Chapter 5

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"Leave me. I said leave me or else."

Another drama unfolds next morning.This has become a common thing since she was brought at his place.Arjun knew it will be difficult and almost a next to impossible task.The transformation from "Kavya" to "Saroja" was still unknown to her and he wants to see the process of same from "Saroja" to "Kavya" with his own eyes.

A-"Whats the matter now?Why are you shouting at top of your voice?"

Saroja pushed the helpers who had their hands on her trying to calm her down.They were trying to get her down for the task they have been ordered for the day by Arjun.It was first step with which he wants to begin.

S-"Where the hell are they taking me.Look Seth.I mean Reddy Saheb enough of this drama.If you want to keep me here locked up and please yourself having me in front of you then do so.I will be last person whom you can make do what you want.Saroja never follows any order.

Arjun stood with his arms crossed right across his chest.He was calm and maintained the same posture for few seconds.He eyed the helpers to move and stand a bit in distance and he walked to her.He held her hand and made her sit on the bed.He hated seeing her still on that gaudy and loud color sarees she got with her.

A-"Didnt I tell you last night I want to have a nice and normal discussion with you.No shouting and making noise.You have to listen to me. You have no choice."

She made a face and looked at the helpers with daggers in her eyes.Looking back at him she got her feet up on the bed and flung pallu of her saree.

S-"Why are you inviting trouble for yourself.You have a job and big business to handle.You make money dont run after me."

A-"Shut up.You are not required to stress your brain in these matters.Do what is required.Stop being a pain and do what you have been asked to.Go with them.I have called one of best stylists and designers who need your measurements for dresses.Cooperate with them."

S-"Why do I need clothes?I have many.and enough for me.I am comfortable on them."

A-"I am not."

S-"Then I can be freed from them if you want.for you."

She rolled her tongue and started with her efforts again to seduce him.He caught his head and rubbed his temples.

A-"When time comes I will let you know.When you have to do the needful.Okay?Not even a word now.Be a good girl and."

S-"Fine.I will do what you want but I have one condition."

A-"What is it?"

S-"You have to give me what I want.Only then I will agree."

She was busy shaking her legs and waiting for his reply.

A-"No unhealthy wants.Fine.go ahead."

S-"I will tell you after I am done with this.Byee."

Arjun breathed a sigh of relief.First step a slow and small one but he knew he will be able to pull it off.She was still adamant and childish.


"Eh.I feel ticklish.haha.No no.Lord.Bunch of weird people.You are making me stand like this in hundred different poses from hours now.I feel tired no more."

Saroja stomped her feet and relaxed on the big couch in big hall room.She has worked enough according to her.

She eyed one of the ladies who was a stylist busy noting down the right measurements they have taken.She has given real pain to them.

Soon enough the work was done and they left.She stretched her arms and took a yawn.Her eyes fell on the door where Raju stood talking with someone.It was past afternoon and she was hungry.But her eyes were searching for him.Where was he.

Arjun worked his fingers on top buttons of his shirt as he made way to his room.After a short break he went to office and had to work.He made sure to keep an ear on whats happening back at his place he cant take chances with her.

It was almost evening and the sun has set.He took quick shower and wore a pair of track pants with a tshirt.Folding the sleeves of his shirt he came down the stairs.He sensed silence and frowned his brows.

The door of her room was unlocked.He pushed it without making noise and found her snuggled up on the bed.She looked like an angel.A smile played on her lips.She was in a deep sleep and he didnt feel like disturbing her.

He turned around and felt a tug on his wrist.She yawned and pulled him down to her level.He has taken back his hand and faced other side.Her eyes were stuck on him.He looked so handsome with wet hair and the shirt almost clinging to his well toned body.She never felt this urge for a man in these years like she felt for him.A man who was not interested to do what others desired and had.Arjun reddy was a mystery for her.

He coughed and felt weird with the looks she was giving him.She knew he was always running away from her gestures and she loved playing with him.It was fun.

A-"Why did you skip your lunch?You are so like a child."

S-"Because you have broken this promise.So I got angry.I had an empty stomach because of you.You kept me hungry how mean."

He raised his brows at her and she got up.Her chest heaved with every breath she took making it a point she tortures his eyes.She set her saree and let her long hair settle on one side.Her hands played with them.

A-"I didnt get you."

S-"You have already forgotten what you said this morning.How are you going to fulfill those long and senseless promised you made that day.Ha ha.Reddy Saheb.There is still time let me be free."

A-"Stop making efforts in vain.Wont be of any use.Tell me what promise."

She stretched her arms and faked a pout.

S-"That you will give me what I want if I do what you want me to.And I stood like a fool for hours and have to bear those mad ladies who made me run for life and got me exhausted.I never felt this weird with other touches on my body but they were.."

