23. We Are Caught!!!😟😟😟

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Hi all!!!
Here is the next part ❤

I dedicate this part to my friends stuckwiththedreams and Alex Mrpanda_98.
stuckwiththedreams voted first on the previous part. Alex Mrpanda_98 has been a constant support to me in writing. Thank you soo much.

Thank you friends for the 500 reads❤❤

Vindhya's POV:

After getting ready by 3:30 am, I slowly tiptoed down towards the main door. I'm trained in this basic detective skills, but I'm nervous that anyone may catch me in my home.

Calling Priya, I informed her to come to gym. She scolded me for informing late, but I should have a second plan if the 1st one fails.
Anyways her house is nearer to the gym, so I don't think it'll be a problem.

Abhi, Deepak and Sandeep are waiting there for us. I called Priya what she should do and when to come. We discussed a brief plan and left Deepak outside. We three entered the gym at 4am sharp. We met the trainer of the gym and told him the reason of our visit. He first refused to agree to our search saying that it violates his customer's privacy. We later showed him our IDs which the police dept issued us to him saying that it'll not cause a trouble to him.

We are not working under the police dept. We are an independent organisation but seeing our success rate, police dept asked us to help in some cases. This is one such case. When police dept offered us that chance, we were hesitant because they'll know about identity. They said if one of them is known to them, the others need not be known.

Vaishnavi came forward for it and we're grateful to her for that. Her parents know that she helps police dept. The dept gave her a special ID and 9 other empty IDs on which we added our picture. We'll always be careful with them because if they land in wrong hands, vaishu will be in trouble.

The trainer agreed after showing him our ID and we took Ravi's details in the gym. He joined a year ago. We noted that his address in the form was different from the one in his bank's account book.

One year was exactly the time When Ravi met Sravani according to Mr.Prasad.
We asked to show him the locker given to he customers. He showed it to us.

Sandeep who's a pro in decoding secret messages and breaking locks got into action. He opened the locker within 5 minutes and there's not a sign that we broke it. It's the specialty of Sandeep.

There are some clothes, but what got our attention is the a large box. We opened it and found different things like keychains, pens, chocolates with the same message ' I love you' on them. I wonder why there are so many.

We didn't find any other important things like his identity. According to Mr.prasad, ravi is trapping his daughter Sravani in the name of love. I'm not against love. If we find that it's true love, we're definitely going to help them. But as Mr.Prasad is the MLA of the city, he wanted a secret police enquiry on him. The police gave the work to us. Everything is fine until here, but the thing here is Ravi is seeming a bit mysterious as we couldn't trace his identity from the beginning. We couldn't find his birthplace or his childhood details.

Now We are hoping that we'll get some clue about his identity. The trainer said that mobiles are not allowed inside so the customers usually keep them in the locker.
Now we must hope that he gets his mobile here.

Sandeep again locked the locker and made it look like it's been untouched. It's 6 am now and they may come anytime now.

"Sorry mam, that facility is not available here." The trainer spoke to someone.

" I don't give a shit, I'm the daughter of CM of this state and I'll get whatever I want." Some girl shouted.

" I'll come in the evening and I want that machine to be placed here in the evening. Do you get that?" She shouted.

" Okay mam." That trainer said trembling

Just then Sravani entered and came to her locker and she is standing there even after taking the necessary things.

Ravi also came and gave a rose to sravani and kissed her on the cheeks.

He opened his locker and placed his mobile and keys. He took his clothes. Ravi taking a handful of things from that box and shoving them into his pocket didn't miss my eyes. I should later find that what'll he do with those things.

After ensuring that they both went inside the gym, we went to the lockers and Sandeep opened it within no time.

Abhi and I started with opening the phone's lock. We noted the numbers he called frequently. We copied the entire phone's data into our pen drive. We inserted a tracking device into the phone.

We closed the locker and we came back to the trainer to thank him.
Just then Ravi came to the trainer and said " I need my membership for the evening too. I'll pay you in the evening."

We all smiled inwardly knowing that our plan worked out.

We went back to our places by 7am.

Dad asked me " Where did you go beta?"

I said " Priya asked me to come to see her gym papa."

" Oh, are you joining there?" He asked.

" No appa, you know na I hate doing exercise in a closed room." I told.

" Okay beta. Go wake Sid, I didn't wake him, he must have been tired by playing yesterday." He said

I went into the guest room to find Sid sleeping while Karthik is nowhere around.

He must have left I thought and I made Sid to sit.

I went to office and saw that some files need Karthik's signature. As I am his secretary till tomorrow, I should inform him. When I called him, he asked me to come to the Kapoors branch.

After working on the other works, I went to Kapoors branch.

It's a huge 25 storeyed building in the centre of the city. Walking inside, I asked the receptionist about Karthik. She asked me to reach the top floor and enter the room in the left.

After I entered the topmost floor, I entered his room. He asked me to sit beside him on chair while he checked the files.

