Potter's Fortress

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"I believe that the only way to reform people is to kill them."- Carl Panzarm

Harry Potter's POV

Deep breath Potter.

In and out.

In and out

In and out.... I could feel my heart beating in my ears. I was starting to sweat. As the hot air balloon was mounting the ground I gripped the rope beside me.

In and out...

"Are you alright?" A voice torn me away from my breathing exercises.  After being on that damn hot air balloon for an hour, I never felt so grateful to see the concrete. I myself was full of hot air (pardon the pun), I took a few seconds to adjust my focus and looked at Ginny.  Her eyebrows were knitted together and she was staring at me waiting for an answer. She bit her lip and I knew I couldn't look anywhere else.

"Sir" one of the workers offered me a hand but I wasted no time barging past him, almost knocking the poor fella to the ground.  I kept taking deep breaths before regaining some composure.

"I'm much better now that we got off that awful thing" I pointed harshly to the balloon.  Fucking death trap! I heard Ginny chuckle and I glanced back at her. She had her hand covering her mouth and her eyes danced between me and the balloon.

"That was the shortest journey of my life, guess it FLEW by!" Ginny said with the biggest smile on her beautiful face.  She didn't just make a joke?

"You didn't just.." I started to say. I found myself trying not to laugh but god, I knew how hard she tried. I began to  laugh lightly, covering it with my hand but the sound grew as I saw Ginny's eyes shinning brightly. She looked so adorable. She fist pumped the air and I joined along. 

Shy Ginny, quickly to dorky Ginny. I like.

"Let's get some food? Would you like?" I asked pulling out my phone to check the time. We both seem to not want to discuss the hot air balloon ride. But somewhere in the back of my mind I wish we did.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" Ignoring the sting in my chest.

I didn't really even look at my phone, too busy staring at the girl in front of me. Wow.  I don't know what it was, something felt different. The orange sun disappeared below the horizon and the evening, whatever was going on with me. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Get a grip Potter!!

"I can cook" I blurted out.

Ginny's eyes widened and I could see I caught her by surprise.

"You cook?" She smiled.  "Don't you have chefs?" She teased.

"I'm the best, I don't need them" I bragged.

Ginny rolled her gorgeous brown eyes and I smirked.

"I'm better than Gordon whoever Ramsey!" I crossed my hands over my chest and flashed her a cheeky smile.

Ginny's eyes shone and I don't know. There was something in the air. It was like, since I met her. Nothing mattered. The world was still, I suddenly got shy because I thought about bringing her to my cottage. Yes. I'm a rich dude that lives in an apartment blah blah blah. But my 'man cave' was the cottage. It was well on the outskirts of the city of NYC. I never took anyone there, we'll besides Ace and you know, best friend and all.

I waited for Ginny's answer and she seemed to think about it.

I let out a fake yawn, dramatizing it by stretching out my arms and making a loud yawning sound.  Ginny rolled her eyes for what seemed like a hundredth time but smiled nevertheless.

"I accept your generous offer, but don't you think we should head back?" Ginny glanced down at her phone.

"You have a ton of things to do for work" Ginny's voice ventured off and I slowly lost myself in her. I don't really know what she was saying or cared really. I just wanted to spend some time with her.

"Harry? You there?"

I shook myself violently before coming back onto earth.

"Yeah. But it's nothing that can wait until tomorrow right?" I shoved my hands in my pockets.  "Tomorrow is a another day" I insisted.

Ginny didn't say anything and I was about to retreat my last sentence until she beat me to it.

"Okay, I look forward to seeing your culinary skills Mr Potter"

A smile ripped across my face and I nearly hugged her right there and then. But I stopped myself, forgetting completely about her boundaries and mine too. I just clapped my hands and pulled out my phone. I punched in Lennie's number and waited for him to answer.

Ginny Weasley's POV

I watched Harry tap his foot impatiently. He looked like a man that wants to get the heck out of here. One hand crossed over his chest, while the other gripped the metal object. His gaze changed from me to the horizon. I took a step back to put somewhat distance between him and me. I hadn't really notice how close we were until I could smell his cologne.  I was struggling inwardly.  He was acting so carefree? Was he always like this? I couldn't help, my heart swooned at his child-like manner. He really didn't like the flight but it was somewhat adorable at his little tantrum. The poor worker nearly got flatten like a pancake which didn't faze Harry.

