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Su yan was highly sensitive and observant of her surroundings. Her eyes had the innocent look in them as she tried to seek inspiration for her cover and if her luck was good, a new book. But being a writer is truly a struggle as plot points occur at the most unjust moments like while you are out with your friends and they are talking. And you suddenly get a plot for your new story. That moment is golden as ideas flow into your brain like a river with no sense of stopping.

And if you control that urge then well you lost a valuable story. Su yan was called weird among her friend circle. Why? Because she did drunk typing. Yes, you heard it right. People generally reveal their secrets, cry, puke or fall asleep. But for Su yan it was a meditative zone that gave her steamy ideas to write the mature chapters of her book.

When her friends played at the pool, she sat under the shades sipping her martini as her fingers built up a new world. She knew that she was missing out on all the fun. Her friends stopped hanging out with her because of her odd habits.

Only one person remained. Her childhood friend Jue and her first love. Its golden hair and large brown eyes were always in search of Su yan.

Yanner smiled as she said bye to it before closing the door. Taking a cab she reached the bar. A normal girl would feel out of place dressed up in a suit with people around her in the clubbing outfit. But this was Su yan, she couldn't care less about her outfit when her book was at stake. A smile bloomed on her face as she entered the club. This wasn't her first time going to a club for inspiration, Su yan has done it numerous times before.

To write a steamy scene she has followed a couple from the club to the parking area. Her large eyes peeked at them from behind the car as she furiously typed on her phone. Yes, it was wrong on many levels. But who was going to scold the girl for her dedicated attitude?

To write a romance story she has even eavesdropped on a couple's banter. Dressing up as a waitress to write a perfect scene for her book indeed requires determination.

Thus entering a club in a suit was nothing new for her. She ordered a martini after finding an empty seat. Her eyes were aimless as they tried to spot something interesting. But a sad expression replaced the hopeful look when she found nothing interesting except for some casual grinding among underage teens.

Sighing she sipped her martini. Swirling the red liquid around the transparent glass. An hour passed and Su yan's seventh glass was half completed as she looked around the boring bar with a frown on her face.

Why is this place so boring? Why aren't two dudes fighting for a girl? Or a hot Mafia boss ogling an average girl who's wearing a red dress.

This girl wants a fucking show to watch. Right now!!!

"Fuck this" Su yan muttered passing the glass to the bartender.

"Hey girl", Someone said from behind her. She could feel his hot breath on her skin as he rested his head on her neck. She felt nausea kicking in as the guy started venturing his hands lower.

Su yan turned around fast enough for the guy to stumble back. She jumped from the high stool and confidently walked towards the guy as her doll-like eyes checked him out. A creepy smile appeared on her face as she caught his chin in her small hand.

"You look exactly like the guy I imagined," She said her mouth just an inch away from his. The man felt his confidence getting boosted as it was the first time when a girl was giving him attention.

"You have imagined me in your dreams?" He asked interested in listening to the girl flirt with him. Before he approached he knew he would be gifted by a slap because of the way she was dressed up.

"Yes, I have many times" Su yan replied her voice filled with excitement as she distanced a bit from him. And took his hand in hers. His hand was hard but soft and it could envelop her palm one and half times. She rubbed his broken nails as he stuttered.

"What was I doing in your dreams?" He asked as Su yan played with his fingers.

"You were harassing Julie when she entered into the club to spy on her boyfriend Ryan", She replied looking closely at the lines on his palm as if she could read his future.

"Who are Julie and Ryan?" He asked trying to snatch back his hand which Su yan was clutching tightly.

"They are the main characters of my book, the ones who got a happy ending" She answered tearing the skin that stuck out from the cuticles.

"Who am I?", He questioned holding in a groan of pain as the girl plucked a small hair from his finger.

"You are the creepy guy who got killed in chapter 14", She answered. Fishing out her phone and sketch pad she clicked a picture of his hand.

"Got killed?.." He questioned then he saw her removing a paper cutter and placing it near his suicidal artery which made him scream in fright as he snatched his hand back and ran away from the crazy girl.

"I liked his hand" The girl complained in a frustrated tone. Looking at the blank paper Lillah's word played in her mind which made her jump in action. She took out her phone and sketchpad and went in search of something interesting on the top floor. She heard several screams of men and women which she ignored and further walked up on the terrace. She heard the click of a gun.

Controlling her excitement she ran towards the place from where she heard the gunshot. Peeking from behind the gate of the terrace she saw the back of the man. He wore a black top, has shoulder-length blonde hair that was tied in a ponytail.

He was beautiful from behind. She hoped he is as gorgeous from the front. The man was speaking to a girl, threatening her in a cold voice.

"I never told you, that I was in love with you. Hannah, it was all casual. I have no feelings for you" He continued heartlessly "I don't love you"

Damn. What a heartless man! Even the jerks in her novel weren't this level. Su yan felt bad for the girl whose heart this man who looked beautiful from the backside just crushed.

"But... I love you Lucifer..." His name caught her attention. Well, names do affect your personality, he was truly a devil from the heart. She just wanted him to turn around and confirm if he was as gorgeous as Lucifer.

"Why do girls always complicate things? I don't love you, we were just fuck buddies. Stop giving names to our casual relationship for god's sake" The guy implored.

'Such a bastard!' She screamed internally. Su yan decided that if he is ugly, she would smack him for sure. And if he is not she will click a picture of him and make his face the cover of her book. She giggled as she waited for the devil to turn around.


Well, this is chapter 2.

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And I love you guys♥️

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