Love is Love

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Hey, been a while since I've done a poem. This one just popped in my head a while ago, and I figured 'hey go with it see how it goes'. Anyway I hope you enjoy it. Happy Easter!  


Ask yourself one very simple question.

What does love mean to you?

Is it about doing something a passion?

Is it about your religious believes?  

Is it about being intimate with someone?

I have a theory on what love might be.

Love is about acceptance, about caring about someone no matter what.

 Not just in a romantic way, but as a best friend or as a sibling.

Real love is shown through acts of kindness, and being there for the people who matter most.

Love is Love, it shouldn't matter what gender or what believes are.



Ok, so it's not really a poem. However, I wanted to show my support to LBGT+ community. I most likely will lose some of my followers but that's ok. I stand by my writing, and if you don't like that fine. I hope there are those who did like this and will continue to read my books.

Anyway, I will see about updating soon, and working on my other books. As always, vote, comment, and follow!


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