He can cook? Who is this guy? He was so angry, full of hot air and so up his own—-

"Ready?" Harry's voice appeared. I snapped out of my daze and my eyes settled on him again.

I cleared my voice but didn't trust it. I just nodded and followed his lead.  Harry just nodded to all the people who worked in the hanger. A realization suddenly hit me.

"Wasn't Lennie off?" I said.

"Yes" Harry limited himself to say.  I could see he was too focused on his phone.

"How are we getting your, wait! Where are we going for food? Are we heading to the apartment?" I questioned.

Harry just looked down and then up at me. I waited for him to answer. He seemed like he was choosing his words with care.

"I want to take you to the cottage" Harry stared at me intensely.

The cottage? My body shivered and a million things ran through my head.

What the heck is the cottage?

"What's err the cottage?" I found myself asking.

Harry's eyes looked at me and then looked at his hands, then back at me.

"I own several properties around this.." his voice trailed off. Of course.

"The cottage is my favorite house I built. It's cosy and we'll I grew up there"

I swallowed hard before choosing my words.

"And you want to take me?" I asked unsure. Duhhh Ginny. He just asked you!!!! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

"He'll never love you" said a voice in my head.  I shook my head violently from those thoughts and stared blankly at the green-eyed boy in front of me.

"Of course" Harry's voice softened.
My heart suddenly took a dip and I felt a swarm of butterflies attack my stomach. He wants me. GINNY WEASLEY TO GO TO HIS FAMILY HOME????  OMG FUCKING GOD!!!

Answer him Gin!

"I better check my boring schedule" I teased.

Harry's smile started to grow and I couldn't help it. My heart did it's thing and my stomach was attacked again.  I started to sweat and I knew it. I was doomed. Everything in my mind, all the stress and worry: The fake proposal. My friends and family. Dean. It was disappearing, all because of Harry. Oh no. 

"He won't ever love you" I could hear Dean's voice creeping in.

"Ginny?" Harry's voice torn me away from my nightmare.

"Oh yeah sorry! Yes I would love to go" I clapped my hands together. I mirrored Harry and I saw his eyes dance. 

"I asked Lennie to find someone to drive us back. Or we could. Wait a second" Harry placed his finger over his temple like he was thinking hard. "Do you drive Gin?" Harry questioned.

Gin. My breathing hitched and I stared intensely at him. The way he says my name. Oh god....

"I don't" said looking down.

"I'll teach you?" Harry suggested.

I couldn't help but smile a little. Does he not remember that this is, us we're fake? I shook the heavy thoughts again and decided to answer him.

"Great chef apparently and now a driving teacher"

Harry seemed unfazed by my teasing and I couldn't help but feel the air was lighter around us.

"I'm the best!" He said puffing his chest out.

I rolled my eyes at him. But deep down I liked this side of him.

"Okay okay enough chit chat, let's go and let me see your oh so amazing culinary skills" I poked him.

Harry chuckled.

"Believe. I'm the motherfucking best".


"Here you go Gin" Harry opened the side door of his Jeep for me. Such a gentleman. Closing it shut I watched him through the tint. He sprinted to the other side and got into the driver's seat.  Within moments, the engine was roaring and we started to move.  Harry sped off in the direction of the motorway. My head found a comfy spot on the window and I shut my eyes for a few moments.

"You can sleep if you want?" Harry pipped up. "It shouldn't be too long the journey, just about 45 minutes"

Harry turned off the stereo that was lightly playing in the background. Silence filled the jeep and I wanted to break it.

"Thank you" I whispered. I didn't realize how exhausted I was until I found myself succumbing to the darkness.


"Hey Gin" I heard. I didn't want to wake. "I know your awake, your not snoring down the jeep" Harry teased. I bolted upwards and collided with a head.

"Ouch!" We both yelped. I immediately gripped my forehead, the pain was unbearable.

"I think you nearly broke my tooth" Harry complained.

"Im so sorry!!!" Not realizing it, no warning, I put my hands on Harry's jawline trying to inspect if there was damage.  Oh my fuck. His jaw!

Harry sat frozen. He was rooted to the spot. His emerald green eyes stared back at me with such intensity, I couldn't help my gaze. It fell to those lips and if it wasn't for the fact that I was sitting, I would fall. My throat suddenly was dry and the O2 present in the air began to disparate. I watched as Harry's eyes too fell to my lips and oh no.... It's happening!!! Ginny...

