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It was freezing in here as I laid near the coffin. My fingers caressed the patterns on the coffin which resembled a rose. The dungeon was dark so I couldn't tell. The water droplets made a pattering sound as they dropped from the ducts on to the coffin. My fingers were becoming warm as I closed my eyes and tried to sleep on the built in bench that hung from the wall. I could hear sound of my every breath resonating in the room. It should have scared me, but it didn't.

I guess the crew were right for calling me a freak. Goosebumps rose on my skin as I felt my hand automatically lifting up against gravity. I let that happen as cold water started falling on my palm from the ducts. And escaping via different routes.

I again felt her presence near me. I wanted to open my eyes and see her but my instincts stopped me. My hand slowly dropped down as if she was holding it from above and I sighed in relief. 

Her presence was domineering but not suffocating. Almost like a human just left the room, letting their aura linger for a few seconds.

"You are gorgeous my love"

Yanner heard someone whisper from a distance. Her ears perked up as she felt light flashing around the room. Her eyes peeked open and she saw a man kneeling beside a veiled woman.

The woman shook her head in denial as he tried to lift up the veil.

"No man can see me except him", She whispered clutching the veil tightly.

"But he sentenced you to a death penalty. I can save you..." ,The man said lovingly.

The woman remained silent as slight footsteps echoed in the room and soon the man disappeared.

Yanner blinked as the woman motioned her to come closer.

She sighed and headed to where the coffin was supposed to be.

"He loves me a lot", She whispered happily to Yanner making her shiver. All the cells in her body screamed to tell her the truth. But Yanner couldn't help but remain dumb.

"We played house as kids, he didn't like me then. But I stuck closer to him. I thought our parents were planning for our wedding as we got engaged at a young age. But my father chose political support over his friendship and assassinated his entire family by lighting his house on fire", The woman sighed and lifted her veil making Yanner gasp. Her face had third degree burns.

"I somehow sensed something was off when he didn't show up near the lake, so I went to his house when my father's men were throwing in kerosene. I raj to his room to find him sleeping peacefully as the house burst into flames. I tried dragging him out but on the way something happened and I... got burnt", She confessed her voice trembling.

"I must have fainted at that moment because after that I found myself at this place. The prince had escaped from the town taking me away from my family. Time passed as my grief increased. I knew my face was deformed. Then why did the prince brought me along?

He would train day and night. Visited me only when the sun was down. I begged him sometimes to let me run back to my father but he always made up an excuse. He told me that he loved me and I accepted it. As that was what my heart wanted to hear. I loved him... ",

The voice started fading away as Yanner felt a squinting light on her eyelids making her blink.

She heard the staff's shrill voice as she attempted to wake up the dozed off Yanner.

On waking up she realised she somehow has slept inside the coffin which was now filled with water, making her clothes wet. Yanner stared at the crew member who was running away as if Yanner was a zombie.


As she reached her new home Yanner smiled with her teeth. Her phone beeped with a message from her father.

Dinner at my house?

This made her laugh as the house her father was living in was hers...

Sure, Dad.

"Yanner?" She heard Luce call out to her.

"Yes", She immediately looked up from her phone startled.

" Are you okay? " He enquired in a concerned voice as he saw water dribbling out of her suit.

Yanner sighed and ran to the shower ignoring his question. When she came out her phone was missing from its usual place making her panick. She rushed towards the door and found it locked. A note popped inside.

"You aren't allowed to go anywhere"

This triggered her claustrophobia. Tears ran down her eyes as she tried to breathe normally. Suddenly a light flashed in as Yanner felt the presence of the woman beside her trying to sooth her.

"Looks like Luce is quite similar to my prince. He forbade you to visit your father just like my prince did for years"

"The prince did he actually love you?" Yanner asked trying to ease her shivering body.

"Yes he did. As a prisoner though. He was obsessed with me to the point of keeping me chained up in the basement so he could visit me even after he got married to a beautiful woman"

The woman confessed sadly.

"Do you think Luce loves you for real?" Yanner nodded without thinking making the woman smile.

"I don't think so. My prince held me captive not because he loved me but to torture my father slowly", She said sadly.

Her words echoed in Yanner's head as she questioned Luce's love for her.

He had locked her inside her room and took away her phone so that she couldn't text her dad.

It was almost time for dinner...

Yanner thought as her stomach grumbled for food. Her father must be waiting for her...

Yanner banged on the door calling out for Luce. But he paid her no mind.

"Please Luce...", Yanner cried sliding down the door as her tears started pooling on the cold earth. She felt like the phantom as she waited for Luce to give in to her pleas.


So this is chapter 39

I know it's been a long time since I last published  I hope you liked it.

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