Epilogue(final) - "My Possession"

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Arjun heard the magic his wife's fingers casted on the sweet tune she played on piano.A thought and he leaned his back on wall crossing his arms.

His eyes were on her as the smile embraced her face.Something she loves doing lately.Time is best healer and it healed them.The bond they shared years ago.It developed gradually and it was never forgotten.

Blissful months of marriage he spent with his Kavya.Nothing changed yet he feels a surreal change on her.She has become a devoted wife.The immature and chirpy Kavya gives him every reason to smile.She has not forgotten the dark times.He is giving her reasons every day to see the light and embrace the present.

The room soon echoed with claps from Raju and his other staff.A small get together was arranged by Kavya for his staff including Raju who knew her truth along with Arjun.The man never lessened respect and look with dignity towards her.Her husband knew how to make her dreams come true and thats what he has been doing from last months.

At night Arjun was busy reading file when heard the tinkling noise of her anklets.A smile came on his face and he moved his specs away keeping the work alongside.

He captured her by locking his arms around her.She was taking out her ear rings and necklace.His nose took in scent of flowers and her smell was far more intoxicating for him.

K-"What are you doing.Leave me.I need to take shower.Have been working since morning."

A-"How mean Mrs Kavya Arjun Reddy.Is that how you treat your poor husband whom you have been starving for long."

He gave her no chance to protest picking her up in his arms and dropped her on bed.His fingers worked on buttons of shirt and she looked at him bewildered.

K-"What are you doing?"

A-"You dont know?"

Soon he joined her on the bed.He bit her nose and cheeks and showered her with passion.After a romantic involving session he breathed deeply and fell beside her sweating out.She gasped for air and felt much drained out.Hiding herself in his arms she pulled the blanket close enough covering their bodies.

Kavya had her eyes open when she felt his lips on her head.He patted her to sleep and she never felt this soothing.Who would have thought she would ever get chance to sleep in peace.He came like a rain in her life and washed away the darkness.

She cuddled to him still not being able to be in terms what life she is leading now.The change he brought on her and his efforts on making her forget the dark past.He made sure to complete the task which she attempted to.

Arjun got Jameela and her whole gang arrested due to his contacts with high officials.He always thought he should have taken that step earlier but what stopped him was Kavya/Saroja  was unwantedly a part of them.The place was closed.Hell was burnt to ashes and that day he could see real happiness on her eyes.A sense of satisfaction.Next he freed Shakila from the clutches and made sure she gets to start a life where she could be independent and earn her living.Before doing that he expressed his inner frustration how he should have also got Shakila behind bars.It was Shakila because of whom Kavya was taken to that hell.if she was taken to somewhere else that night she would not have to face so much pain and misery.But then it was his wife's face and fact she is alive today because of whom.He spared Shakila and took promise from Kavya not to ever keep any links with people related to her past.It should be a closed chapter for them.

The sun rays entered the room blessing the much loved couple with morning.Kavya frowned in her sleep.A light moan escaped her lips she felt something wet on her neck.As she opened her eyes she could feel red at her state.The flowers were scattered on the bed along with bangles and their clothes thrown far away.He shaked her head not in annoyance but with a blush.

His body was too heavy for her to move.His head fully absorbed in her neck planting kisses.He raised head and looked at her.Kissing her head , nose and then lips he gave a sexy smile.

A-"Morning my beautiful wife."

She took a big yawn like a baby and aimed for another round of nap.

A-"Kavii.wake up.Already late."

K-"No.Want to sleep more."

He played with her soft hair and rubbed his stubble on her face trying to annoy her.She smacked him with her tiny hands.he did that for some more time and they continued fighting for a minute.Till he got her back to his arms.

K-"You are very bad.mean and naughty.See what you did.Dont let me sleep also."

She spoke like a baby complaining to him showing her the love marks she had from last night.He kissed them with delicate order and tickled her.

A-"Kavya madam stop being a lazy bone and get up.We have a flight to catch."

His nose played with her soft delicate skin and she frowned at him.

K-"Flight?I dont know?"

A-"Hmm.you have such a bad memory.Already forgot the promise?Our honeymoon is still pending.and now that I am done with all pending work and can take a leave so I thought why dont I take my wife for a long trip."

Her face lit up with excitement and his heart melted at way she hugged him instant.

K-"Your the best.Yay.Where are we going?"

A-"You say.actually guess."

Her face fell down and she failed to meet his gaze.

K-"What should I say.I have never been out of town.Dont even know names of places and."

His finger stopped her as he kissed her head.

A-"Why fear when your handsome husband is here?We get to learn from our experience Kavii.and I promise to give you best time of experience for your life."

The wink made her face red and hid herself in his arms.He was truly a savior for her.And she was his lifetime treasure.

Off to Switzerland.A dream she never weaved a thought that never crossed her mind.Kavya could only feel butterflies inside her being this much close to her reality.She felt his arms tightened around her as they boarded the plane.

