Seven deadly sins: Wrath

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Like a bomb waiting to blow
My rage bubbles far below
With barely a glance,
I can make you change your mood completely
Force you to think the darkest thoughts you've ever thought
Turn your friends into enemies,
quicker then an arrow
People may hate me
Or think I'm not fair
But the double-edged sword of Justice must be served
Remember the "friends" who whispered behind your back
Or that boy who looked at you funny
Perhaps a prank is in order
Even a beat up or a rumour is possible
People foolishly believe that I will just get mad at everything
and forget about it tomorrow.
Oh, how foolish they are!
I can wait for days, months, even years,
just to get my revenge and feel their fear in their eyes as I look at them from above.
The satisfaction you receive from revenge and rage
can compare to nothing else in the world.
And remember,
If you cross me
Or lay a finger on me
You shall take your final breath
Karma's a bitch
But then again
So am I

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