A Red Rose

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I wrote this one a couple of years ago for my English Literature, and I based this of mine and my mother's relationship. Hope you enjoy it!



As I walk through the garden I see a red rose.

She stands tall and proud.

Her beauty is protected by the shaded cloud.

Her pedals never falls when the wind blows.

For many years, Her beauty still grows.

I slowly approach the flower.

As I am mesmerized by Her power.

I can see as plain as day how brightly She glows.

The sun shines so bright in the early morning.

The scene is quite adorning.

Everything seems to thrive with perfections.

It's amazing to see what nature can provide.

It makes me glad to see Her act so alive.

This is now the end of our discussion.



As always please comment, vote, and check out my other stories.


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