61. Insecure and Ashamed

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Hi all..

Here's the next part..

I dedicate this part to my friend chodejyothi1719 for voting first on the previous part.


Vindhya says no to Karthik and informs him that she is going to Hyderabad. She finds Karthik beside her when she wakes up. Vindhya sees ACP Suraj and he tells her about Mahi. He suggests that Vindhya should accept help from people who are willing to help her.

Vindhya's POV:

" Hey wait! The little girl over here likes you." ACP sir said to Karthik.

Karthik didn't stop and went inside.

" Why didn't he say anything little girl?" ACP sir questioned me.

" It's all because of me sir." I smiled painfully.

ACP sir took me into his embrace again and whispered soothing words.

After a while he said " Everything will be alright little girl. Take care."

" Thank you for all the help you did sir." I said heartfully.

When I went into the waiting room, I saw Karthik sleeping.

I sat a few chairs away from him and looked at him. He is so peaceful when he is asleep, not an inch of worry or anger. I can sit here and watch him like this for any amount of time.

True to my words, I didn't know when the time passed and I heard the boarding announcement for our flight.

Just when I'm about to inform Karthik about this, he opened his eyes. He saw me looking at him.

Embarrassed, I said " They announced the boarding announcement."

" I've heard it too." He said.

How long is he awake? Did he know that I was staring at him?

Silently I followed him as I couldn't ask him that question.

" Can I exchange my seat with yours? I know her." Karthik asked the guy beside me.

He agreed and thus Karthik sat beside me.

" Thanks for coming here." I said.

" I didn't want anyone else to get hurt." Karthik replied and started typing on his laptop. I didn't know what to say and I remained silent.

Within no time we reached Hyderabad. Karthik booked a cab for me even when I refused.

Seeing how stubborn I am, he offered to drop me home.

I didn't allow him to get inside as I knew that he isn't comfortable. Also I didn't want him to know whatever I'm going to do here.

Time to face Appa..


Karthik's POV:

I didn't want to do anything which Vindhya doesn't want me to. So I simply asked the cab driver to take me home. I texted Prabhakaran uncle that Vindhya reached their home.

Dad and mom's face lit up when they saw me.

" I'm so happy to see you son." Mom exclaimed. I just smiled in response.

" Go and freshen up. Let's have breakfast." Dad said.

Saying an ok, I entered into my room. Everything is in the same place as before and the room is very clean.

Thinking about a question which kept running in my mind for sometime, I didn't see the flower vase infront of me.

I knocked it down and it made a sound. Sighing, I bent down to pick the pieces.

" Karthik" I heard dad call out.

" Dad, I'm fine. I accidentally knocked this vase." I explained.

" Leave it there Karthik, you're hurting your hands." Dad said.

I stood up and washed my hands. It was just a minor scratch due to a broken piece of glass.

" What's wrong Karthik?" Dad asked me.

" Nothing dad, I'm fine." I replied.

" By this time young man you should have known that I can tell whenever you're lying. So tell me what's wrong." Dad probed me.

" I just have a question from long time dad. I dont know whom to ask about it." I confessed.

" You can always share it with me Karthik." Dad encouraged me.

" Dad, have you all never considered me as a burden? I've entered without any warning and you all had to take care of me na?" I asked him slowly.

" Why are you thinking like this Karthik? If at all we thought like that, we would never pick you up. I took you to take care of you like my son and you're my son now. Don't ever think like that. You are never a burden for me or for mom. We love you as much as we love Adi, infact we love you more as you are our younger son.

You are our pride Karthik. Please don't be sad thinking about the things of past. Let the bygones be bygones.

Now I'm beginning to think that I've made a mistake by telling you about those painful things. Maybe you would have been much happier if I've hid that truth." Dad said sadly.

" Thank you so much for giving me a life I could have never got if it isn't for you and mom. I'm really blessed to have such a loving family. I can never thank you enough for helping me when I'm helpless and miserable,dad. I'm able to open up with  you like this because you have never lied with me in anything dad. If I had known that truth from someone else, I would have been shattered." I said heartfully.

" What good it is now that you're sad anyways?" Dad asked me.

" I'm able to face that truth dad, you've supported me all along. I've realised how much you, mom and bhai did for me and I'm forever indebted to you. I don't know why I'm left like that alone in the past but now I will never be alone because I understood that you three will be with me. I used to have an insecure feeling that you and mom will also leave me one day but now I'm sure that it will never happen. I was distant with you all only for that reason. You never complained about my behaviour and in return you even guided me in this world. Thank you Dad." I said with tears in my eyes.

" Son need not thank his dad for anything. Come here." Dad said and took me into a hug and I dont know why I can't stop crying.

I'm feeling this peace for the first time in my life, I'm no more guilty about barging into dad and mom's life. I am now one of them. It's Vindhya who made me open up to dad and I can never stop thanking her for doing this.

I am not alone anymore, I have a family: my mom, dad and brother.

Still I have a small wish that Vindhya can be mine.


Vindhya's POV:

Infront of me is the home which I thought is mine but isn't actually mine. Brushing off my thoughts, I pressed the doorbell.

Appa looked surprised when he saw me. He then had a happy face and took me into a tight hug like always. I can know how much Appa missed me.

