Ch.14 Real Hichigo

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Cold. Cold as those whose blood binds me to this place of never ending winter. Everything in this place is frozen, even the hearts of Quinces. I look out the window to see nothing but miles of ice.

I sigh and slide further down my bed, trying to receive the little warmth I have. "Don't these people freeze in a place like this?"

'Probably not. You've seen how heartless these people are. I bet those bastards don't even have hearts.'

Hichigo's echoing voice was the only voice to keep me sane during my stays here. The Quinces will only serve me food and water, never speaking too me. I grew bored, but irritated at myself for letting this happen to me.

The granddaughter of the King of Quinces... that's all I know so far about myself. Their leader told me I was his granddaughter before locking me up inside this room. He's never come in here so far and everyone here either bows or respects me with a bitter attitude.

I cuddle the blankets closer to me. "Do you have any idea on how to get out of here, Hichigo?"

'Not really. If you're stuck in here, then I'm stuck on how to get out of this damn place. Seriously, I'm worried about Ichigo.'

"Wait, you're worried about Ichigo?"

'Don't tell him or I'll slice your throat when I get the chance. I'm only worried about him because my soul is still connected to his and if he dies, then I die. But I haven't sensed his spiritual pressure since we came here.'

"Maybe this is a different dimension." I questioned with hope.

'Damn it... another thing to worry about. If we're in an other dimension then we're good as trapped here.'

"Don't say that we'll get out of here."

'No, we won't!' He yelled angrily inside my mind. 'If you're sorry ass can't get us out of here, then we're both stuck here. Face it, we're going to be used like the puppet we are in this place. Speaking of which... where's that guy with the white hair and silver streak?'

"Don't know. The last time I saw his face I couldn't even lift up a muscle to punch him in his shiny white teeth."

"Talking about me?"

I jumped slightly at the sound of his voice. The doorknob giggled and turned as he came in. He was dressed in a white tang top and long white pants that were meant to be pulled up around his knees. He smiled at me, the painfully hoax smile I know from the beginning.

"Were you talking too yourself?" He mocked me with humor clear in his eyes. "Because I don't know who else you would be talking too, your highness."

"Quit calling me that!"

I threw a punch towards his face, but he was smarter, faster than I and grabbed my hand while it was still swinging midair. His smiled didn't twist nor leave his face as he started crushing my knuckles, leaving me to cry out.

"I'm sorry," He pulled me down and whispered quietly, fainting talking next to my ear. "But I'm order. Everyone here is ordered to call you're by your respected title."

I bit my lip from even letting out a whimper. I couldn't let him bring me down again, not the second time. He growled in annoyances and threw me aside, knocking me to my bed. "You're never fun. And in case you forgot, it's Hotaru, Princess (y/n)."

Those words were sharp and painful to my pride. My mother always called me her princess, but the way he said it was as if he was speaking to a child. Someone lower than him and could filled their heads in with the fake fantasies.

"That is enough."

My spirit became clouded with hope at the sound of his voice. It was Uryu, dressed in white like the soldiers here. He looked sharp and made for those clothes, strangely enough. Hotaru snarled and backed away from me.

Uryu came inside and stood face to face with Hotaru, staring both each other in the eyes.

"Yhwach didn't give you permission to enter into Princess (y/n)'s room." Uryu harshly told him.

"How dare you," Hotaru glares furiously at him. "You call the King by his name without bowing or give his respectful title?"

"I'm the letter A around the Wandenreich, and Yhwach has given me permission to call him by his name. Unlike you who you are only a letter C, while I'm much more powerful than you could ever be."

Tension grew thick and hot between the two, even when it was negative degrees inside this room. Hotaru sighed and pushed Uryu aside, exiting out of the room. Uryu shook his head before coming and helping me up. "Are you hurt? He's known to be... hostile around people who are weaker than him."

I winced inside at the mention of weak. When I said it, it felt fine, but when you hear your friend say the word, it feel like a piece of your soul has broken.

"I'm fine." I smile and hug Uryu close. "Thanks for coming in at the right time."

"I've been meaning to talk to you." He pulled away and looked around the room, even at the corners with mild interest. "I haven't found the time to sneak in here without having a real good reason to be in here."

"Wait, so does that mean you can't have permission to do whatever you want in this place?"

"Precisely. I'm learning how to gain Yhwach trust more to break you out of here."

'Finally! A way out!"

"Shut up!" I yelled accidently loud to only myself.

Uryu stared, confused. "Excuse me?"

"I wasn't talking to you. Oh boy, this is going to be a long story."


"Incredible," Uryu genuinely look surprised. "You're meaning to tell me all this and act like this isn't something important."

"Well... how important is it?"

Uryu looked back at the door before looking back at me. "I've been studying the Wandenreich here for some while. The others can only steal bankai from the Soul Reapers, but I've never seen or heard of them have a zanpakuto in their hand before."

"I can also manipulate reishi at will." I added in.

"Well, Quinces can easily manipulate reishi at ease. But... can I test something out with you?"

"Ummm... sure?"

Uryu explained what he wanted me to do as I go into position. I close my eyes and imagine a body, a human body close to what Ichigo's is like. I could feel the reishi morphing and bending to my will. The body finally came to image.

I could hear Uryu gasp as I bend the reishi into a body. Pale as snow, eyes dark as a wasp, and the cunning and agile body of a warrior. Once I finished I panted heavily as the energy in my body felt drained.

The body started moving as eyes shined with life. Hichigo came into being, in his own body. It was strange seeing him in Quincy clothes because I usually saw him with that drab outfit the Soul Reapers wear.

Uryu breathed heavily, staring at Hichigo. "How is this possible...?"

"I don't care," Hichigo said, smile twisting on his lips. "I finally have a body and I don't have to share one!"

The world started to spin as I laid down on the bed. "That's... great...."

Uryu stared at me like I was the most amazing object. "I don't understand. We Quinces can manipulate reishi, but never as human beings into solid bodies."

I watched silently as Hichigo checked himself out, even posing near the mirror at the corner of the room. I've never seen him this happy before. A smile that isn't filled with greed or bloodlust. Pure happiness.

"Uryu," I spoke to managed to know I'm still alive. "What has happened in the Soul Society while I've been trapped?"

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