The pokedex

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The anime book thing is out! Just look for "Pokemon Sky and Land" on my profile.

#1 Bulbasaur

#2 Ivysaur

#3 Venusaur

#4 Chimchar

#5 Monferno

#6 Infernape

#7 Mudkip

#8 Marshtomp

#9 Swampert

#10 Weedle

#11 Kakuna

#12 Beedrill

#13 Pidgey

#14 Pidgetto

#15 Pidgeot

#16 Pichu

#17 Pikachu

#18 Raichu

#19 Buizel

#20 Floatzel

#21 Riolu

#22 Lucardio

#23 Ponyta

#24 Rapidash

#25 Elekid

#26 Electabuzz

#27 Electivire

#28 Magby

#29 Magmar

#30 Magmortar

#31 Spiritomb

#32 Feebas

#33 Milotic

#34 Magikarp

#35 Gyarados

#36 Roselia

#37 Roserade

#38 Scyther

#39 Scizor

#40 Heracross

#41 Starly

#42 Staravia

#43 Staraptor

#44 Vullaby

#45 Mandibuzz

#46 Ducklett

#47 Swanna

#48 Fletchling

#49 Fletchinder

#50 Talonflame

#51 Rufflet

#52 Braviary

#53 Eevee

#54 Flareon

#55 Vapereon

#56 Jolteon

#57 Espeon

#58 Umbreon

#59 Glaceon

#60 Leafeon

#61 Sylveon

#62 Eeeleon

#63 Litleo

#64 Pyroar

#65 Charmander

#66 Charmeleon

#67 Charizard

#68 Druggion

#69 Dratini

#70 Dragonair

#71 Dragonite

#72 Gible

#73 Gabite

#74 Garchomp

#75 Torkoal

#76 Luvdisc

#77 Fenniken

#78 Braixen

#79 Delphox

#80 Tyroge

#81 Hitmonchan

#82 Hitmonlee

#83 Hitmontop

#84 Malikahuna

#85 Hariyama

#86 Mankey

#87 Primeape

#88 Litten

#89 Torracat

#90 Incernaroar

#91 Popplio

#92 Brionne

#93 Primarina

#94 Komala

#95 Yungoose

#96 Gumshoose

#97 Mimakyu

#98 Vulpix

#99 Ninetales

#100 Mawvile

#101 Swablu

#102 Altaria

#103 Horsea

#104 Seadra

#105 Kingdra

#106 Zoura

#107 Zoroark

#108 The pre evolution of Mellmetal who's name i can't remember

#109 Mellmetal

#110 Absol

#111 Rockruff

#112 Lycanroc

#113 Houndour

#114 Houndoom

#115 Poochyena

#116 Mightyena

#117 Sandshrew

#118 Sandslash

#119 Goldeen

#120 Seaking

#121 Psyduck

#122 Golduck

#123 Meowth

#124 Persian

#125 Magnemite

#126 Magneton

#127 Magnezone

#128 Onix

#129 Steelix

#130 Clouian (Legendary pokemon of the Sky) (made by me)

#131 Quakian (Legendary pokemon of the Ground) (Made by me)

#132 Misdreavus

#134 Mismagius

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