64. Yes!!!!

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Hi all..

Here's the next part..

I dedicate this part to my friend Sar_Van99 for voting first on the previous part.


Karthik is sad about Vindhya's rejection while Mr.Arun consoles his son. Vindhya gets to know about her tattoo from her mother and the tattoo had the digits 46 . She thinks that the other two digits could be with her cousin. She begins her clueless journey with the goal of finding her cousin. Karthik meets his schoolmate Sindhusha and he announces that they are going to Kolkata for a trip.

Vindhya's POV:

I didn't want to trouble Karthik and his friend so I wanted to leave early.

However I'm surprised to see Karthik waiting for me at 6 am.

" Did you even sleep?" I asked him.

" Yes, I did. I didn't want you to escape like this." He said glaring at me.

" I didn't want to spoil your plans with your friend." I said slowly.

" Why do you decide everything by yourself Vindhya? Even my friend is accompanying us. Let's go after having breakfast." Karthik said.

" Karthik, it's not needed. My grandparents aren't happy with my mother. I don't think they will be happy to see me either. I don't want them to say anything which might hurt you. That's why." I said.

" Then I'll come for sure. How can you deal with them alone?" Karthik said more adamantly and I facepalmed myself.

Sindhusha looked a little angry when she saw me.

" Which is the area we should be going to?" Karthik asked me.

" Panihati" I answered.

Three of us started in a cab.

Sindhusha didn't leave Karthik's hand so I decided to sit in the front.

When we reached, Sindhusha didnt want to come inside. She asked Karthik to stay with her in the cab but Karthik refused.

Elizabeth Parker opened the door this time.

" Can I talk with you and Mr.Joshua once?" I asked her.

" Yes come inside." She welcomed us.

" Who are you?" Joshua Parker asked us.

" He has been forgetting people dear. Don't mind him. Did you find my children?" Mrs.Elizabeth asked me.

" I have something to tell you both." I said and they looked at me.

" I am your granddaughter." I said and both of them looked shocked for a moment.

Later I saw Mrs.Elizabeth's face becoming happy while Mr. Joshua's face held a questioning look.

" I am daughter of Amelia and Samuel." I explained and that's all it took for Mr.Joshua to be angry.

" Get out. I don't want to hear that name." He shouted.

" Please let me explain. My mother loved you both a lot." I said.

Yes I came to terms with this, Amelia is my mother.

" Exactly, she loved us once but she doesn't love us anymore. Please go away." Mr.Joshua screamed. He looked to be in pain.

" No I said that because she is no more." I said slowly.

Mr.Joshua stopped shouting and Mrs.Elizabeth let out a gasp.

Karthik went by the side of Mr.Joshua while I stood beside Mrs.Elizabeth holding her.

" I didn't want to make you sad but I wanted to let you know what my mother wished to say." I said.

" She loved you both and felt bad that she had to leave you. She couldn't go back on the promise she made to my father. She was threatened by many people because of her detective agency but she was courageous to face them alone. She hated herself for separating her brother from you. Nathan didn't want to leave her alone. He made my mother to promise that she would meet you both in return of him leaving the agency.

Unexpectedly there was a secretive case which changed everyone's life. My father and my aunt Mrs.Mary Nathan died in hands of the criminals. My mother and Uncle Nathan wanted to save me and my cousin. I don't know what happened next. I dont even know where my cousin is. I was left on the road when my Appa found me and adopted me. I came to know of this only a few days ago.

My mother wrote in her diary so many times that she left her parents alone. She wrote about her dad the most. I came here to tell that you won't be alone. I'm here for you both. I apologise on behalf of my mother." I said.

" She is always like that only. She kept all the difficult things to herself while she made me believe that she shared with me all the things happening in her life." Mr.Joshua said with tears.

Mrs.Elizabeth had tears too.

I don't know why but I had tears too while seeing them.

