Why Does God Send People to Hell?

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Starting off with a bang, Emmy? YES! Yes i am.

It's the huge question that gets so many people mad and creates so much confusion for all people.

Since I'm answering this question, let's go to the basis. Hell. Everyone knows what it is in some context or another. It's that place that filled with eternal fire and pain. Why did God create Hell? The answer to this question I don't know exactly but I'll put it like this.

Imagine this okay? It's not hard. People sometimes say that God is made up so just imagine this. Heaven and Hell. Good and Evil. They are polar opposite. In nowadays and in fantasies, every good place has a polar bad side. Take a penthouse. And in case you don't know what that is, here is a visual.

So in other words, it is luxury.  Amazing view, comfortable furniture, and if you have enough money, you have room service. You have close to everything when it comes to material possession.

Then you have the polar opposite of this. Let's take a village in the rain forest. Here is a visual.

All wooden structures. If you are lucky you might get straw for a bed, otherwise you have the floor. No technology, nearest hospital hundreds of miles away, and you live in a bug invested forest. Big difference yes?

So with that every good has a bad counterpart. Same thing with Feelings. Accomplishment vs. Regret. Does that make sense? It's the same with the fantasy world right? They always have that one place that no one ever wants to go. Or you go there for punishment. I know this doesn't answer the question but maybe it might peak at a little understanding and answering this other question will help too.

Why does God send people to hell?

The answer is actually fairly simple. He respects your choice as a human being in this life. You chose that you didn't want God. You didn't want Him in this life and He respected your decision and sent you to the place that is the opposite of God. If you didn't want Him in this life than why the next?

God is love. He is peace. He is a Father. He is mercy and He is grace. He is the source of all good things. And you decided that you didn't want that. You didn't want his love. You refused His Grace or didn't realize it was there. So there is hell. It is the opposite of what heaven is where God and Jesus resides. Fire, pain, eternal suffering. No mercy, no grace, no love, no peace. It sucks and God doesn't want any of this for you but He respects your decision. He wanted you to pen that door in your heart and you didn't welcome Him in.

So that's that. Does that make sense? I hope so.

I am always praying for you all! ^-^ Please ask questions or vote so other people can get this question answered.

See you next time! ~Emmy

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