She noticed the change in his facial expressions.He does that every time she mentions something about her work.

A-"I do remember that.Thank you for being sensible for a day.Tell me.what do you want.anything except same old "I WANT TO GET BACK TO MY LIFE" phrase.I am not sending you back to that hell.ever."

His hand got busy on his hair and she came a bit closer to him.His eyes well sensed that.

S-"So I can ask for anything?You wont fail to live up to your words?"

A-"arjun reddy never breaks any promise.remember that.Now tell me."

S-"I want a kiss."

He stared at her astonished and too shocked to react.She has been giving him a well ride from beginning.He needs to think of every way before having a word with her.She can trap him easily.

A-"You are mad.and impossible.Get up and have your dinner.You have to try the dresses and show me if they fit you."

S-"Hell no.I wont do anything till you give me what you promised.Fine stay back.I will sleep."

Arjun reached last pinnacle of his patience and temper with this girl.Why was she stubborn and so difficult to deal with.She got inside blanket not letting him watch her face.

A-" will get what you asked for."

Saroja came out of the folds within a second and her face lit with excitement and victory.

S-"Really?then "

A-"Wait.first go and have your dinner.And then do what I just said now."

S-"thats cheating."

A-"I have my ways."

She shrugged off the sheets and making a face left the room.


They had dinner after much persuasion from his ends.Finally he has been waiting for her for some time now.He moved impatiently in room keeping check at the time.

She must be thinking of new ways to get away from what she was asked to do.He got angry and turning around bumped into her.It took him a second to recognize the beauty clad in a magenta colored simple wear.The color matched with the glowing complexion of her skin and he could not move his eyes from her.

Saroja felt uncomfortable and itchy on the new dress.She has never worn a salwaar suit on her life and was fine with revealing stuff.She chose not to wear the stole.Her face had a cute expression.

Arjun was still hooked on to the grace and elegance her face depicted.He never expected she would look this much tempting and serene on a simple wear fully covered.He felt distaste and rage over the attire that revealed much parts of her body.He wanted her to look innocent and beautiful rather wearing something for sake of revealing flesh.

He didnt knew when his hand reached her face and caressed her cheek.Saroja raised her eyes and looked at his long fingers.He moved the small fringes of her hair out of view blocking him and had a better look at her face.Her lips looked pink natural for a change without being covered by those loud and dark colors.He traced her lips with his finger.

She smirked and caught his finger getting him back to current situation they were in.He breathed deeply and moved back.

S-"So.How do I look?"

She swayed her body both sides and showed him the new dress.

A-"Exceptionally beautiful and.just like I wanted."

S-"Thank god so I can change now?Already feel so itchy."

He stopped her and pulled her in his hold much to her wildest imagination.She frowned hard and let her be in his arms.

A-" wont change.your going to wear these from now on.No more those unworthy stuff.I hope I am making it loud and clear."

S-"Seth.I am doing what your asking me to.Please.dont snatch this right of being in my comfort from me.I cant sleep like this."

A-"things do take will get used to it.I promise Iam with you.On this."

He pronounced every word with so much love, care and warmth that left her dazed.Her eyes looked on to him with something she never experienced.Her hands made their way to his fac and cupped them.Arjun closed his eyes and let the moment sync with him.He has been yearning for her for long time.He didnt knew when his wait would end.

Saroja opened her mouth and lessened the distance between them.He let her lips touch him in a simple and light manner.That was not a kiss but a feather touch.It did felt like heaven to him.A moment he could not hold himself back and what he feared for all this while.His arms gripped her back and made her chest collide with his hard one.

He parted her lips and taking her lower lip on his mouth sucked onto it.He moved to upper one and consumed her full mouth.Soon the moment turned frenzy with heat and passion as they kissed.Her hands roamed on his hair messing them up.He got sweet taste of her lips and devoured her mouth in a way he never imagined.On the process he bit her lower lip and it was bleeding.

Arjun pulled himself back when a moan escaped from her mouth.He saw blood and sucked it.He panted and cupped her cheeks in a loving manner.

A-"You okay?I am sorry."

Saroja looked at the man.she was short of breath but her eyes shined.In her life she has not experienced what she did a moment ago.It was not intimacy she enjoyed.Something which triggered her heart and jolted her from inside.She felt insane and giving a simple nod to him she expressed she was fine.

Arjun run his hand through his messy hair and did not dare to face her.She sensed his discomfort and bit her lips.He felt like looking back at her for once before heard her voice unlike the one he has been used to hearing.


She left the room leaving him with hundreds of thoughts invading his mind for the night.His Kavya still alive and he was on right path.He believed and he would not fail.


Votes and comments appreciated 


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