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Missed me?'s ohk:/

Anyways here's the update which ya'll are not waiting for but still...

Pls read the previous chap for better understanding.

..."mumma" neev shouted n jumped on avni almost forgetting that his mommy is still in the hospital injured.

Neil was about to go to stop neev But karan stopped him in time "baby no, don't jump. See mommy is still injured  if you'll jump she will get hurt."

Neev nodded n went towards avni taking slow steps n sat beside her keeping his head in her lap feeling the warmth of his mother he started crying.

Avni panicked seeing her baby crying like that but she kept quite for a few mins n waited for him to let it all out. After sometime she stopped him n made him look at her while asking "what happened? Why are you crying? Look mommy is fine"

Neev shook his head n hicupped neil quickly gave him a glass of water. Neev took a sip n everyone waited for him calm down.
But he still kept crying. So avni hugged him not caring about her injury. No matter how much neil wanted to comfort both of them he still controled himself.

After neev calmed down a bit avni again asked him "baby what's wrong?"

Neev looked up at her face with fresh tears in his eyes n some how managed to say this "when you got hurt i thought you'll also leave me like he left"

Avni and karan looked at each other worried. Neil was confused about the last line neev said but ignored it as he thought that neev is not in his senses rn!. He is scared to lose his mother.

Avni quickly turned her gaze back to neev n hugged him,"shhhh! No mumma will never leave her baby alone okay, now stop crying you look ugly"

Neev shook his headand said with a pout,"mumma i look handsome".

Everyone in the room smiled listening to his talks.

"I will go n do the discharge formalities" karan said after he felt that everyone was calm now.

Neil looked at avni then back at neev. He was still lil unsure about what avni n karan were saying. So he asked karan to take neev with him so that he can talk to avni alone.
Understanding this ali also took riya n aliya with him.

Neil looked at avni with calm yet scary eyes.

"So miss ayesha, can you pls enlighten me about what is happening?"

Avni still didn't dare to speak she was so afraid that if she'll open her mouth she'll end up crying so bad.

"I asked you something AVNI!!" this time his voice was more stern.

Finally avni decide to say something.
Taking a deep sigh she said,"whatever karan said is right neev is mine n his son n i love karan. After i left you i was so heartbroken.  I had no one by my side when karan appeared n showed me that life is not a action movie where you ought to have  a villian, a hero and a heroin. No asa nhi h neil i longed my whole life to have a normal happy life or agr mujhe mere or tumhri life normal krne ke liye tumse dur jaana pada to so be it. Ab ab kuch normal h".

Neil let out a small sarcastic chuckle,"yeah sure all thanks to you i'm living a absolute normal n happy life. Thank you so much for this Miss avni ayesha or should i call you Mrs. Kapoor. Sounds so good na and if you're thinking i'll let you go this easily then you're wrong, legally you're still my wife n you marriage with karan is illegal n neev is a illegitimate child"

Neil realised what he said but the damage is already done. Avni was shocked with what neil said she couldn't believe that her neil said such a thing. He called neev illegitimate.

Avni looked at neil with hurt n anger in her eyes and shouted,"SHUT UP MR. NEIL KHANNA, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL MY SON THAT, never in my dreams i thought you'll use such a word."

Neil was guilty for what he said but his ego was bigger then his guilt he was no ready to accept the fact that avni left him for some other guy.
But still he wanted to apologize for what he said.

"i'm sorry but that doesn't mean that whatever you did is right, you cheated on me. Here i was in the guilt that i couldn't save you i failed to protect you but ukw you purposely failed me"

Avni again looked down. She wanted to run away again. Because she knew she can't do this. As for neil he kept looking at her without blinking in the hope that this all is just a joke his avni can never this to him. But he knew that he had to accept it no matter what. He wanted to ask a lot of thing but he couldn't.he looked at her for the last time n left the room closing the door with a loud thud sound.

Leaving the door he saw neev n karan laughing whole heartedly with each other.

He thought,"Why?Why did you do that to me? Why did you name him neev?"

As soon as he left the room avni brokedown. How can she hurt her neil like that. Now neil hates her. But what hurts her the most right now is that neil called his own son ILLEGITIMATE.

Her thoughts came to a hault as soon as she heard the clicking sound of door n there she saw her baby. She quickly wiped her tears n asked neev to come to her.

Neev came to her n asked her in his baby tone,"mumma where is buddy? Did he already go?why did he not tell me he was leaving?"

Avni tried to sound as calm as she could,"baby , he said he is busy"

Neev sadly nodded n looked at the door as if waiting for someone.
Avni looked at neev helplessly then she looked back at karan. Karan gave her a calm down wala look n went out to take a call.

On the other side neil went to the  place where they first met. He sat on the car's bonnet with a bottle of alcohol in his hands n thought,"avni you hated alcohol na that's why i never touched it but now i'll do everything that you hate. For you i did everything i could and what did you do cheat on me, idk why this sounds so fucking unreal. But i'll never hurt you because that is immposible for me to do".

He threw the bottle breaking it into hundreds of pieces which can never be restored like his heart. No matter how much he was trying to hate her at the end of the day it was HER only HER whom he loved the most.

He closed his eyes to forget everythingbut as soon as he closed those hazel brown eyes the first person that came in front of his eyes was HER. Somewhere he was happy because maybe karan can steal her but no one in this world could touch their memories which where like a Crystal in his mind.

After sitting there for hours he decided to go back to his house. He was still not ready to confront anyone so he went back to his apartment n aksed his secretary to clear all his appointments for the day.


uff...i never knew it will be so hard to again write the story. I'm so out of habbit of writting still i tried my best. I'll be most probably  regular  now.

Yaa pls tell me if you'll are still interested in this story or not.

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