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I wish I could sing...


There was a gentle knock on her door, Su Yan controlled her temper and opened the door. Jen Han stood there with an apologetic smile as he tried to stand his ground while Su Yan gazed at him with murderous intent.

Eventhough Yanner was pretty harmless, her revenge tactics could make someone shed tears of blood. The one she was mastered in was to act as if the person was invisible. Make them question their existence until they are sorry enough to realise their mistake.

She was ruthless

"You wanna talk to him..", Jen Han trailed off then stopped gulping down as she continued to stare at him with a death glare. He already felt like crying. He never understood why his daughter was so ...


But Jen Han valued his integrity so he didn't bow further to his narcissistic daughter. The pair glared at each other with equal animosity until Su Yan realised how childish it was. She broke eyes contact then without saying anything walked towards the hall.

Jen Han who just realised he won the argument dabbed thrice as her back was turned. This was one of the few times he won an argument against her and it made him extremely happy. As Yanner was brutal.

"I won't disturb you both then", Jen Han called off before going to his room. Yanner was exasperated at this point. Why was everyone bent on spoiling her mood?

And why was she so annoyed?

She felt chills as the door knob twisted under her knuckle. She closed her eyes and tried to calm down her beating heart. Why was she so freaking nervous?

Su Yan wanted to run back to her room and act as if Luce wasn't a door away from her. But if she did that then it would look like she was guilty. She indeed was guilty was acting shamelessly infront of him but he shouldn't know that.

Chin up QUEEN!!!

She cheered for herself and without thinking twice entered the room.

"Hey", She greeted him with an awkward half smile. Her eyes tried not to ogle him. The keyword is tried.

The man sat there in a black shirt and office pants. His posture screaming royalty as his blue eyes ran over her face. He didn't say anything for a while making Yanner self conscious. Was something wrong with her clothes? She looked down and frowned. Her suit wasn't wrinkled.

She didn't had a horn on her head. Then why didn't he respond to her greeting yet?

The silence that streched was extremely painful for poor Yanner. Her eyes almost turned red as she glared at the door knob. She was cursing her father for landing her into this situation.

"Hey Yanner", He replied after a long time. She nodded with a straight face, the room felt strangely suffocating maybe because of the aura Luce was exuding. She frowned not looking at his face at all trying to distract herself by looking at the clock. She noticed the minute hand moving and suddenly felt the urge to play with the three clock hands.

Luce sighed and stood up suddenly. Su Yan raised her brows trying to figure out what he was doing. Then she saw him removing her bestseller 'First Lover' from the shelf and reading it.

"I have a spare copy of it", She said to break the uncomfortable silence in the room. He didn't reply and this made Yanner want to hurl a cushion at him. She controlled her urges and sat in the chair like a grumpy obedient child.

"You love writting cliche love stories", Luce stated after a few minutes. She could read from his face that he was stifling his laughter. His cheeks were read as he continued reading the particular page.

"En I love cliche love stories", Yanner confessed without any embarassment. It was her work, she can't let a stupid sexy doctor intimidate her into being embarrassed of her own work. She knew the tears she and the readers has read before and after it was published. The book was a phenomenal love story that can make any reader high on dopamine.

Imagine a book that can induce hormones? That's something even psychiatrists were incapable of doing.

"Which page are you on?" Su Yan casually asked while standing up from the cushioned sofa. Yanner could see Lucifer's side profile and his open hair covered half of his face. The platinum white hair were shining today, he moved a little making his hair flicker above his large blue eyes. His large eyelashes and lips enticed her for no reason.

Gosh why is she getting attracted by his lips and eyelashes?

His upper lips were curled up their colour slightly different from the pouty pink lower lip. Yanner suddenly had the inspiration to sketch him from this angle but she stifled it.

It's best to stifled your wants

Su Yan repeated the mantra that she unknowingly created against Luce. The man didn't need to do anything just stand and girls would go crazy over his looks. He could even make a girl self concious for her looks. His hair looked too uniform to be real.

"Is it a wig?" Su Yan muttered under her breath. Her eyes were too busy drinking in his face that she didn't realise he was looking straight at her. Yanner didn't buzz just continued observing him as she knew if she looked away, he would realise she was guilty. And Yanner was never guilty. Or atleast she wouldn't let him know that.

The situation has now reversed. Instead of Luce making her uncomfortable with his attitude, Yanner has intimidated him by being herself.

That's eternally shameless.

"Ahem", He cleared his throat and like a professional walked to his seat. Yanner kept gazing at him as he stared at his shoes as if revising something then looked up and met her eyes. With a professional smile that was too fake to comfort her he muttered.

"You watch a lot of Korean dramas, don't you?" Su Yan didn't answered his question and the room was deadly silent.

A sudden thought made Yanner frown. Wasn't this how most of the k dramas romantic scenes were? Except the music and slo-mo they had it all. But it didn't felt romantic.

Just sinfully awkward.

This made her question her entire existence. If this was romantic then well Luce and her indeed had yawnable chemistry...


Well this was chapter 15. I hope y'all loved it.

Your impression of:

1) Yanner

2) Luce/ Lucifer

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