Ch.4 Quincy Blood

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Ichigo's P.O.V

"No going around the town swing around Zangetus. Don't even try to talk to anyone or even Kon while I'm gone. In fact, just don't even do anything."

"Oh come on!" Hichigo whined, standing in front of me in the flesh as his pale skin looked deadly white in the light. "You're making it sound like I'm some prisoner! I'm your zanpakuto!"

"That doesn't matter. If I see you once around the town, I'll make sure to yank the Chain of Fate."

"N-Not the Chains of Fate! Anything but that!"

"Good, now you're learning a thing or two here," I smirked and grabbed my school bag. "I'll be back around noon. Just read some comics while I'm gone."

"Your nerd collection? Pass, rather die from battle than from boredom."

I slammed my bedroom door before he could make any more smart-ass comments. I know what you're thinking. I was crazy enough to separate myself from the hollow.

Kisuke told me as long as the Chain of Fate was in-tacked Hichigo wouldn't be out of control and kill people. It was either let him lose and kill a bunch of people, or control him and have him annoying me.

I came downstairs as Yuzu smiled at me. "Morning big brother! Why did you slam your bedroom door?"

"It didn't want to close. What's for breakfast?"

"Rice balls! I woke up late today so I hope this makes up for it."

"It's perfect." I smiled and ruffled her hair before picking up one. "Have a good day at school."


Speak of the devil my dad came hurdling towards the front door but I slammed it on his face in time. It's time he needs to stop doing that. Clouds began to cloud over us as I looked up, feeling the slightest drop of rain.

This was the first drop of rain in a while since the ending of summer. It feels good to have a change around here. While walking towards school I noticed spirit energy similar to Uryu's, but he was the only quince left...

When I came up to the school the gang looked worried, even scared for something. Agonize took over as I rushed up to the gang. "What's going on? Is everything alright?"

Uryu didn't say anything and held up a single cross, comparing it to the cross he had. They were different. His cross was just pure white. The other one was white, but had blue at the edges and was covered in dry blood.

"There was a Quincy here yesterday."

"What?!" The thought blew my mind. "I thought you said you were the only Quincy around."

"That's what I thought..."

His face looked gravely sick, even pale as he turned the cross over and over to see it at different angles. Orihime looked at it with wide curious eyes. "Is it bad to have another one of your kind here?"

"Normally it wouldn't But if blood was on this cross... then it can only mean one thing... someone marked another one of their kind."

"Marking?" Chad asked.

"Marking in Quincy is a way to track someone. The cross isn't needed anymore as you can sense where they are by their spirit pressure. It's useful and dangerous at the same time because if you track that person spirit energy for too long your own spirit energy will transform into them."

"Huh..." I said, staring at the cross. "So it's deal and no deal."


"Do you think... it was the girl from yesterday that got attacked?" Orihime randomly asked.

"Orihime we can't-" My heart stopped as I realized we didn't live that far from each other. I could have sensed her spirit pressure then... but I could barely feel it. "It... is her... damn it! The bad guy got to her first!"

"Damn," Uryu whispered, "It's too late..."

Suddenly, I gasp and growl as my anger started to rise. The others looked at me weirdly as I reached for my Chain of Fate. "Hichigo! What are you doing near her?!"

Orihime's eye widens in absolute fear. "Ichigo... you don't mean..."

"I'm sorry Orihime... but Hichigo is out where he can talk to us, but I have the Chain of Fate..." I gripped it tightly as my knuckles turned white. "Hopefully this wasn't the horrible way to go."

Uryu pushed up his glass as it glared in the sunlight. "Let's all hope this was the right choice for all of us..."


Hichigo P.O.V

"You're so annoying... why does my King keep you alive?"

The stuff lion cried out and tried throwing its punches at me. "Let me go! You albino freak!"

"Why you!" I threw him across the wall, teaching him a lesson. "Call me a freak one more time before I show you a real freak!"

