Ch.20 Rewrite Time

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The seeming nothingness and darkness chill everything that I have to my bones. Uryu's suggestion for escaping was to blend in with the shadows that the other royal guard would be enveloped in. If it used the reishi just right, Hichigo and I could move around the zero-squad area without being detected.

Since being in the shadows required all of my attention, I kept quite as I lead Hichigo with me by his hand. His hand felt strange, I felt it was in my palm, but it was hazy and hard to see with my bare eye. When Hichigo talked his words sounded like a quite river.

"Where are we going?" His voice drifted down my body, to the tip of my toes.

"I don't know." I answer, guiding us towards a bright light.

Light? In this darkness? Am I dying? That was impossible, I could feel Hichigo's hand in my mine. It was then that I felt my life sucked out of my soul. My cries were drowned out as I felt all the Quinces souls were being snatched from their bodies, gathering towards Yhwach.

No. I cannot die here! I forced my Blut vein to activate and surround Hichigo and me. I can feel my soul returning to my body. My mind becomes foggy as I almost fall towards the shadowy abyss if Hichigo did not catch me.

"What the fuck was that?!" He shifts his weight and holds me in his arms. "Are you alright? What the hell did that fucking bastard do?"

"He... Uryu said... he can absorb souls..."

"Tsk," He broke out into a sprint. "This guy seems to become impossible to beat. My Master is coming here without me, what the fuck is he thinking?"

"What?" The shock of hearing Ichigo brought my mind out of its daze. "Ichigo coming? How... do you know that?"

"We're linked together, stupid." In the darkness, I can still make out the duh expression on his porcelain face. "I've been reading his thoughts ever since I've been separated from him. I've made it where he can't hear me, but he's going to fight Yhwach without me. That crazy bastard."

"We have to stop them! We can't escape!"

Hichigo stopped, his breathing brushes my right cheek. "Look. We need to get out of here. Once we escape this place we can help."


I felt a hand grab my lips and pin them tight. His voice was serious and menacing. "Stop running your mouth. You want my Master to die? Then do as Uryu says without questioning anything."

Rage burned within my stomach. I wanted to run away from this, from the Quincies.

From Hichigo.

I kept quite as he continued on his pace. Apparently, I wasn't imagining the light because Hichigo was running right towards it. Once we step out, the shadows we were covered in disappeared. My eyes squinted in the brightness of the daylight as we stood inside a building.

"Where are we?" I said, looking at an area covered by curtains and drapes.

"No..." Hichigo's eyes were wide. "We're in Soul King's chambers."

"That's impossible! There's no way we were able to escape Yhwach that easily!"

"Indeed, you are right, (y/n)."

Fear struck me in the gut. It was his voice, Yhwach was standing there the entire time. How did we not notice the blood of other people at our feet? How did we not sense his presence until now?

Hichigo leapt in front of me, his zanpakuto form appearing in his hands. "So even that four eyes' plan didn't work?"

"Uryu's plan? My children." He stepped forward slowly, Hichigo forcing me to backup as well. "I can see the future. I knew you were escaping and know you will not escape me."

His stare penetrated into my soul. It was as if he was seeing into the past. "(y/n), you look just like your mother. I will never understand why she chose that soul reaper over her clan. But I let her go. Because this future was made because you were born."

Ice stabbed into my stomach. His words wrapping around my soul. "What the hell are you saying? My birth caused all of this tragedy to happen?"

Yhwach stopped in his path and spread his arms out. It was as if the heavens were resting on his arms. "I chose any future and create it by letting those evens happen. Your birth is one of a new age." He held out his hand towards me. "Come, become one with me."

"Like hell she's going to be inside you, fucking pervert." Hichigo rose his sword.

Yhwach sighed, his hand falling back towards his side. "I hate bloodshed. You of all people should know how it feels, (y/n)."

The moment his foot moved my body turned and ran towards the curtains. I'm a fucking coward. My legs and instinct betray me as I just keep running until I see a container. If I did not know it, I would have thought it was a weird being, floating in a container.

It was the Soul King.

"(y/n)!" Hichigo's voice called out to me, "Run and don't look back!"

It was a mistake to look back. The sight of his body being cut into two. The last feeling of him was his hand as he forced me forward, right towards the Soul King. There was no blood, only the pieces of his soul disappearing in the air. My body slipped through the container containing the Soul King. Yhwach seemed surprised, confused even, he roared in anger. My mind was cracking. My soul was being absorbed by the Soul King. It did not hurt, it felt peaceful.


"It is not a surprise that you can handle my power. You are my granddaughter, after all."

I couldn't see anything. All what was happening was images of my memories playing out in my head. The voice of the Soul King sounded similar to Yhwach's, but I couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from.

"Where am I? Where is Hichigo? Am I finally dead?"

"No." It was gentle, soft and comforting. It felt like mother when she hugged me. "You and I have simply become one. Yhwach is from my blood, hence, you are of my blood."

"Does this mean... Hichigo's dead?"


The feeling of sadness came, but no tears would come. I didn't have a body to weep with. His voice. His face. All of them playing across my mind. Why did I run? I was a coward. But an image flashed across my mind, but it wasn't from my memories. It was a hollow, but it tall and had razor claws. Its horns long and jagged at the ends. In the middle of its chest was a hollow hole.

"Who... is that?"

"Hichigo. He did not come from Kurosaki. He was born with Ichigo Kurosaki."

"I... I don't understand."

"It is in your power to understand. Just as Yhwach has the power to see into the future and rewrite them, you have the power to see into the past and rewrite history."

"That's impossible. I don't have that kind of power. I'm weak and helpless."

"Then why do you think he kept you alive? To strive for the future that he wanted. You are two sides of the same coin. He cannot kill you. Killing you would render his powers in half."

"Then... does this mean I can save everybody? All those who died?"

"If you wish it. But you can only rewrite to the moments of where you were in the past. Actions you made to the point of where you land cannot be changed, but the future of where you land can be changed."

"Please. Tell me how."

"My child. You must only think in your memories. Think, and will yourself into the timeline."

Searching into my memories. The actions and moments I made cannot be changed. Think, a period before I was captured. I see it, Captain Hitsusgaya and Rangiku talking about my abilities in the admits of the battle.

It feels all like a dream. The feeling of the past being rewritten as I go back in time. I can feel my body returning in bits as I can feel the ground under my feet. The cold hit of a sword in my hand. The smell of iron hitting my nose in heavy dosages.


"Hey, what's your name?"

I open my eyes and find Captain Hitsugaya and Rangiku staring back at me. I lost my balance and fell to the ground. Captain Hitsugaya mutter at my strange behavior and saying it was my first-time battling. Rangiku hurried over and shook me, her words were drowned out as I sobbed heavily.

"What the hell?!" His voice rang inside my mind. I almost forgot what it was like to have him inside my head. "Why are you crying?"

Hichigo's voice. He's alive! I just sob harder as Rangiku slaps me across the face. That made me stop as she dragged me up to my feet.

"I hate to be rude but crying in the middle of a battlefield is only going to get you killed."

"You're right, I'm sorry." I hiccup and stand straighter, gripping my hand with the hilt strong.

"Are you trying to suggest something?" Hichigo teased, "I would let you do it more, but were in the middle of a battlefield."

"Sorry. I'm just happy. I promise to kick some ass."

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