16. I'm the Winner 💪💪

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Hi all...
Here is the next part 😊😊

1month later:

Vindhya's POV:

It's been a month I joined in Karthik and Co. Everyday I follow the same schedule. I reach there by 8am, I check my work for the day and start working until 10am. I leave the office at 10 and return by 1.

I'm actually not lying by saying that I'm unhappy that I got selected for this by Mr. Mukherjee. I'm happy because Karthik is boss and I had the privilege to get 3 hrs off during office hours. I still remembered the surprised look of Mr.Ritish Kumar, the manager here when he found out that I'll be out everyday for sometime. Everyone else also were surprised. No one tried to ask but Keerthi couldn't hold herself and asked me how I managed it. I just smiled without any answer. She understood that I'm not going to say it.

I have become close to Keerthi here, we hang out sometimes rarely on the weekends. I take a cab to the office and back to home. Karthik is available in the office only for 3 days. On some days he comes in between and leaves before evening. May be he's managing the Kapoors branch too.

My family asked me many questions about my new work place. I successfully dodged many of the questions which are related to our head.

I'm having a tough time hiding Karthik's identity, I hope you all will understand.

I know that my family is worried about my safety, so I informed them the address of my office and the name of it Karthik and Co. I told them Karthik is the name of boss. I said I didn't know his surname.

I continued my morning walk with dad most of the times. I'm a bit heavy because I'm holding Karthik's secret along with my secret inside. It's painful to hold them inside and they'll be weighing me down and challenging me to confess my secret atleast to the best man of the world that's undoubtedly my dad. I spoke little in our walk and it didn't go unnoticed by dad.

He asked me what's wrong.

I said "Everything is fine dad. "

He seemed not to be convinced but didn't push the matter.

But what he said that morning was a disaster.

He said he'll visit my office sometime to meet my boss and to know about my performance there.

What should I do that day??

I met Deepak many times these days, to be honest more than necessary times.

He was surprised too about how I was able to meet him like that.

I said my new work is less time taking and my boss is generous to give me permission whenever I needed.

He didn't seem to buy it.

So at that time I added " Didn't you remember that he was generous enough to select me without even meeting me?"

He nodded and that made me relax a bit.

It actually didn't help that I hid about Karthik to Deepak. He is the only one who knew all my secrets. And this new secret of mine isn't helping me.

I can even become sick as hell or even die but I can't break my promise. Huh, this stupid habit of mine I thought. It's going to kill me one day.

I'm being worried more these days. Dad said he'll be visiting a week ago. He's not the type who'll be postponing things. So I'm being worried.

When I'm usually worried Deepak helps me, but now I can't take his help.

I'm so much worried that a strong headache held me as it's captive for an hour or so.

It's intensity increased suddenly and I held my head in my hands massaging my temples.

" What's wrong Vindhya?" A concerned voice came from behind.

I didn't expect anyone to be here, as all the staff left for lunch 5 minutes back.

I'm having lunch at my desk itself everyday as I being my lunch from home.

I turned around and saw a concerned face of Karthik there.

I looked around to confirm that there are no one else in the office now.

In a slow but audible tone I spoke " What should I do when my tension is increasing just because of holding your secret? I can't really hide a thing from my loved ones. But now I'm hiding and on the top of it I feel like I'm going to be caught red handed soon."

I snapped at him.

Only after that I realized what I did. I thought he's going to be angry on me.

He spoke in a soft voice " Don't stress too much Vindhya. I can help you in hiding your secret or more specifically my secret from your loved ones. I'll be there to help you in this. Please don't worry for this. I'll manage it. I'll look after it. Please trust me in this."

I'm surprised with his way of talking today. He spoke usually in an authoritative and stern voice in office. I wonder what has caused this change.

Surprisingly my headache decreased a bit and I felt a bit better. I nodded my head when I found him still looking at me for my answer to his question.

He spoke " Now start opening your lunch box and have it. "

Suddenly my phone rang and it is Deepak calling me. I don't know if Karthik saw the caller name or not, but he went inside his room shutting the door loudly.

I thought of calling him later, I messaged him that I'll call back.

I went inside Karthik's room with my lunch box. I saw him looking into his laptop.

I sat infront of him and spoke " Did you have your lunch?"

He didn't reply but his stomach growled. I controlled my laughter and gave one of the two boxes of my lunch carriage to him.

Mom cooked potato curry, I gave it to him and I took curd rice box. I'm no mood of eating potato now anyway.

He looked at me with different expression but spoke " No, it's not really needed Vindhya. I'm not hungry. You have yours, you'll be hungry."

He can't listen to me when I'm nice with him.

So I sarcastically remarked " Sure, your stomach says so. And I won't be hungry and I'm eating this box. You need not worry, I can concentrate on your work after eating one box also. I'm anyways not going to eat this curry. You can have it Mr.Kapoor."

A frown etched upon his face.

I don't know if I said too much.

He was about to say something but his stomach growled again.

I now spoke "Please Karthik, sorry for talking like that before. I thought you'll eat if I irritate you or maybe you would challenge me who'll eat first."

His frown turned into a smirk. I'm now sure I said it too much.

He spoke " Sure, Vindhya. Let's see who eats fast."

Saying this He took the box and started eating it like he's a predator and the box is his prey.

I chuckled and started eating my curd rice.

I finally managed to get him eat and listen to my word for once. May be he's not that bad after all.

He ate it within no time.

He remarked " See, I ate faster than you. I know that I'll win. I'm the winner💪💪😋."

I am amused by his words. He definitely had a child's heart inside.

I replied " Yes you won Karthik."

He grinned widely nodding as if he had won an Olympic medal.

I saw Deepak calling me and Karthik forwarded my phone.

What's with him now? I picked up the call....


That's it for now...
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