Chapter 3

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Arjun reined over the rage building inside her.His eyes spoke for the moment.Jameela and her men had their color drained from face.Few days he believed he will be done with things.Here everything got messed up.He left the place.Glancing at Raju.

R-"How can you let her run away.Do you even know whom you are dealing with.

He will end all your business.Pray so that he gets her back soon or else."

Jameela was sitting with hands on her head.She shouted at everyone.Asked to leave her alone.One of her men pulled someone inside.Jameela's face lit up with hope of something good.

J-"You also have wings now.You must be one who encouraged her.

Do you know the result.

How dare you do planning and plotting at my place."

Shakeela used her strength.Pushed the heavy guards.With an arrogant face she answered.

Sh-"Jameela.Its good she is away from this place now. I have no fear to confess I helped her.

Better I die rather doing your slavery."

Jameela laughed like an evil.Touched Shakeela's chin.Her eyes had sarcasm.

J-"Oh My queen what do you think.If she ran away from here she can rule the world.

I dont give a damn about her.I already got paid the right amount.What say Baabu.

 Her owner is going to leave her easily?He will get her back at any cost."

Shakeela gasped in fear.She held Jameela from shoulders.

Sh-"Tell sold her off?How can you.She was part of this place."

J-"I can do anything for money Queen.and for her.I got paid what i could never imagine.

Reddy Saheb hope you get hold of that bit** soon and then.H a ha ha.

What did she think she can do her business alone.Burn my soul.

She will be caged for her whole life.Serves her right."

Shakeela was taken away by the men.Ruthless manner.She begged for Saroja.

Sh-"Saroja.May God keep you safe.My heart feels something not right. 

Why is he after you.No.I have to do something."

Saroja walked barefoot making her way and keeping a check with her eyes if she was followed.She reached her destination and wiped her face with pallu of her saree.Taking a breath of relief she sat on one of the empty benches of station.She was waiting for someone and from there she would be boarding the train soon aiming for her new destination.Enough of doing slavery to that fat cow.She will do her own thing and achieve her goals.Earning money and having her own name.Cannot be more thankful to Shakeela who helped her out the way from that place.

That night and after affect of its accord followed her for days.Jameela stopped sending her any customers and slowly she was getting it.Whoever be that unknown weird guy and why he restricted her business she did not cared.Her priority was to flee from there and start her own business and for that she has someone.

S-"Bittu told me he will come here directly and then we will leave.Where is he.Should I call Shakeela she must be worried for me."

A short and lean figure appeared panting and taking his steps.He looked in hurry with bag.

S-"Bittu you are her.I thought you will miss the train"

B-"Yeah I.Saroja you escaped I mean you managed to."

Saroja had a cunning smile on her face and flanked her pallu.

S-"What do you think I am a KG kid.Have been doing business for years and spat on that fatty's slavery.Can earn more and well enough than her.See how we start this business and.."

Bittu wiped the sweat off his face and looked scared.She went to him and nudged his shoulder.

S-"What look like a dead crow.already scared?Who did.."

Her eyes caught someone behind Bittu.A line of cars came and stood still.A man came out and had his arms crossed across his chest.He kept his hand on Bittu's shoulder and eyed few men to get hold of him.

Saroja panicked and sensed trouble.She was reaching backwards and bumped with a tall and hard figure.Her eyes did not fail to recognize and the face and structure.The eyes looked at her with same intensity.They were red with anger and ordered the other guy standing in black to do something.

S-"Leave me.Seth.I am telling you this won't be good.Where are you taking me."

Throwing her on the big king size bed, he made sure to lock the room and be a deaf ear to all her annoying rants.



A-"Make sure arrangements are done next morning itself."

R-"Yes sir everything is done.Sir

Do you think you will be able to.I mean she will agree to ."

Arjun sat on the bar counter and made a drink for himself.A smirk appeared on his lips.

A-"It will take time Raju and if she does not then.I am sure we would have ways to deal with it."

Raju acknowledged his master and asked for permission to retire for the night.It was a long night for everyone and for Arjun specially.Finally his search ended and the next step is going to be difficult further.

He opened the door and peeped inside the room.Things were thrown and once a prim and proper room looked all messed up.She got temper issues.Moving his head sideways, he picked up the frames and set them back to their place.

He sighed and looked at her face.She looked worn out.And her feet had scars must have pained her.He could bear anything in this world, yet this aloof feeling from her.He gulped the momentary pain that felt inside.Keeping his thoughts aside he covered her with the blanket and walked to the door.

S-"Such big drama for nothing?"

He turned around and faced her.She was sitting on the bed flaunting her bare legs her saree was bit up still below her knees.He would not dare to look there and she spoke with arrogance.

S-"Tell me Seth.what do you want or need?You spent so much money there and then your black suit catch me and bring me here.Purpose is same right?Lets make a deal then.What me and Bittu decided on we can do the same.50 50 deal and you get me high class customers here I will also make you happy meanwhile if you wish to DO real thing and"

She winced in pain.He caught her from hair and pulled her head up giving her a nerve wrecking pain.She moaned and struggled to get out of his hold.His other hand caught her both cheeks and she winced further.He would not let her speak a word more or less.

A-"Just shut your mouth.You better.Hear me out.If I get to hear such talks again from this same mouth of yours then fear my strength and mind you, it would not take me a second to show the monster inside me.I am pleading you."