Harry's body started to ease closer to me. His eyes closing and his lips seem to have a target.  Fucking god!

"HARRY!!!" A loud screech was heard outside the car. Harry and I flew apart from each other.

I torn my eyes away from Harry and saw a figure standing outside the door.

"M" Harry whispered. Harry opened the door and got out. I looked at this so called M woman. She was about 5'3, grey-ish hair and blue eyes. Smiling brightly she opened my door and pulled me in for a hug.

"Oh my lord, a GIRL!" She braced me tightly. I felt my insides being crushed by this small figure.

"M, you have to let her breathe!" Harry tugged at me lightly. I was blushing, my red hair was ashamed of me.

"Hi there" I bashfully said when we pulled apart.

"Meredith is my name dear!" She said quite loudly. She was smiling from ear to ear.  She then turned to Harry and pulled him into a hug. He wasn't pleased. His serious and deadly glare was back and he looked tense.

"It's always so lovely to see you Har, you should stay here longer!" She screeched.

There was words exchanged from the both of them but I just watched on. I couldn't help but smile at how Harry was getting all shy. His demure changes like the weather, his serious and intense nature changed to open and cheerful— somewhat.

"Would you like me to cook you something?" Meredith offered eagerly. She started to walk towards the cottage, which I hadn't had the time to fully take in the sensational view. Oh my god! It was like a fairytale!  The building itself was gigantic! It shouldn't be called a cottage! The building itself seemed to be stretching for miles! The Great Gatsby would be nothing compared to this house! From the garden to the roof, I was impressed with its decor. The flowers covered the ground like trees in a forest. I was taken back by the architecture, the level of detail, it was phenomenal! The cottage itself was wrapped on cobblestone and surrounded by glass. It doesn't look like it goes upstairs but as I drew closer I saw circular windows covered by the rooftop hanging. The door was massive, and as I approached it I could see two small figures standing outside it.

Harry guided me towards this beautiful entrance and spoke to Meredith. I wasn't paying any attention to them, my mind on the cottage. I could smell the burning of wood am I assumed a fire was on.

"You can leave for tonight M. I will cook for tonight. My Ginny and I will be dinning alone please" now that got my attention. I stared at Harry. 

Did he just say my Ginny?

Did I hear that correctly?

"OH MY LORD YOU SETTLING DOWN???" She got louder and I winced a bit. 

Woah. I was again pulled into another hug. This time I got my limbs squeezed tightly before being released.

"M you're gonna kill her" Harry chuckled. I blushed even deeper than the roots of my hair and I covered it up by looking away.

"Don't worry Ma'am" I said bashfully regaining some kind of composure.

We found ourselves inside and now, I said the outside was impressive. Inside was a whole another ball game. It was so old fashioned. The exact opposite to what I pictured it to be. The furniture was old but classy. I could smell the oak walls and the scent of a fire covered my nostrils. I breathed it in and breathed it out. My eyes danced among ever object in the room— the photo frames, the chandeliers both big and small hanging above me. I saw something move within the object if the frame but it must have been my imagination? Did those people within the frame move? No he's not...

"So what do you think?" Harry torn me away from inspecting any further.

"Your house is magnificent" I smiled.

Harry's face mirrored mine and he gestured for me to follow.  Guiding me around the place he showed me the rooms. In and out we were in rooms, each room more impressive than the other. We reached an emerald green door and Harry stood for a moment.  "Here's the lavatory" he pointed to the door opposite to the kitchen. The kitchen door was none existent, I could see from where I stood, it was massive. We walked in and my breath hitched.

The kitchen was covered from head to toe in tiles.  I could see the lights glistening, it's shine radiating off the tiles. "So wanna help me cook?" Harry smiled. He took his jacket off him and for the first time, since the very first time I stood in his office— I watched him roll up his sleeves giving me a delicious view of his arms.

"Thought I was seeing your culinary skills?" I teased taking a seat on the stool in front of him. It was the massive counter top that separated our bodies.

Harry chuckled and started to look for his cooking equipment. I watched him open his drawers one by one, getting out pans and places and knives.  "Alright alright" he put his hands up. He then looked at me with his beautiful eyes.

"What you thinking to eat? Like what do you like?" He started to point to his recipe book. I couldn't help but stare at him while he spoke about all these fancy dishes.

"What you in the mood for?" I flipped the switch while smirking at him.

Harry seemed to be in deep in thought.

