Chapter seven: ENDING

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3rd person

The next morning Liu and Chantese woke up to begin training. The countless hours she worked, tiring slightly every so often but she was detirmined to seek revenge on Jeff for what pain he had caused on her. Liu became an excilent teacher in the art of knife combat, and every so often Sully would join in and help teach. For weeks it was tireless effort in learning valuable skills. There were times when Jeff had come by to kill Chantese but the more she learned the more she came to being able to defend herself against the insane killer. Liu would stand by and watch her progress when Jeff had come to fight. If things got too out of hand Liu would join, and protect. No matter how well Chantese became, Liu would always be her protector. After almost a years work Chantese was ready, and Liu was ready to take her into the depressing world of hate, to find Jeff and get revenge, and protect the families who already suffer from this sick killer.

Liu's POV

After a years work of training I had decided Chantese was ready to fight out in this cruel work, against the sick, twisted killer who had forced a work of pain on so many innocent people. Over the year she worked he body had filled out, and she became stronger. She was beautiful. She was outside throwing knives when I decided it was time. I walked outside and tapped on her shoulder. She turned around and smiled brightly at me. I smilled back and kissed her slightly. She kissed back, and once I pulled away my smile dropped.

"Chantese? I think you're ready and completely capable of fighting with the sick killer known by the name of Jeff. Honestly you have show great progress with your knife skill, and I believe you are ready to come with me and protect the innocent families who have enough to deal with in a normal day." I said seriously.

She smiled at me and spoke.

"And I too, believe I am ready." She said and laughed sweetly.

I smiled at her, ready to have live the rest of our lives side by side.

Chantese's POV

I smiled at Liu. I was ready to be a protector of mankind. It was a huge responsibility but I was more than willing to take it upon my shoulders. No matter where we went I knew Liu would always stay by my side. He will forever be mine, and I will forever be his. And no matter his wild life gets he'll always be...My Protector.

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