33. Willingly????😲😲

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Hi all...

Here's the next part...

I dedicate this part to my friend Sar_Van99  for voting first on the previous part...


Karthik's POV:

I'm surprised when Vindhya called me to have lunch together. I got irritated when she said I'm invisible, I wanted to show how other people are noticing me. I'm frustrated when that Mrudula called Vindhya ugly. I seriously think that Mrudula is blind. Vindhya is equally beautiful inside and out.

Vindhya surprised me by staying back when I asked her to, I'm glad that she listened to me. She is so cheerful while we ate icecream. Even after I went back to office, my mind began to ponder about her. In the evening, I had this strange urge to listen to her voice. Wantedly, I hid Siddharth's phone. I was waiting expectantly when he would call Vindhya. Sid suggested that we watch Avengers and it's almost 10pm. I felt sad thinking about the probability that Vindhya slept. Finally Sid realised that his phone is missing and asked my phone. I felt satisfied after I listened to her voice. I felt content strangely, the emotion which I have never felt in the recent years. I am starting to be afraid of these emotions.

I didn't realise that I have been holding the phone near my ear until Sid cleared his throat.

" You do like her, don't you?" He asked pushing me off the edge.

" No, nothing like that." I defended and Sid just laughed. He informed me that his flight is tomorrow and went to sleep after saying good night.

Vindhya's POV:

I woke up at 6am sharp and texted appa saying that I'm up or else he would call me again and disturb Tara.

I went for a quick jog and got ready for college. I stopped doing my workouts and boxing practice which I need to resume. I never know when it will be needed.

Seeing that it's already 7am, I woke up Tara and  after having breakfast together we moved to our respective departments.

I waved to Cheryl who's just entering the department. She waved back at me.

" Hi Vindhya." She greeted cheerfully.

" Hi Cheryl. Good morning. How was your day yesterday?" I asked her.

" Don't ask about it. I am made to stay back until 4 pm though I didn't have any assigned work. She said sighing.

" My guide seems too strict." She added.

" I'm sorry." I said feeling bad for her.

" Don't be. Anyways I'm too lazy and I need such guide to change for the better." She said smiling.

" I'm in awe about your optimistic way of looking at things." I confessed and she smiled brightly saying  " Thanks."

The day passed by very soon, I didn't even feel tired. The lectures are interesting. I had Sai Prasad sir's lecture at the end. He had a special way of teaching. He ended the lecture saying a few words about optimism and motivated us to compete with ourselves.

Sid texted me that his flight is in 3 hours from now. I texted him back that I'll come to airport.

I quickly got ready and took a cab to the airport. Karthik is also present beside Sid.

" Have a safe flight." I said kissing him on his cheek when he is about to go.

" Take care akka." He kissed me back.

" Do you want to have dinner together?" Karthik asked.

It was still 7 and I thought of going to the local library.

" It's okay if you didn't want to." Karthik said again.

" Umm, I'll come but I have a small work to do on a laptop. " I said.

" let's go to my guest house then. We will order food from Swiggy. You can work on my laptop." Karthik said and I agreed.

(A/N : I specifically mentioned Swiggy... How many of you know why???)

" Where is your laptop." I asked after going into the guesthouse.

It had 2 bedrooms, one living room, kitchen and dining hall.

" It's in the right bedroom. Go and get it while I'm ordering food. Is chicken biryani okay?" He asked me.

" Yeah okay." I said and took the laptop which is on the table.

" Give it to me, I'll unlock it for you." Karthik said.

" The food will be here in an hour." He informed while giving me the laptop.

" Okay, do you also need the laptop?" I asked him.

" No, I'll go and fresh up. You continue." He said and I opened the incognito tab.

I logged into our Team Ten website, I began noting down the details into my notepad.

After reading thoroughly, I quickly recollected the details and my mind immediately showed me a probability.
This isn't a difficult case. Now that Team Ten started to work as a Private institute we are getting many cases. I sighed and thought to see some more like this so that I can help my friends.

I called Deepak and informed about the probable conclusion and he agreed. He said that he will deal with this case and close it.

I began to scroll for another one when Karthik came. Closing the tab, I began to play 2048 game.

" Vindhya, the food has almost reached. Is your work done?" He asked.

" Yes it was over before only." I said and he glared at me when he saw me playing the game.

I shrugged and shut down the laptop. Taking plates from the kitchen, I arranged them on the dining table. Karthik meanwhile took the food and we served it.

"Chicken biryani is yummy" I exclaimed while eating.

Karthik just laughed.

While eating my phone rang and it's Tara.

" Where have you been Vindhya?" She asked me.

" I am out with a friend Tara." I said.

" Just to remind you, the security won't allow you inside the campus after 30 minutes." She said and my eyes widened after realising it.

I looked at my watch and it's 9:30 already.

" Thanks for reminding Tara. I'll be back soon." I said and ended the call.

" What happened Vindhya?" Karthik asked me.