" You have an awesome brother just like mine." He said.

" I totally agree." I accepted.

As we are talking about random things, the door opened all of a sudden and there stood Arun uncle with a briefcase in his hand.

I'm shocked would be an understatement and Karthik looked equally shocked.

I thought that he'll also push me down to hide under the table like I did before but Karthik did nothing except standing like a statue.

I also stood up and how I wish earth would open up and swallow me. We are caught!!

Uncle spoke " How are you my young boy? How are you Vindhya?"

" I'm fine uncle. How are you?" I said.

Karthik didn't say anything so I whispered " Uncle is talking to you."

He came back to his senses and said " I'm fine dad. How are you dad?"

" I'm perfectly fine." He said making himself comfortable on a chair opposite to Karthik's.

" I'm here for a business meeting, so I thought of surprising you." He said.

" Vindhya, Prabhakaran told me that you're working as an intern?" He asked.

" Yes Uncle, I am. I came here to ask some doubts about doing the office work and Karthik is kind enough to help me uncle." I said and Karthik glared at me.

" Oh finally he's helping" he said.

I didn't understand what uncle meant. Anyways after thanking Karthik for his help and greeting uncle I ran from there.

As I completed my work in Karthik and Co., I went to my hideout and asked Deepak about the progress of the morning case.

Things are going according to us and soon we can finish off this case.

Evening Sid taught me boxing. Dad said that Arun uncle and Karthik are visiting for dinner.

When Uncle and Karthik came, uncle seemed angry. Dad went and spoke with uncle. Dad also looked a bit serious.

" What happened dumbo?" I asked going near Karthik.

" Will you stop calling me that? I told dad about Reshma, he's angry because Adi did'nt tell about his love to dad directly and also as Reshma is from a family which dad doesn't like." He said worriedly.

" You shouldn't have interfered in this Karthik." Dad said.

" Uncle, I did this for my brother." He said.

" Can't you ask me before doing that?" Uncle said.

" I didn't know that you'll be angry for not telling you before." Karthik said.

" I'm not agreeing for this marriage." Uncle said.

" I agree with your decision Arun." Dad said.

" Uncle, I know I'm very small to speak with you all. But I know that you want Adi bhai's happiness. Reshma may come from a family which is not good, but there can be chance that she can be good. I actually met her once and I personally feel that she's good. She loves Adi and I saw that in her eyes. Please think about this once uncle. What if I'm an orphan and I have good character and I love your son, won't you marry me to him to appa?" I said.

Uncle seemed to be in a thought when dad said " Why will you be an orphan beta? I'm here only na. Don't ever say that again. " dad came towards me and hugged me.

" Calm down appa. I told that to make uncle think about it." I said and he relaxed. Why is dad behaving strangely?

" Papa, answer my question." I said and he replied " I'll marry off my son to her."

Uncle also said after a minute " I'll think about it. Okay now tell where did you meet Reshma? Do you know her from before?"

" I met her in a restaurant one day when I'm with my friends for lunch. I saw Karthik and her talking. I went to greet Karthik and he introduced Reshma to me." I said half truth.
I'm telling a lot of lies these days.

" Oh" uncle said.

Uncle, dad went to the dining hall. Rest of us also started following them.

Suddenly Karthik took me towards other side and hugged me and spoke " Vindhya, thank you very much. You don't even know how much this means to me. I can never be cool when dad's angry and I'll spoil all the situations. Thank you, now I think he'll agree for the marriage."

" Hey, it's okay. Did you realise that I was about to break my promise by telling about your office." I said breaking from the hug.

" I don't care about that office. Adi means a lot more than that office. Thank you again." He said.

We both went towards dining hall. I helped mom in serving dishes.

Sid raised an eyebrow when he saw that I was late while coming but I shrugged.

Mon asked me to prepare that halwa which I prepared earlier when they came for dinner as Karthik liked it.

Uncle spoke " I'll talk to Adithya and Reshma and I'll see if I can arrange their marriage. If her family objects, I'm okay with love marriage also. But I should get my confirmation that they both love each other."

" Thank you uncle." I smiled widely.

" Vindhya I want to ask you one thing." Uncle said.

" tell me uncle." I said

" Vindhya will you marry my second son, the holder of half of my property and who inherited all my qualities, Karthik Kapoor?" Uncle asked.

Then I looked at Dad, he is normal as if nothing happened, maybe he knew this before.

I looked towards mom and Sid.

I took a deep breath and said " Uncle..."


That's it for now
Please do vote comment and share ❤

Let me know if you liked it. Are you excited about the next?

I'll dedicate the next part to the one who votes first on this part.

I'm actually trying to read for my exams which are round the corner, but I haven't actually started preparing.

So I don't know when I'll update next But I will reveal soon what Vindhya said.

Will Vindhya's answer change Prabhakaran and Arun's friendship for good or bad?
Message me what you think...

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