Chapter Seventeen

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Matthew and Emily had just finished showing me the pretty rock they had found in the garden when I felt a chill run down my spine. I guess it was still too cold to spend much time outside playing without something nice to warm us up.

"Emily, Matthew, how would you like me to make hot chocolate for us? Mommy is feeling a bit chilly from the cold air." I smiled down at them, watching their faces light up.

"Yeah! Hot cocoa! With marshies!" Emily shouted out happily.

"And fluffy whipped cream! With a peppermint stick!" Yelled Matthew, his eyes shining with joy.

"PLEASE MOMMY!" They screamed out in delight before bursting into giggles, leaning against each other.

"Yes my lovelies. I'll be back soon with your drinks." Heading inside, I asked Anthony to keep an eye on the kids for me as I passed him just inside the entryway, smiling thankfully at his polite nod.



I couldn't hold back the growl when I saw a dark haired man step out from the house, the children running up to him for a quick hug before they turned and began chasing each other around the yard. He must be Elijah, the man who stole it all from me.

My Shina, my children, nearly four years of my life! Oh, how I would make him pay for his theft.Slowly, I began moving through the trees, watching the man closely as I pictured the different ways I could make him suffer.

I could feel my lips curl into a smile at the images playing through my mind. The man was a pitiful father, not even paying attention to his children as he pulled out an envelope from his jacket pocket and began reading the papers from within.

I would enjoy the time I spent playing with him.



I smiled as I began warming the milk on the stove top, a small pile of chopped up chocolate resting nearby. I always did love to make my hot chocolate the way my mother used to when I was young. It always tasted better than anything that could ever come from a packet.

Reaching into the cupboards, I pulled out the children's matching panda mugs and sat them on the table, placing my own mug beside them, my children's faces smiling at me from the side of it.



I froze in place as I heard the sudden rustling of bushes from behind me. I'd been focusing on the man before me that I hadn't been paying attention to my surroundings. Turning slowly, I couldn't believe my eyes, my breath catching at what stood before me.

"Hi! I'm Emily!" Her innocent eyes stared up at me.

"And I'm Matthew!" I could see the mischief in his eyes.

"Are you here to play with us?"

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