Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I couldn't believe it. My children, my perfect and wonderful children, had saved us, saved me. With their help, I had managed to find some rope and tie Leon up, locking him into their bedroom while he was still knocked out.

Grabbing the keys, I quickly took the kids outside and buckled them into the back seats of the car before climbing in and starting the engine.

It was time to go home.



It was late afternoon when I got the phone call. Shina and the twins had turned up in a town just on the other side of the mountains. As soon as I got the location, I was out the door with Anthony and racing to the car. I couldn't wait to be with my family again.

It was a good thing Anthony was driving, otherwise when I heard Shina's voice come on the phone and tell me what our amazing children had managed to do, I might have driven off the road in shock.


<The Twins>

We hated it when the noisy people in the building would get too close to our Mommy. Didn't they know she was ours? We had already made Leon go to bed for being mean to Mommy. We didn't need their help to make her feel better!

"Mommy, we love you!" We both hugged her tight, frowning at the man sitting behind the nearby desk.

Couldn't he tell his questions were making Mommy upset?

"Mommy, we're hungry! When can we go get something to eat!" I wanted Mommy to take us out of here.

Why can't Daddy just meet up with us someplace else? I don't want the man to make Mommy cry anymore.

"I'm sorry, Matthew! Emily! I should have thought more! Of course you would be hungry, it is well past lunch time! Sir, is there someplace I can take my children to get something to eat? I'm sure that Elijah would be willing to meet us there if we are not back yet." I felt bad for making Mommy worry about us, but at least she would be able to get away from the people who kept staring at her and asking her questions.

"I'll have one of my men take you to the cafeteria. You can get whatever you and your kids would like." At least we would be able to get away from the questions... I was hoping we would be able to leave though.

I hope Daddy gets here soon so we can take Mommy back Home. Looking at Matthew, I grabbed one of Mommy's hands as he grabbed the other.

We would protect Mommy until Daddy was able to. And we knew Mommy would protect us from now on, too. Just like we always wanted her to.

"We love you Mommy!"



I could feel my head pounding as the noise of something banging against the entry to the house blasted into in my ears, the world around me all hazy colors and too bright lights. I began trying to struggle against the ropes that bound my arms and legs together when I heard the door break, the sound of splintering wood echoing down the hallway.

I could hear footsteps rush into the house, ending just outside the door before it was broken open and armed men began rushing into the room, surrounding me.

"Nah the pleesh...." I managed to mumble, my mouth feeling like it was full of cotton.

"You're right... We aren't the police... But by the time we are done with you, you'll wish we had been." One of them said before turning to the man beside him. "Grab him. The boss wanted him brought to the location. He wants to see that this guy pays for what he's done. And he wants to see it in person."

As they grabbed me and pulled me up, a cloth was placed against my face and my world grew dark and quiet once more.

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