard! Why did you knock me out anyway?" She asked sitting up as he brought her a cup of something. His expression turned sad and a little desperate.

"Because I hate being alone." He said handing her the cup. "And your the best company I've ever had." His tone made her feel bad for asking. She took the cup and tenitivly took a sip, she hopped he wasn't trying to drug her again because she didn't think her head could take it. Luckily it was just water. "I'm sorry." He said sitting next to her.

"No it's fine, I just love being drugged and taken prisoner." She said sarcastically and tucked her legs under herself then winced when her sore knees protested.

"I'm really sorry, maybe we started out on the wrong foot." He said apologetically.

"Maybe." She agreed then stretched out her hand to him "Katherine Plumber, Reporter for the New York Sun."

He grinned at her and took her small hand in his larger one.

"Ryan Spencer, er... Officer for the Manhattan jail." He said and they shook.

"There, that's better." She said pulling her hand out of his, why did they always seem to be cold? That thought made her want to hold them and make them warm but she forced that thought out of her mind. She took a look around his dark apartment, the only light was from the kitchen and it turned everything a pale color. She spotted the picture of him and his mother next to her and she picked it up.

"Is it really true?" She asks Spencer admiring the beautiful woman and the baby. "That-that you and Jack...?" She couldn't even comprehend it.

"Brothers? Yea." He said his jaw tight "Half brothers, actually."

"But... how? Didn't you say Jack was just like his father? If that's true then didn't you mean your own father?" Katherine asked trying to wrap her mind around it.

"That man is not my father." Spencer said coldly. Katherine glanced down at the woman in the picture and she finally understood.

"Oh, so this woman... this is Jacks mother?" She asked holding up the picture so he could see.

"Our mother." He corrected. Katherine couldn't believe it, Jack had told her many times before he had no family. She couldn't believe he'd lied to her.

"I don't understand, how are you brothers? Your both the same age, and your not twins right?" She asked.

"No I'm older, nine months to be exact." Spencer said his eyes had a far away look in them.

"Oh" Katherine said looking down at the picture, at first she'd thought Spencer was about two or three but as she looked closer she could tell he wasn't more than six months. He was a big kid now, he was a big kid then. She then remembered him telling her this woman had died a few months after the picture was taken so that must mean she was pregnant with Jack in this picture. If she looked close enough you could see her pregnant belly.

"And she died...?" She could tell this was a sore subject for him but she really wanted to know.

"Giving birth to Jack." He said bitterly. Katherine could see this was one of the many reasons Spencer hated Jack. "She was only 18."

Katherine winced, that was two years younger than she was now. She couldn't imagine having two kids, one right after the other. No wonder she died, when ever Katherine's older sister got pregnant it would take her months on end to finally get back to her normal self. She wondered how this poor woman had gotten herself into that mess.

"Her name was Laura Lay Anderson." Spencer said leaning back against the couch. "She grew up on the streets and got a job in the sewing factory when she was 17, and that where she met my father... and Jacks." He said the last part stiffly. "Anyway, mine and Jacks dad worked with the trucks that hauled the clothing in and out. They were all friends at first but... I guess you can see how well that worked out."

"Yea." She said softly starring at Laura Lay Anderson, she was so beautiful it made Katherine's heart hurt. She could easily see why both men had fallen in love with her. She wanted to go home and show Jack this picture, she wanted to know why he'd lied to her. She wanted to know why he'd never bothered to tell her any of this, she though about going back to her apartment but then cringed at the idea. If she went back and demanded to know more about this then she'd have to tell him about coming to Spencer's apartment, then she might have to tell him how she got the information and that was one road she did not want to go down. What other options did she have?

"Where is your father?" She asked.

"Dead." Spencer said stiffly and Katherine wished she hadn't asked. He clearly didn't want to talk about anything else. Suddenly a thought struck her 'Jacks the best person to ask, and if he won't tell you anything then go ask his father' Spencer had suggested going to see Jacks father in jail. Maybe he would give her some answers. She set the picture down and stood up carefully trying not to make her knees hurt, thankfully the water had helped her head too.

"Where are you going?" Spencer asked looking a little panicked. She could see just how lonely he was living here by himself she remembered what Jack had said to him that night he'd been in jail. 'Just remember Bolt, who's alone? Not me. It's you. Always has been, always will be.' She could now see why Spencer had gotten so mad. Being alone isn't fun.

"To talk to Jacks dad." She said "Come with me?" She held out her hand to him.


"Because, I hate being alone." She quoted him. His face broke into a gin and he held her hand eagerly.

"You know, we don't have to go see that man. I'd be happy to tell you what everything you wanted, for a price of course." He said standing up and holing on to her hand tighter. Katherine thought of Jack and how he would react if he ever found out, the thought made her shutter. She'd be heart broken if he'd learned Jack had kissed another woman, so she wasn't about to give Spencer anything else.

"No." She said sternly.

She dragged him out the door and they headed hand-in-hand for the Manhattan prison.

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