It cried while going back inside the closet. What a stupid and weak thing, why does my King keep that thing alive? Something about hollow duty? Who cares, I barely pay attention to half the things he says anyway.

The chain tugged at me as I winced in pain, feeling the binding's contract around me ever so slightly. Damn him... doing this to us so he could save his friends. Who cares about friends?! They'll all die one day anyway! So why try to protect the lot?!

The door slammed downstairs as his father cried in pain. Maybe a broken nose. One thing my King and I share is the hate his father does for sneak attacks. They're so easy to dodge and know when they're coming.

A spirit pressure was nearby as my heart quickened for a moment. It was the same girl, only her spirit pressure was lower than usual. "Hmmm..." I tug at the chain. "How long does this go? I guess only if the King doesn't sense me doing anything... I can go as far as I want!"

I slid the window open and hopped out. The sun burned my eyes but they soon adjusted. This isn't what I really wanted, but it was nice to really feel the breeze in the air. Spirits like me are always held in those worlds our master confine us too, so we really never get a chance to explore the real world.

Looking all around me... I could see why King would like to live here instead of the Soul Society. Her spirit energy snapped me out of it as I hopped from one roof to another, carefully not to flash-step.

Her window was in clear view as she looked to asleep, curled up into a tiny little ball. Aww... so cute... how I want to destroy it so badly. Luckily her window wasn't locked so opening it was easy enough.

"Ugh..." She mumbled and slowly sat up. "Who opened up my window...?"

"Me~" I gave her a grin, even hurting the edges of my mouth.

When she opened up her eyes they seemed drugged, almost out of this world. "Ichigo...? Why... are... you... so... pale?"

"Are you kidding me?! I'm not that idiot!" I came in and grabbed her by the edges of her shirt. "My name is Hichigo! Hichigo!"

She giggled and tugged at my hair. "But... Ichigo has... orange hair... not blue hair... you dyed... it?"

"Grr! Snap out of it!" I shook her back and forth, hoping this would get some sense into her.

"I-I-Ichigo! S-Stop it!"

That made me snap as I threw her back onto the bed. "What the hell makes me seem like Ichigo? Orange hair, no. Brown eyes, no. Has the same sexy look as me, no?"

"But... you're the same... so you're saying... you're not sexy...?"

Rage came over us as I growled and smacked her upside the head. "Are you kidding me?! I never said that!"

Her eyes seemed to regain normal as she blinked-twice-before screaming and shoving me away. "What the! You aren't Ichigo! Albino freak!"

My eyebrow twitched in annoyances. "I'm not a freak! You're the freak!"

I grabbed her by the arm and scratched my nails down, hard enough to draw blood. She cried out and tried kicking at me, but her legs were too short to even reach. No blood came but blue ridged lines, the same lines Quincy have.

Her own face paled as she reached for her neck, gasping for air. "It was... really... all of... it?"

"What was real?" I asked.

"T-That guy! H-He burned my neck! I-I... what is going on here?!"

She looked to about breakdown but I caught her before she fell, sobbing hard in confusion. My own confusion got to me as I didn't know what to do around a crying girl. The only closest is... well... Ichigo to a girl. Damn him! Getting all the ladies!

"What the- who are you?"

I turned to see a man in a pure white coat that passed his knees. Badges were on the front of his chest along with a cross hanging around his neck. He even had white hair with a silver streak to stand out.

"Get away from (y/n), she belongs to me."

"I-I don't belong to anyone!" (y/n) screamed and threw a pillow at him. "You ass!"

He caught it with ease, crushing it effortlessly with his hand. "I didn't think you were a crier. This is going to make everything harder..." He looked at me with a bored expression. "If you want to live I suggest stepping away."

I grinned and summoned myself as a blade. The feeling of battle sang in my blue blood. "No way! This girl strikes my interest. Like I'm going to let you take her, Quincy."

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