Chapter Nineteen

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I can't believe it... Their gone... How? How could they just vanish like that? We had already spent so much time searching the woods in hopes they were merely lost, but when we found the small spots of blood near a tree, we had felt our hearts shudder to a halt.

Eli had almost lost his mind in fear and rage before I had managed to stop him from hurting someone, but Anthony had been unable to do more than hang his head in shame as he called the police, his hands shaking along with his voice.

I knew he was blaming himself for what happened but I also knew that it could just as easily have been me in his place. How many times had I taken my eyes off them in the past while they played innocently in the garden or the back yard? How long would it be before we found our children?

Please, please let them be ok...



All I could think about was how I would kill the person who dared harm our children. How I would spend time torturing them, making them feel every bit of pain and fear that our children felt, that I felt, that Shina felt...

They would suffer for a long time before I let them finally sink into the darkness that awaited them in death.

And I would smile every moment that they longed for death.



I failed them, the people who had given me so much in my life. And not only them, I had failed the children who looked up to me as part of their family. The only thing I could do now was put all my time and energy into helping them find the children. I would do everything I could to bring the twins back safely.

Even if it cost my life.

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