Quitting ?

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Maya's pov :-

Waking up to an alarm clock is nothing new but something has changed and that something is my way of living .

It's been a week since Vikram brought me to his duplex house which is bigger than his apartment but smaller than his mansion in Mumbai .

It really came of as surprise to see him caring and arranging everything for me . Now I'm not homeless and jobless anymore .

Though my education doesn't match with my profession , but I'm trying hard to complete my work perfectly just like Pooja taught me .

Pooja is Vikram's secretary and since work load has increased on her they were looking for an assistant for her when I came into picture . So , technically she's my boss .

I've to do everything she asks for and I've no direct contact with Vikram except for the time I've to give him his black coffee . oKay ! Okay ! Espresso .

I don't know what he finds in that damn espresso that hE needs it once in every two hours . I would suggest black coffee rather than espresso .

It's so bitter ..... I wonder how people drink it . That's why that beast drinks it , my mind reminded me . Well , the perks of having badam in childhood .

Making the bed quickly , I go inside bathroom and take a long relaxing shower . Once I'm dressed for office , I go downstairs to prepare breakfast .

It is then my phone dings indicating a message . I open it to see it's Ajay's message . Ajay is a police officer as well as a friend of my dii . They were together in college .

I always thought they would end up together but destiny had different plans for them .

Destiny won in not only separating them but also in bringing them closer to their soulmates who are amazing .
Well , I think Ajay was only happy with di but with Pooja he is happier .

He is helping me to find my di with his police influence after I complained that di is missing . At first he seemed reluctant to help me as if he knew where di was but then he started helping me .

" I've got to go to Hyderabad , for my
Sisters wedding . Meet you after that . Take care ."

Oh god , now it's gonna be delayed again ? I miss you di , I whisper .

" What's wrong ? " I hear a masculine voice behind me .

" Nothing ," I reply and start cooking breakfast and boil milk and mix boost in it .

I can feel his intense look behind me but I refuse to acknowledge . Why will I when he left me in this house the second day of me shifting and went to some business trip according to Pooja but my brain believes otherwise ......

He came back two days later and started torturing me for my silent treatment . I don't know why but I kind of feel angry at him for leaving like that . What was I expecting ? May be him informing me ?

" Come on , Amul baby . Next time , I'll  not leave without informing ," he tells from behind me and I turn so fast that I think I hurt my neck not because he called me Amul baby but because he's apologizing not exactly but it means the same  .

Well , he is known as the ruthless businessman and no wonder he doesn't know how to apologize but the million dollar question is how does he know that I'm angry at him for leaving me ? I never subtly told him .......


Vikram's pov :-

I roll my eyes at her thinking . Of course I know that she's angry because I left unannounced that too when she was scared .

I don't know why but I've started caring for her and understanding her . She doesn't have to spell out and tell me that she's angry but I know otherwise and this is really scaring me for I never felt like this for anyone after her and I plan to keep it like that .

But this girl is climbing the walls up my heart .....

The way she makes faces at my espresso . The way she enjoys boost . The way she dances with my angels and silences my demons is a magic only she possess .

I've stopped drinking alcohol , smoking and taking drugs because I'm scared that I might hurt her .

I've not been to business trip but to Mr.Avasthi 's clinic . He's the best doctor in town who's helping me cope up with quitting smoking and drinking .

He also said I'll have cravings because I take drugs too but I need to control them . So far I've resisted the temptation but I don't know any more ......

Soon we reach office together and I explain Maya's work to her again as now she will have to handle even Pooja 's responsibilities till she returns back .

The whole day passes in meetings and presentations . As evening rolls by I'm not able to control my temptation . I'm craving for them so bad .....

I go home directly after asking my driver to pick up Maya after office hours .

I feel so nauseated and as soon as I reach home , I rush to the bathroom and empty my stomach .

My stomach is hurting . I didn't know the side effects of leaving them all to suddenly is so painful .

"  Bad habits are easy to catch and hard to leave ." I think remembering the quote said by my mom when I was a kid .

I don't know what's happening to me , I'm not even able to shout or scream for help . I rummage the whole room in my pain and still I don't find comfort ......

Soon dizziness overtakes me . Will I be able to wake up again ? Are my last thoughts ...........

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