She watched the clouds from window and a spark lit in her eyes.She has been awake in whole journey while he slept holding her hands.

"I just want the chance to love you like you deserve to be"

 It was the coldest months in Zurich where fountains full of vibrant blooms, frozen on the surface.What could be a more endearing match to snow than the warmth of love,passion and romance.Arjun chose to start living a part of dream trip from there.He booked a small cozy sort of Villa which was enough to bring his wife into folds of tears.

The evening marked its beginning and Kavya was almost freezing.She rubbed her palms together and sneezed.

Amidst of her excitement of how day went she would gave it away how sick she felt.Whole day they spent shopping, going for places,eating out and every second she felt her heart bursting with peak of exciting levels.What did she do to get so much love.

They were back after a tiring day.She looked too excited and happy to catch any sleep.Was going through the shopping bags when Arjun came out of washroom drying his hair.He adored innocence of his wife.

A-"You can have a look at them once we are back home.Leave them and come here."

K-"Its so cold here I .will die."

She spoke in a shivery voice.He thought for a second and then carried her in his arms.

K-"No leave me.what are you doing.Arjun I will die.are you out of your mind."

Within minutes her mouth was sealed with his.Their bodies gave each other much needed warmth and passion did the course.Jacuzzi filled with warm water and heat produced from passion did worse to the souls.Half of night spent in there she played with bubbles after feeling temperature to normal.While he got busy playing with her.

Each day marked with fun, adventures and discovering new facts.Both had best time of their life.The love and understanding developed with much ease.

A day or two left before this trip ends and they were seated for lunch.Arjun was eating with much hunger while Kavya stared at him.


She moved her head side was and continued eating.They were waiting for dessert when he checked his phone.He found a touch on his hand and it was hers.Her face looked different.

A-"What happened?you wanted to shop more?We can go no.."

K-"No.You got me half of things from shop.So embarrassing."

A-"Not more embarrassing than expecting your wife to wear something a husband gets for her first time.Meany girl."

She felt nervous and moved her hand from his remembering what he just mentioned.It was a short dress he got for her and badly wanted her to try but she felt shy for an unknown reason.

Arjun kept the napkin aside as they were done and had his arms around her wife.

A-"Its okay Kavii.I was joking.you dont have to take things so seriously in life."

She gave a nod to him still being unsure.

Days passed like a dream in flickered moments.It was last day of their stay and both wanted to make it memorable.But weather outside and already being enough tired they decided to avoid going out for the day.

He has been waiting for long now no trace of her.He knocked twice and wondered what she was doing inside changing room.

A-"This girl.Kavii.come out.are you planning to stay there for night?"

He lit the fire and rubbed his hands.It was getting too cold and he arranged the pillows and quilt near the fireplace planning a romantic night.He was done bringing two mugs of coffee and still she wasnt there.

A-"heights of insanity.Kavya where are y.."

He stopped mid way his mouth dropped at sight.Even on the chilling temperature he could feel the rising heat inside him.She peeped outside from door and slowly made an appearance out in one of his shirt.It was an over sized shirt came down till her knees.She played with ears behind her ear.

The bare legs made him almost lose out as she walked towards him with expression of innocence.She wasn't uncomfortable but a fear visible on her face.He controlled the budding feelings inside him and smiled at his wife.

Kavya bit her lips as she found him gaping at her.Her hand went to collar of shirt getting a tight hold there.Her lashes were down not meeting his gaze.He held her chin up and kissed her nose.

A-"My wife looks so..cute."

She looked at him baffled and all he could do was laugh.

A while later they were settled on the place.Wrapped in warmth of love and quilt, she held mug of coffee close to her lips.He was behind her wrapped his one arm around her and another held mug.He was quick enough to finish it while she was still lingering.

A-"whose invading your thoughts.May I know."

He whispered hoarsely this much close to her ears sending shivers down her spine.She put mug down and kept her head near his heart.He soon patted her and kissed.She looked heavenly to him on that simple state.No make up can make her look beautiful when her simple features and innocent makes him fall for her.The wedding chain was there on her neck which she fiddled with.

He felt her body stiff and sensed something wrong.From morning she has been behaving weird.

A-"Whats wrong.tell me."

He made her face him and grazed her cheeks with his long fingers.The touch made her close eyes.She savored the moment and soon came back to reality.His eyes had questions for her.

K-"I.I am.sorry."

He frowned his brows being confused with sudden apology.

A-"For what?"

K-"I.I couldnt keep your word.You wanted me to wear that.dress.and I."

He hit his head disbelieving his wife's wise act.She spoke with uncertain mind.

K-"You felt mad at me?You do so much for me and I.couldnt keep one thing which you asked for.I dont.feel like wearing such dresses.they.they remind me of times..I dont want to."

Arjun hardened his face as her words made sense to him.What a blunder he did and a big one.How can he take her back to those dreadful days.He warned her not to ever think of and here he did such big sin.

She felt choked and looked down while words pierced his heart.