" How are you beta?" Appa asked me.

" I'm fine Appa. How are you?" I asked him.

" Now that you are home I'm really happy." Appa replied.

I walked into the living room, mom and Sid aren't in.

" Appa, where are they?" I questioned.

" Sid is in his room, mom is in the kitchen." Appa said and I walked into Sid's room.

He is sleeping like a baby. I sat beside him and caressed his face. I sometimes considered him as my own son more than a brother but what will happen when he knows the truth? Will Sid hate me?

Sighing I removed my hand from his face.

" Amma, how many times should I tell you not to touch my face? Only Akka can do that." Sid mumbled and it brought tears into my eyes.

He hates when anyone considers him as a kid or when they caress him but he allows me. How much does he love his sister? Very much.

" I'm back Sid." I said and he opened his eyes  sleepily.

" Go back to sleep Sid, we will talk after you wake up." I said.

" Akkaaa" Sid screamed and hugged me.

I ruffled his hair and he still kept shouting that he can't believe I'm home.

Onle when Appa came into his room, Sid stopped shouting.

" What are you? A school kid?" Appa glared at Sid.

" Appa" I said sadly as he scolded Sid.

" Okay fine, do whatever your brother and sister want to do, I won't stop as you've come today only." Appa said and Sid exclaimed a yay.

" I want to tell you, mom and Sid about something Appa. Can I tell it in the living room?" I asked Appa.

" Ofcourse beta." Appa said.

" Did you fall in love with anyone?" Sid whispered in my ears.

" I'm serious this time Sid" I said.

Mom engulfed me as soon as she saw me.

When all of them are looking at me, I started " I have something to say. I have been hiding this for a long time from you all and I'm really guilty."

I took a deep breath and said " I've started a private organisation named Team Ten."

Appa's face paled on hearing this.

I however have to say this so I continued " It is a detective agency. Though I was the only one who started it, my friends joined me and thus the name got created as Team Ten. We started this in our intermediate when our friend Anjali went missing. It was unofficial for 2 years but later on everything else was according to the law.

I didn't tell it to you all because you would worry about me and maybe stop me from continuing in that. I knew how much you care for me and that is why I didn't inform about it."

" I thought we had no secrets between us." Sid said sadly.

" This is the only one I didn't tell you Sid. I'm sorry." I said.

Appa didn't even look at me when I said all of this.

" Appa, why are you not saying anything? You must definitely scold Akka for this. How could she do that alone? She should have asked yours or my help." Sid said looking at Appa.

Appa didn't respond and mom didn't understand what's going on.

" There is one more thing I want to tell you." I said but tears already started to form in my eyes.

Sid noticed this and he is shocked. He ran to my side and hugged me.

" Akka, what's wrong? Dad won't scold you, don't cry." Sid said wiping my tears.

" I'm not your Akka Sid." I said while trying to stay strong.

I saw mom getting shocked but Appa remained silent as if he knew this would happen.

Sid got confused and he asked me " What do you mean Akka?"

" I'm not born to Appa and Amma, Sid. I'm found on the roads of Kolkata and dad took me into his care. I'm an orphan." I said and my sobs grew louder.

Sid left me from his embrace and had a shocked expression on his face. His eyes turned teary and I hate myself when I see him like this. I hung my head in shame for making Sid cry but I need to tell him the truth. Also, I understood that mom and Appa knew about this all along. Appa covered his face with his hands while mom stood there silently.

After some minutes of silence Sid said " I'll beat you if you say that you're not my Akka. I don't care if you're not born to Appa and Amma. You're my sister since I had memory and you will be till the end of my life. You are very special to me Akka, it's not just because of the blood bond. I don't know how to explain our bond but you are my Akka, infact the best Akka I can ever have."

" Don't you hate me?" I asked him.

" Ofcourse not, why will I hate you? I love you akka as always. Appa and Amma loves you too and that is the reason they are crying now." Sid said.

" Vindhya, let me explain." Appa said.

" Please don't say anything Appa. I am not angry with you, I'm just ashamed. I've been difficult to deal with all my life and I didn't even know that you chose to deal with me. I thought that you had to deal with me because I'm born to you but you chose to deal with me. How can I ever repay you for all the things you have done to me?" I asked him kneeling down.

" Don't talk like that beta. We never considered you as an outsider. You are my daughter, maybe not by blood but by choice. I'm so proud to see my daughter grow up, I pampered you because I wanted to, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Every dad wants to treat his daughter like a princess and I'm no exception. Come to daddy and stop crying my princess Vindhya." Appa said like in my childhood and immediately I stopped crying, just like the olden times.

Whenever dad said " Come to daddy and stop crying my Princess Vindhya" I would stop crying no matter whatever the situation was and today isn't an exception.

I don't know how Appa's words make me stop crying like that.

" Vindhya Iyer is a strong girl who doesn't cry." Mom said lifting me up.

Appa and Sid tickled me till I laughed. It's too hard to believe that these aren't my biological parents.

" What's the plan for today then Akka?" Sid asked me after I became normal.

" I'll show you all my Team Ten's office." I said.

" We are excited." I heard mom and Sid say.


That's it for now friends..

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I'll dedicate the next part to the one who votes first on this part.

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