50. Badly Messed Up!

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Hi all..

Here's the next part..

I dedicate this part to my friend Sar_Van99 for voting first on the previous part.

Also, it's my friend's birthday today. Happy Birthday Sarva❤❤❤   This part is for you. Don't mind the title yaar😅

I know it's been a long time. I was little caught up in my exams 😅


Vindhya agrees to stay in Karthik's flat. Deepak told Mr.Prabhakaran an imaginary story. When Karthik asked Vindhya where she had gone, she told the same imaginary story.

Karthik wanted to meet Vindhya's friend mKing her tensed. At last moment, he got a call from his PA about an important meeting.

Vindhya's POV:

I took a cab and reached the hospital. Sheela is sitting outside her mother's room. She hugged me when she saw me.

" How about the expenses?" I asked her incase if there was anything I could pay.

" No the police took care of it." She said and looked around me.

" What are you looking at?" I asked her.

" Where is your friend?" She asked me.

" He had some work and didn't come." I answered.

" So your real name is Vindhya, not Nadiya." She remarked.

" Yeah, this kind of work requires pseudo names. I hope you understand." I told her my real name if at all Karthik comes here.

" Yes, I do understand." She said.

" Please don't tell it to anyone else." I requested her and she nodded her head.

I went inside to talk with Mrs.Sirisha Reddy.

" How are you feeling Mrs.Sirisha?" I asked her.

" I'm much better. All thanks to you. Me and my daughter are forever indebted to you." She said smiling with tears in her eyes.

" It is my work Mrs.Sirisha. Take care and get well soon." I told her.

" ACP Sir wanted to meet you. He asked me to inform him when you came. I called him when I heard my Sheela talking with you." Mrs.Sirisha said.

" Okay." I said and came out.
Why did ACP Sir want to meet me?

Sheela was talking on the phone but a constable came near her.

" We need you to sign on few papers." The constable told her and she followed him. I accompanied her.

Karthik's POV:

I really didn't want to go to office today leaving Vindhya back at home.

But the call from the PA of the Kapoor and Co. informed me that I had a meeting with an important associate. He told that the meeting can't be delayed when I asked him if there are any chances for postponing the meeting.

Sighing I started to office.

On the way, I received another call from my PA saying that the CEO of the company whom I had to meet is suddenly ill and can't meet me right now. I said an okay and asked my driver to turn the car around.

I'm happy that I could spend time with her.

When I reached our apartment, I noticed her getting into a cab.

Maybe she is visiting her friend.

But what she told about leaving the hostel in the night wasn't reasonable. She could have called 108 and money can be paid later also.

The way she asked me not to accompany raised my doubts. So I decided to follow her.

She indeed stopped at a hospital which is really far from her campus. She walked inside and talked with a girl.

Vindhya later walked into the patient's room and she came out a few minutes later. I felt bad for spying like this. Maybe what Vindhya told was all true and she just behaved weirdly for no reason.

Just when I'm about to leave, I saw a police man talking to the girl with whom Vindhya spoke earlier.

Then both that girl and Vindhya walked along with that police into the hospital's office.

Why is police here?

I saw that girl and Vindhya signing on few papers.

Later when I am about to follow them, my phone rang again.

My PA called to inform that CEO is coming for the meeting within 30 minutes and he is sorry for cancelling the meeting earlier. I need to start immediately if I want to reach there on time.

When I ended the call, Vindhya and that girl are nowhere to be seen. I wanted to see that patient whom they met but the infront of the patient's room stood another police. I noted the patient's room number and walked till the reception.

I asked at the reception who was in the room 134. The receptionist looked at me warily and said that she can't inform the details as the police are involved in this.

She wanted the permission from police to let me know about the patient. She even tried to call one of the police but I said that it wasn't needed and walked away.

My only question was " What has Vindhya got to do with all of these, especially the ones which involved the police?"

Guess, I need to ask her when I reach my flat.

My PA called again and I immediately started to my office.

Vindhya's POV:

I saw the papers on which Sheela signed, all of them are fair and to the point.

Mrs.Sirisha informed that ACP sir will come later as he is busy at the moment.

Staying till evening 4pm, I went back to Karthik's flat.

As I'm having some more free time, I opened Team Ten website. I immersed myself in it.

Only when I realised I'm hungry, walked into the kitchen.

Let me make vegetable biryani I thought.

I don't know if Karthik likes it or not but it's my way of telling him a thanks.

After preparing everything, I felt even more hungry but I decided wait until Karthik comes.

Sighing, I plopped down on the sofa and switched on the TV.

The TV boomed with a news channel. I just continued to watch for sometime.

In the same channel, ACP sir Mr.Suraj Rathode appeared.

He caught a gang if thieves looting a bank this morning.

He didn't even take rest I thought. Last night he was with us in Sheela's home. Morning he went to his duty again.

One of the reporters asked him about Aman Kumar and this alerted me.

" Sir, is it true that the properties of business man Mr.Aman Kumar seized?" The reporter asked.

