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A/N: Happy 2020 Everybody! Hope you have a great one!


Everywhere I go, I feel that I'm being judged.

I am judged on how I sound when I talk.

I am judged on how I look when I go for a walk.

I feel like people don't see my strengths, only my flaws.

I'm tired of being torn by a flock of judgmental vultures claws.

I'm not asking for much, just for a little acceptance.

I'd like to have it now before I run out of patience.

I know it may sound harsh to you.

But you don't know, nor do you understand, the mental pain I've been through.

When I look at myself in the mirror, I hear a small voice in my head saying, ' You're worthless.'

There are days when I feel like, if I try to think any differently, it's just pointless.

Then I start to remember that I'm not worthless, nor am I dumb and helpless.

I am intelligent, confident, and strong.

Those evil feelings that I sometimes feel are wrong.

I don't need to seek acceptance from anybody.

I need to accept me for me and be who I am meant to be.

So when I go back and see my reflection, I don't see a lost and broken girl.

I see a strong and proud woman who is worthy.

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