Happy Mother's Day

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You're the good guy

It's the truth; not a lie

You're the real hero

Your worth more than a zero

It pains me that I was against you

I wonder if you felt my pain, too

The bad guy is gone now

You're finally free now

Our family can never be like it was before

Then again, we can always start over

You're an angel from the sky above

Never telling a lie; full of life and love

Dad probably never cared

Don't worry, you are loved

You love us, don't you

And we love you too

You're the best mother ever

You'll always be like that, forever

Please don't cry

You'll make me cry

Your life is now fine

Now go out there and shine

You're a bright star in the night

That's what you are; that's right

Happy Mother's Day

'I love you, Mom!' is all I want to say

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