K-"I.I feel weird wearing such revealing clothes.I can be in any state in front of you but.I dont know why.they affect me so badly.I.I was made to wear them forcefully and I cant get them out of mind.I."

He didnt let her speak a word more.He shushed her by letting her melt in his arms.

A-"Iam sorry.Please forgive me.I.I didnt mean to.Damn its my fault.Look at me."

He found her face covered with traces of red hue as pearls made their way down.

A-"You know your insanely beautiful for me in any state.And I wont ever fancy you in such dresses.I.I just felt like seeing you on that.It just skipped my mind and.Please.dont let yourself step back to.We worked hard on this Kavii.I cant lose you now.Iam sorry."

He showered her face with kisses.She snuggled up to him.

K-"Please dont blame yourself.Iam the one at fault then.I should never relate anything back to that life.the one you have given me.Its your wish and I cant think of comparing it with what previously..I am your desire.And I can do anything to be worth of your desires."

She touched his lips with hers and let them stay like that for a while before he came out of it.He rocked her in his arms.

A-"You are my love, faith,passion,life and every possible thing I can think of.You carry more weight than any desires in my life.mind that.My wife looks way more sexy in a saree.so I would prefer that."

She turned red and pressed her body closer to him.Wrapped inside the quilt they stayed like that for some time playing around and talking it out.Never felt this good being in each others arms.This trip made things easy for them and made them learn about what is life.

A-"I promise to never let any stupidity of mine hurt you ever.In any way."

K-"Hm.Mr Reddy your going to make promises for whole life it seems."

She laughed at him as he tightened the hold.

A-"I wouldnt mind doing that.If I have you like this.and.wait.why did you wear this?To make me happy?"

She moved her head sideways.He just moved fringes of hair that came on her forehead she played with his fingers.

A-"Dont have to do silly things to make me happy.Cant be satisfied at cost of your comfort or smile."

K-"No.I.I feel okay in this.I mean.this gives me a safe feeling."

He frowned at her further.

K-"Something the other dresses cannot.This has your smell.and I can feel you."

He kissed her hands entwining them with his.Rest of night was spent in discovering yet new feelings and terms.

After one year -

Life has its ups and downs.Every person has to go through some phase in his/her life.What matters how one overcomes her fear,darkness in life.Every single person deserves a chance.But how many get one?A chance to live and to reconsider life.

Saroja needed one.She was thrown into pitch of darkness by some people.Saved by someone who believed to give her a life back to what she had.Kavya would have never taken another birth if Arjun wasn't there.

How many Kavya/Sarojas do get that chance.get one Arjun in their lives?Answer can be thoughtful yet predictable.

Her life has been taking new turn every day like a new leaf.Season brings her joy,peace and deserved affection from relations formed in her new life.She felt the wind getting stronger and clutched shawl closer to her.

The place Arjun got designed for her specially.A beautiful view from terrace she enjoyed.Never fails to make her presence there every morning.Her face felt the gust of wind and she shivered with thought.

In her life who have wronged her and who have given reason to smile.Those who wronged her maybe God punished them long back.She got to hear from Arjun how he searched for her step mother and found out she could not survive a massive accident and died on spot.Same fate was written for that man who got her with aim to sell her off.He died a death no one would think of.

With closed eyes she let everything be out in open.Blessed she felt and warm tears embraced her eyes.A sharp pain hit her abdomen and she knew with a smile it was time she will get new reason to smile.Ready to welcome an addition of joy in her life.

Arjun Reddy was ray of hope and sole reason of her survival.Now another person added to Kavya's list.Their one month old baby Arya.Arjun and Kavya's symbol of love.They were blessed with a daughter much to excitement and overjoyed Arjun.He wished for daughter since time they got news of her pregnancy.

She held the baby close to her chest as little one got her meal.A single tear dropped from corner of her eyes.Sense of contentment.A feeling of completeness what a woman craves for in life.Arjun kissed her head and wrapped his arms around her.

She thanked her stars and her husband being one of them.She lived like one of them shining with grace and courage.Being loved and respected.Arjun kept promise he made to Kavya and list of promises were made which continued..forever.She was his possession and she loved being that.

"Be like the sun - bear with those in the dark but keep shining your light."


The end.I feel so honored and overjoyed with all the comments.The response has been on some level for this work of mine I never expected.Thank you from bottom of my heart <3 <3 <3

"MY POSSESSION" ends here and a happy ending.Well frankly speaking the end for this story which I had written earlier another version was a sad one.Kavyas who are once turned into Sarojas can never be accepted or never think enough to start their life.That was Kavya's fate where Saroja never died.But dont we have enough sadness or tragedies in reality so in fictions we can make it better.Here I chose to let Saroja die and make Arjun try every force or will to get his Kavya back.

In reality what was end of my story 

"Saroja never wanted to let herself be back to her love ( Arjun) as she was stained.Arjun spent life in darkness and agony.He never got her back and never got chance to fulfill promise.

A big thank you and gratitude for being part of my journey.So here Arjun and Saroja/Kavya gets to live a happy life.


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