my dragons

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These are dragons I got from all Over the place so hold on!

Meet squall she is a female stormwing which is a specie by EllieandVikki

(Don't have a name for him yet) This dude:

Insignis is a knivera a specie from thehypergodofdeath

Chub is a dragon Ispired by a headshot made by thehypergodofdeath

Given to me by thehypergodofdeath

Nura is a dragon that is a part of the dream guard.

Pearl was given to me by Astronnut

Ruined was given to me by Astronnut

I won dawn breaker from Torvalia

Bob ross the noodling was given to me by -_Aenima_-

Blight is an AcidWing, a specie created by FrostPanther

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