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Warning: This chapter is crap


Luce replayed the footage from a day before as he watched Yanner speaking to the mysterious man but something was off in the video. And then realisation hit him making a shiver pass down his spine. 

He felt anger blaze in for the person responsible for all the misery in their lives. The man had destroyed his life and Yanner's life since the moment she was born.

He picked up his phone and dialled as the phone rang on the other side. And the man picked it up but before he could say anything Luce burst at him.

"What man could be as selfish as you? I thought she was your weakness but I guess it's the other way around. An innocent man is what you are in her eyes. Even Chris loved me despite me being an adopted son, but you are a shame to be called a father", Jen Han sighed from the other side and spoke in a gentle voice.

"How much money do you want?" This flared up the anger inside Luce.

"Mr Han I know all about Su Ji. The case where your daughter was sent to juvenile for murdering her uncle. How could you?"

Jen Han sighed as the memories from that night flashed in front of his eyes.

"Dad, I don't like the way uncle touches me.." Su Ji complained her eyes red as her fingers trembled in fear. Fear that it could happen again to her. That too in her own house. The place stopped being a home for her the moment the man first assaulted her. She was ten years old and knew what he was doing was wrong. But couldn't stop him from touching her as he covered her screams with his large hand and easily overpowered her. That day she went to her younger sister's room to hide inside the cupboard.

She heard her sister crying but didn't want to come out of her cupboard and stop the baby from crying.

Years passed and now she became an expert at hiding whenever her uncle was around but today she knew something was off as her father was going out of town.

"Ji'er where are your manners?  Is that how you respect my brother who does everything he can to help us? This house and the property belong to your uncle and because of him you can live in such a luxurious house...", The man went on not noticing the look of disappointment on his daughter's face. She realised the reason why her mother committed suicide.

Su Ji went to her sister's room to play with her. Su Yan was so innocent and sweet, Su Ji didn't want her sister to lose her innocence as she did. She wanted Yanner to find her prince charming who would love her unconditionally and save her from people like her uncle.

Only if her father wasn't a money-hungry coward her life could have been less traumatic. But everything ended that day for the girl.

Her father already knew what disgusting shit his brother was. But didn't stop him when he witnessed him choking her to death.

At the dinner table, he saw her younger daughter suffering from one of her seizures again so he picked up the fork and stabbed his brother in his neck. Then further stabbed it with his fingers. He placed the fork in his daughter's hand and well rest is history.


Jen Han was certainly a not good father or husband. Luce knew that but his words echoed in his mind.

"We both are the same, Luce. You are using Yanner for revenge I used her to protect myself from prison and get my brother's money. We both are selfish. You want to avenge your father's death. Don't ya? Well, it wasn't intended to kill him. Just a measly accident on our part, why would I want to murder a mere butler?" The man laughed as Luce felt himself reaching to his brink of patience his red eyes shed an angry tear.

"But you are a murderer, Mr Han" Luce whispered slowly then disconnected the line.

Luce entered her room and saw her sleeping on the bed. Her hair silhouetted half of her face. He sat near the edge of the bed as tears dropped from his face.

"I love you", He confessed to her.  Luce had never imagined himself falling for her, she was just a chess piece to lure her father in. But Yanner somehow made him fall for her.

Tears dropped as he realised his mistakes. He was no different from her father. No wonder the girl had built her defence mechanism, Xavier. The young Yanner felt the loneliness sinking in when Xavier met her, he appeared for her when she wanted him to.

Luce had a terrible realisation as he saw the footage. That Xavier wasn't real. He was a part of her imagination, all the trauma she suffered from impacted her mental health in such a way that she started thinking that Xavier was real. In the beginning, she just made him up to comfort herself but slowly he became a real person for her. The nights in the juvenile were cold and her grumbling stomach made her hallucinate him sneaking in with food and narrating her sister's stories.

It was a coping mechanism and intact it always took place whenever Yanner stopped her medication. He was her solace, her haven.

Someone she made up.


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