" Yes, he is found to be guilty under illegal drug trafficking." ACP sir agreed.

" You are great sir. You dealed with 2 big crimes on the same day." The reporter praised him.

" The entire credit isn't mine. I got help from a little girl in Mr.Aman's case." ACP sir said smiling and I got tensed.

" Who is she sir?" The reporter asked sir.

"Please don't tell"  I kept chanting.

" Don't tell what?" I heard a voice and I shouted.

I turned around and relaxed that it's Karthik at the door.

I quickly changed the channel and said " Nothing was watching a serial. You scared me."

I tried laughing.

" I'm sorry Vindhya. I'll not scare you again." He said going into his room.

I prayed that ACP sir wouldn't reveal my name, I didn't tell him that our identities must be hidden as a part of Team Ten's work.

I arranged the table and waited for Karthik.

" Wow! Biryani" he smiled.

I served for both of us, Karthik seemed to be enjoying. I'm glad that he liked it. As I'm hungry, I ate quickly too.

After eating, Karthik sat on the couch and looked at me.

I realised that he wants to talk so I sat down too.

" How was your day?" I asked him.

" Normal as usual. How's yours." He asked me.

" The same." I replied.

" Did you meet your friend?" He asked me.

" Yes, I did." I told.

" Did you speak with your parents?" I asked him.

" No." He said and I glared at him.

" I'm calling now." He smiled sheepishly and walked into his room.

I already spoke with mom, appa and Sid twice today. Thankfully Appa didn't tell mom and Sid about the things I did.

I heard Karthik raising his voice over the phone. Probably things are not smooth. I walked in and I noticed him cutting the call.

" Sorry I didn't know something was wrong." I told him heartily.

" It's nothing. Dad just annoys me sometimes." Karthik whined.

I found Karthik's whining cute, so I laughed off.

" What's soo funny?" Karthik shifted into his grimacing mood.

" Nothing. Don't worry, everything will be fine. Sleep well. Goodnight Karthik." I said and came out when I heard my mobile ring.

I entered into my room and jumped onto the bed. The call was from Tara and she was whining how mean our warden was.
Warden mam allowed someone to occupy my room the very same day it seems.

Tara didn't like her new roommate, Asha.

I told her that as time passes, she will be much comfortable with her.

Sighing, I dozed off..

Next morning:

" Good morning Vindhya" Karthik greeted me when I entered into the living room.

" Good morning Karthik." I replied.

" Here's your coffee." He gave me.

" Thank you." I smiled.

" So was your friends mother admitted in the thakur hospital?" He asked.

" Yes, how did you know?" I asked him shocked.

" I may or may not have seen you while going that way." He said.

I didn't know what to say.

" Vindhya, I saw you last morning. Why were police in the hospital?" Karthik asked me.

I'm shocked again.

" Did you follow me?" I asked him angrily.

" Don't be angry. I wanted you to be safe." Karthik said calmly.

How can he follow me? What if he follows me anywhere else like this? What if he finds about Team Ten? It is not safe for him to involve in things like this. I must do something. Think Vindhya, Think...

" Police came because of something else. I need not answer you Karthik. Also I would appreciate if you would give me my privacy, or else I'm ready to go out of your flat now. I didn't expect you to do this type of things." I said frustrated.

" Why can't you tell me Vindhya? It is because I gave you privacy in Karthik and Co, you are talking like this with me. I can tell all of this to Uncle." Karthik said taking his mobile.

" Don't do that Karthik." I shouted.

" What are you scared of Vindhya? Why can't you tell it to me?" He asked me.

" I'm not at all scared. I don't want to tell you. I realised that I can't live here with your questions. I'm leaving now." I said going into the room.

He looked angry too and I'm seeing him like this for the second time. First time was when I met him at Karthik and Co. as an intern.

When I came along with my bag into the living room, he said angrily " Don't go."

" I can if I want to. I can't live here being questioned." I said truthfully.

" I will not even consider that you're living here. For me you're not existent. You're staying here because I promised uncle.

Get back to your room. I won't bother you anymore. I won't ask what you did or where you went. Live your life as you wanted. I am noone to you, you are noone to me.

You are not even a friend to me now. I considered you as my friend and see what I've got, you can't treat me as if I'm nobody. I have some self respect too. Just don't bother me anymore and I won't trouble you." Karthik said and went into his room.

I felt bad, really really bad.

What else am I supposed to do? I can't let him know about Team Ten.

Karthik has been nothing but sweet and kind to me except for the initial days we met. Anyways, this is for the best. This way he wouldn't get into danger.

I badly messed up this time. I hurt him for no mistake of his.

'Sorry Karthik' I whispered in the air.

Sighing, I picked up my bag and walked back into the room.

Appa should not know about our fight.

I don't know why it's paining when Karthik said that I'm not his friend anymore.

It's just matter of 4 days.


That's it for now friends..

Please do vote comment and share ❤❤❤

I'll dedicate the next part to the one who votes first on this part.

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