46. Nadia! Help!!!

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Hi all..

Here's the next part..

I dedicate this part to my friend Sasanka54 for voting first on the previous part

As I updated the previous part today itself, there's no recap for this 😜😜 (Yes I'm lazy😅)


Prabhakaran's POV:

I hated myself for telling Vindhya to stay within her campus only . But I can't put my daughter's life at risk. These blackmail calls are increasing day by day and there's nothing I could do.

I need to find Amelia before I complain about this blackmail. I just hope that I can meet Amelia soon.

Vindhya's POV:

I groaned when my phone rang. Is it morning already? I tossed around hoping that my phone would magically became silent.

" Girl, get up and answer that!!" I heard a voice. 

Who is that? I woke up and saw Tara who is half sleepy. She is not an early bird and neither am I at times. Sighing, I got up to answer that phone.

But the time was just 2 A.M!!

Guess who called me now?

The call is from Sheela's number I had saved. This made me alert and I answered immediately.

" Sheela" I called out when I didn't get a response.

" Nadia, I need your help." She whispered so slowly that I would have missed if I wasn't concentrating. (Nadia is the name which Vindhya introduced herself to Sheela)

" Where are you Sheela?" I asked her.

" Please save me." Was all she said before the call got ended.

What kind of danger is she in?

How can I save her?

I realised that there was one missed call earlier from her. I should have been more quick.

I wanted to yell in frustration but I saw a message notification. I opened to see a message from sheela.

It had the address of the house which I visited earlier. Maybe she is now over there. I can't take the risk of waiting till the morning. What should I do?

Go there! My mind screamed.

I called Deepak while I got ready and arranged the basic necessities.

"Deepak track my location" I shouted when he answered in a sleepy tone.

This made him alert and I'm thankful for having him by my side whenever I needed him.

" Tara, I'm going out." I woke her up.

She looked at the clock and her eyes widened. She noticed my appearance and started at me in horror.

" Don't worry, I'll be safe. I'll come back soon. Don't tell about this to anyone." I requested her but she didn't reply anything.

" Tara it's really urgent. Please reply." I shouted.

" Uhh okay. Be careful." She said shaking in fear.

I hugged her and ran out.

I tiptoed out of my hostel. I made my way carefully so that I won't get noticed by the CCTVs.

Distracting the security I ran out of the block. I climbed the wall behind out hostel and jumped onto the road. Just a while ago Dad ordered me not to go out and here I'm on the road at an unusual time. I laughed at the irony.

There won't be any cabs now. I'm gonna run as far as I can. I pray that I'll get some help from God.

" Why the hell are you panting? Where are going at this time?" Deepak asked me when I stopped after running for a distance.

" Sheela." I said and began running again.

After a while, I saw a bike passing by my side. It crossed me and went ahead. It stopped a few feet away from me.

The person on the bike turned behind and spoke " Going somewhere young girl?"

The person looked to he in his twenties and he is around 6 feet tall. He is moderately built. His face had rough features like sharp jaw and pointed nose.

I know it's not safe to talk with strangers but I got to take a chance now. Also now that I know self defence in case anything goes wrong, I'm doing this.

" I need a lift please." I requested him.

" I'm not sure until where I can drop you but I don't want to leave a young girl all alone on the roads in the midnight." He said.

He sounded honest.

" Vindhya don't go if he looks suspicious." Deepak warned me.

" I have to go to this location." I told that man.

" I'm going the other way but I'll try to drop you somewhere nearby." He said.

After I hopped onto the bike he started driving.

I prayed to God that Sheela must be safe.

" Why are you all covered like a thief?" He asked me.

" It's freezing cool outside." I pointed out. It's to cover my identity mainly.

Though he said that he's going in another direction he dropped me just a metre away from Sheela's home.

" Thank you so much." I thanked him and ran away before he could reply.

I can't afford to waste time.

The watchman I saw earlier at the house was present but he was sleeping.

I climbed the wall and entered inside. There is a dog which is about to bark, I gave some of the biscuits I carried incase if I would face this situation.

I walked to the main door and noticed a CCTV close by. Shit! I didn't see it. But as I'm covered it's difficult to identify me  I guess.

The door is locked and I looked around for windows.  There were some windows but all of them are too small for me to fit. I looked at the first floor. There's a balcony on one side. That's the best option I thought.

I crawled upto the balcony by holding the pipes beside. There was adrenaline rush all through my body. I did very few cases like this but I never did at this time of the day 3AM.

The balcony door has been closed but the adjoining window is open. Through the window I opened the bolt of the door.

I slowly walked inside and saw many rooms. It's all dark here.

In which of these rooms Sheela will be found?

I slowly waked and stood infront of each door. There was one room from which a little amount of light is coming. I observed it from the gap below the door.

I tried opening the door and  it's open.

The bedlamp was on. It was responsible for the source of the light I earlier observed.

I saw a person shivering on the bed under the blanket.

From a distance, I looked around to see if anyone else is present in the room.

I slowly tapped the person to see who it is.

As they are shivering, I assumed that they are definitely not the cause of trouble going on here.

I knew that the person will shout so I closed their mouth with my hand.

" Sheela, it's me relax." I heaved a sigh when I saw that it's her only.

She too relaxed when she saw that it's me.

" Thanks for coming Nadia." She satrted sobbing.

" Don't cry. Let's get out of here." I said.

I really wanted to know what had happened but moving out into a safer place is the primary important thing to be done.

I held her shivering hand and started walking back in the same way I had come. I know that Sheela can't climb the walls but I'm here to help her.

I relaxed that we are almost safe, now that we came out into the balcony and locked the balcony door again.

Just when I'm about to calm myself down, I heard a voice " Nice meeting you Miss.. Where do you think you are going?"


That's it for now friends..

Please do vote comment and share ❤❤❤

I'll dedicate the next part to the one who votes first on this part.

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