He left her and kicked the bed in frustration.Facing the other side he subsided his anger.Saroja was busy to get in sync with the pain.She felt her body giving up with whole days running and the fresh struggling game did no good to her.But was she going to step back and accept her defeat straightly no.She was equally onto this game and seethed like a lioness.In all these years she excelled in the art of how to gulp pain and not let these small struggles overpower her inner side.

Arjun lost his balance as he felt her pull him from his collar and he was drawn towards her in a minute.She kissed him full mouth and her hands made their way to his hair arousing him.He moaned and tried to get himself out of her clutches but failed in vain.

S-"All men are after this one thing.And you think you are naive and different.Huh I know well why you got me here.Want to trade my flesh for a good sum.I flew from there to lead a free life Seth and now I would not prefer to be caged and be anyone's slave."

She pulled him further and the buttons of his shirt were hell broken in the process leaving her eyeing his bare body.She touched his body muscles and he could close his eyes not letting it have any effect on him.She bit his neck and spoke in a whisper in his ear

S-"I will give you and please you every night.Just set me free.Can never imagine my ways.See it for yourself and then judge me.Show me the man you are."

He smirked and pushed her on the bed fixing his shirt.Turning his back to her, he set his hairs and breathed finally.

A-"I will make sure I have your nights as well as your days.Get this small thing clear in your head, from now on I will be the only man in your day and night and forget any pleasures , you will not be allowed to have this life.Count these last hours, tomorrow brings your new life.And I promise you will be free from everything"

That last look he spared, made Saroja numb and she held the bed sheets in frustration.Where was she caught and how will she able to handle this matter.Bittu must have been thrashed by them and Shakeela can she  be of any help to her.

The morning rays touched her face and she yawned still dazed with sleep.As she opened her eyes, caught the glimpse of a line of girls standing with same posture and they had worn same outfits.

She looked at them and laughed.

S-"This market looks different they have school uniform"

She barely controlled her laugh and burst out in fits.

Arjun was on a phone call when Raju entered the room along with the helpers.

A-"What happened now?"

R-"Sir.what we feared.she said no.and she won't do a thing she is asked for."

The matter was getting worse and he needed to handle her in a strict way.He nodded and went to her room.She was sitting on the bed in a manner which looked uncomfortable to his eyes.He closed the door and went to her.She was munching on an apple and he stared at her with cold eyes.

S-"Mm.nice apple.Tastes like you.Maybe you taste better."

He gave a disgusted look and moved his eyes.

A-"Why are you not listening to them.I sent them for you.You must listen to my every order."

She cleared her throat and fixing her saree sat properly.

S-"Saroja has her own set of rules.Seth I cant have sex at daytime I mean daylight.You can make me do anything at night.But if you want to.."

A-"Shut up.seems like my warning did not go well with you or what.And you are not required to do here what you used to do earlier.Go and fresh up and make sure you listen to what is coming your way"

Saroja made a face and mocked at him behind his back.Stretching her arms she found the same set of helpers entering and joined her hands to them asking for a minute.

The stage was set and drama was about to unfold.Within an hour whole house was filled with chaos and Arjun frowned hard catching head he was not able to concentrate his work on his study.He skipped office and has been doing that from few days.He had different matters in hand and would like to spare some time for them while Raju was with him.

"Sorry Sir we tried our best but she is adamant.Not giving any chance and doing what we are asking to."

He looked at her blowing her nails and not giving a damn to her surroundings.She was still on that gaudy saree and he scrunched his nose.He eyed everyone to leave the room and Raju closed the door.

A-"Why cannot you simply co operate?What is your problem."

She smiled at him and getting closer to him she spoke

S-"You are a rich party Seth and everything looks high.. society like here."

A-"Lets get to the main point.I want you to"

S-"I am a prostitute and have been selling my body for nights for all these years.What do you want me to believe man over night you came one day and fell in love with me and now bought me with heavy sum.And want to change my fate?

What is with this drama.Haha.New clothes and new beahvior you want me to teach all that.For what want to marry me or want to sell me to this big party than yours.I have heard a lot about such cases Seth where rich party like yours gets one mistress like us and they can flaunt them take to parties and I believe you are single.Tch why are you wasting so much money on all this.Set me free and I promise I will give you a share from my business.This dressing and talking does not work.All that works is how you show your body.."

Next she stumbled on the chair her cheeks burnt red with one tight slap from him.She raised her head and looked at him astonishingly.He held her from shoulders leaving breath on her face and his eyes were moist.

A-"You were not born to show your character off or your body.Do you get me.You.You dont know the reality yet and dont fight with me. I will make you do every single thing that would take me to get rid of this dark image of yours.this rotten life I will get you out of it."

She gave a sarcastic life and her eyes were on verge of getting moist.

S-"I feel proud rather ashamed of this life now Seth.and what reality this is my reality those lanes and place from where you have got me and I have been this only a prostitute."

She hissed in pain feeling his fingers almost piercing her skin.She moved in his hold like a trapped bird.

S-"I am telling you Seth.leave me and stop all this drama.I am not of those types even if you want me to do business with you or whatever.You can find someone else who will be ready at your feet.I am Saroja.and Saroja bows her head to no one."

A-"You are not Saroja.Get me?You are not."

S-"Them who am I?Queen of London or India huh."

A-" are my Kavya.your reality and existence.  KAVYA.."


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Even editing takes a lot of time, so sorry for the delay and hope you are still looking up to the updates here 


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