"Hmm I believe I make a mean steak with potatoes and vegetables, I believe"

I nodded eagerly and watched Harry stride over to the radio box. My father would have love to see these muggle things. Harry pressed a button and the box opened. Inside it was a small object, an iPod?

"You like any type of music?" Harry smiled. Harry started to flick through his music chart and I shrugged back at him.

While he was busy I looked around the room and saw a few photo frames that got my attention. I got up from the stool and walked over there ignoring whatever music was playing.

I came face to face with a smaller Harry. His hair was even messier. He was holding a small object in his hand. And my eyes widened.

A snitch?!

"Potter love for Quidditch"

He's a wizard???! My heart started to race... I felt myself getting hot again. QUIDDITCH

"What are you doing?" I suddenly heard the voice.  I jumped slightly.

"You're a wizard?" I whispered.

Harry stared at me. Not moving. He tensed instantly when he caught on to what I said.

"What did you say?" Harry asked somewhat frightened.

"You're a wizard" I managed to say.

"What no" he brushed off.  He's a fucking wizard and he's living in a muggle world! Oh my god, he's like me! One of us. I tried to calm my heart.

In and out

In and out

In and out

"Yes you are!" I insisted shoving the photo frame into his face.

I reached at the back of my pocket and I gripped my wand and Harry put his hands up.

"There's no such thing" I tried to think back to the moving photo I saw. It makes sense! Of fucking course!

"Yes there is" I said. I pulled out my wand showing him. I saw Harry stumble backwards a little, his mouth hanging open.

"You're a witch Ginny?" I rolled my eyes. I saw his eyes widen more and I raised my eyebrows in question. His mouth hung open. And he immediately hit his head with his palm of the hand.

"I'm gonna fire one of my investigators" I heard him mumble.

"What?" I questioned.

Harry shook it my hand and then he reached behind him. Emerging was a wand and it confirmed everything I already knew.

"You're a wizard Harry" Harry nodded cautiously.

"Why are you in this world?" We both said at the same time.

We both looked down sheepishly.

"You go" we both said again.

"I.." Harry tried to clear his throat.

"A fresh start" we both said again in sync.

The silence fell upon us. My thoughts racing as well as my poor heart.

How did I not realize he was a wizard?? I kicked myself internally for not coping it sooner.

"You like being a muggle?" Harry asked after a couple of seconds.

"Yeah I guess" I answered shaking off the real realize why I chose to hide. Him.

"You?" I asked, deflecting anything to do with me.

Harry nodded slightly.

Another horrible silence fell upon us.

"Food?" I decided to change the topic before he asked me anything, him.. Dean.

"I guess you can use your wand?" I said chuckling a little. I felt a little weird, I don't know a good or bad but I tried to shake the feeling off. Harry looked to be doing the same.

"Yes I.. guess.. sure" Harry stumbled over his words.

Everything that happened, since the very first time I saw him. I just forgot. He's not the same. I took a deep breath and tried to find the courage to ask him why he's here like this but I couldn't.

"We can both use it, if you'd like" I tried to change the mood but the air was filled with awkwardness.

Harry seemed to be in a daze and I couldn't help but feel bad for exposing him.

"I'm sorry" I whispered.

Harry's head snapped back and he looked at me.

"For what? You didn't do anything wrong?" He said looking at with his those eyes again. Stop melting me.

"I just ruined our evening" I expressed feeling the guilt weigh on me. Pathetic Ginny!

"No. No way" Harry repeated several times. Suddenly without warning Harry's hands found there destination on both my cheeks, he cupped them while staring into my soul. There's no escaping Gin...

"You did NOT, I repeat DID NOT ruin anything Ginny" Harry said sternly. I couldn't respond. His eyes were enchanting . He's got me hypnotized. The spell (pardon the pun) I couldn't break it and neither would he. This is magic...

"Can I kiss you?" Harry just blurted out.

My heart Oh my God. It couldn't handle it. I couldn't hold it. My lips aimed for his and suddenly, nothing fucking mattered. Nothing.

His beautiful soft lips. I took my time. And Harry hungrily kissed back. His hands moved to my hair and he tug a little and mine, slowly creeped around his hand and I pulled him a little closer.

God I'm so bold....


I know, it's a new year and idk I got extremely busy!!!! But here's a new chapter.

I'm gonna try tie things together :) bear with me. I Hope this chapter did Justice a bit?  A date—his cosy cottage—a revelation—-a kiss and we'll have see what happens next!


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