" I need to go back to the hostel in 30 minutes." I said and stood up.

" I thought you would like icecream after this. No problem, I'll eat it alone." He said.

" Not happening." I ran into the kitchen and quickly served icecream for both of us.

" The shopkeeper informed that this chocoblast flavour is their speciality." Karthik said but I was already busily eating it.

" How will I go in 20 minutes now?" I said catching my head.

" You should have thought about that before." Karthik smirked.

" Arey idiot, help me." I exclaimed.

" Come on." He said and took me downstairs in the lift.

He asked someone for a bike and he dropped me till the campus.

But the problem is we are 15 minutes late and the security isn't allowing us inside.

Should I call and tell Appa? But he will be worried.

" I'll drop you tomorrow." Karthik said and brought me out.

" No, I have to write in the hostel register. That will be checked after 15 minutes from now " I sighed.

" I can help." He said.

He helped me jump up a wall which is near our hostel and waited till I reached the hostel safely.

There are 5 more minutes until the register is checked. Thank God!

I sighed and rushed into the room.

" Thank God." I and Tara exclaimed at the same time .

"Why are you sounding this relieved? I didn't sign at the security register. " I said to  Tara worriedly.

"I signed it half an hour before only. I'm being anxious that you wouldn't come and I would be caught." She said.

"Wow! Thank you Tara. You  saved me." I hugged her.

After calming down, I called Appa and he asked me to be careful from the next time.

I called Karthik after that.

" Why the hell did you take this long? I'm thinking to come inside the campus and check upon you." He said.

" You wouldn't do that." I said being horrified.

" Now that you have called I won't come. I'm going back to guest house." He said.

" Thank you. Bye." I said and he replied bye.

After taking a bath, I read about the topics I heard at the lectures today. Tara also studied with me.

My phone started ringing, it was an unknown number.

I answered it and spoke " Hello."

" Vindhya, I'm Arun." Arun uncle said.

" Namasthe Uncle. " I greeted him.

" How are you dear?" Uncle asked me.

" I'm fine uncle. How are you, aunty and Adi?" I asked him.

" We are all fine dear."Uncle said.

" What are you doing dear?" Uncle asked me.

" I was reading uncle." I said.

" Sorry that I'm asking you this beti. How is Karthik?" Uncle asked me.

" He is fine uncle. We had dinner together Uncle. Didn't he call you after coming to Bengaluru?" I asked shocked.

" No dear he didn't. " uncle sighed.

" I'll talk with him uncle. Maybe it must be because you sent him here suddenly when he isn't done in Hyderabad. " I said trying to comfort him.

" I never asked him to go Vindhya. He himself said that he wants to transfer to Bengaluru. He came there willingly." Uncle said shocking me.

" Willingly?" I repeated out loud.

" Yes Vindhya. I'm worried about him." Uncle said.

" Uncle please don't worry. He is fine and will talk with you soon." I said and uncle ended the call after wishing good night.

Why is Karthik always like this? He is so caring towards everyone but not his parents. What should I do?

I video called him.

" Vindhya?" Karthik asked not understanding why I did a video call to him.

" Karthik I'm missing my mom and dad. " I said having  tears in my eyes.

" Why are you crying for this little thing?" Karthik asked worriedly.

" I don't know Karthik. I want to be with Amma and Appa now. I have a feeling that appa is sad." I said.

" When was the last time you spoke with uncle?" He asked me.

" An hour ago." I said.

" And you're still crying!" Karthik asked me unbelievably.

" Karthik when did you speak with uncle and aunty?" I asked him.

" Around a week ago I guess." He said and my tears began to roll out of my eyes thinking how Appa would be if I didn't call him for that long.

" Hey what happened?" He asked me.

" I'm angry with you. Uncle must have been worried. Don't talk with me until you speak with uncle." I said crying and end the call.

How can Karthik hurt uncle and Aunty?

Karthik tried calling me again but I didn't answer.

He called me again after 30 minutes. I saw a text from him saying that he spoke with uncle.

I called uncle. " Vindhya, thank you dear." Uncle said.

" I did nothing uncle. Karthik will call you from now on." I said and uncle blessed me.

Karthik called again and I answered "Vindhya are you okay?" He asked me.

" I'm okay. I did a video call to my home.Did you talk with Uncle and Aunty?" I asked him.

" Yes." He smiled.

" See how you are smiling just by talking with them, why don't you talk more often?" I asked him.

" nothing." He said.

I also wanted to ask why he cane here willingly but I dont think this is the right time.

" Karthik please call uncle and aunty atleast once in two days. I can never imagine what will happen to me if Appa or Amma wont talk me with me once in a day. " I asked him pleadingly.

" Okay I will." He said.

" Thank you so much. You made me so happy. " I said and he laughed.


That's it for now friends..

Please do vote comment and share ❤❤❤

I'll dedicate the next part to the one who votes first on this part.

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