" She said that I'm her bestfriend right from her childhood. She never left me even while sleeping. She didn't allow her mother or her brother near me because she said that she wouldn't share her father with anyone else. How can I not be protective or possessive about her? She told us that she would start a detective agency and we didn't stop her even then.The day she said that she would marry an unknown person, how can I not be angry? I wanted to marry her to a known person so that her life wouldn't be difficult. So I said no.

I never expected her to leave me and our house. I got hurt and I asked my family not to talk about her again.

When my son left us for his sister, I got angry. I decided that me and my wife will live by ourselves without our kids.

I still love both of my kids. How can my little girl die before me?" Mr.Joshua said slowly with tears falling on his wrinkled face.

" Please sit down sir." Karthik made Mr.Joshua to sit in a chair.

" How can Amelia leave us?" Mrs.Elizabeth cried hugging me. I patted her back and I found myself crying too.

I dont know how much time has passed as we remained silent.

" Vindhya, let's get some water." I haead Karthik say.

" Yes." I said and stood up.

" I'll come with you dear. Son,You stay with my husband here." Mrs.Elizabeth stood up.

In the kitchen she asked me " Is he your friend dear?"

" Yes Mam." I answered.

" why are you still calling me as mam. Call us as grandma and grandpa." She encouraged me.

" Grandma" I called her and she smiled brightly.

" Grandpa, water" I offered him a glass of water.

" It feels so refreshing to hear you call me that dear." Grandpa smiled at me.

I felt my burden lessen at the same moment.

After telling them that we would visit soon, I came out. Karthik remained by my side all this time.

" Thank you Karthik." I said greatfully.

" You need not thank me Vindhya." Karthik still smiled at me. Seeing him smile made my heart go berserk.

" I'll go back to the hotel by another cab Karthik.  You continue your trip. I'll tell about something during dinner" I said.

" Okay take care." Karthik said and left woth his friend.

I took a cab and reached Alipore. The house which was abandoned due to my father's death is still locked. I entered inside and searched every nook and corner in hope of finding something similar to the tattoo pattern.  I found nothing.

Sighing, I returned to the hotel.

I saw Karthik and his friend taking a selfie near the fountain.

After I got refreshed, I called Karthik.

" Can we meet for dinner?" I asked him.

" We are going for a movie. Can we meet tomorrow?" He asked me.

" Sure Karthik. Have fun." I said. I wanted to tell him about Team Ten.

I know that I didn't tell grandma about uncle's death. How can I tell that both of their children are no more in the same moment? I have to tell them no matter what, they deserve to know the truth.

I spoke with Appa, Amma and Sid for a while. Deepak is still angry with me that I didn't allow him here.

Next day:

I woke up after a sleep and I wish I can find my cousin soon.

" Vindhya we didn't return to the hotel last night, let's meet for tonight's dinner." Karthik texted me.

" okay" I replied but I strangely am missing Karthik. I would never tell him that though.

I have to check in the Karmidal Duii place for one last time but I don't know bengali. I need to ask for someone's help.

Whom should I ask? I don't think I can rely on an unknown person for this confidential work.

I realised that I have to learn Bengali but I can't learn it in one or two days.

Do I have to disturb Hari again?

Sighing, I returned to my room.

I saw a mail from Prasad sir asking me when I'll return. He asked me to return within 2 days at the most.

I don't have much time left.

" Appa, I need a help. In which location did you find me? Can you remember and tell me please?" I asked him.

" I found you about 25 kms away from the airport on a highway Beti. I don't remember anything else." Appa said.

" Okay Appa thanks." I ended the call and started for the said area.

I know this maybe useless but one look won't hurt.

So I guess Uncle was taking me to the airport probably to leave the city. Somebody shot him and uncle asked Appa for help.

25 kms from the airport have 2 highways in the opposite directions, I guessed that it is more probably the one which is in the direction of Alipore.

Asking the cab to stop, I stood on the side of the highway.

So this maybe the place where I was 25 years ago. I am pulled into my thoughts.

" Vindhya." Someone patted me on my shoulder.

" Hi Sir" I said in surprise.

" I stopped calling you little girl but you never stop calling me sir." He laughed.

Yes, it's ACP Sir Mr.Suraj Rathode.

" What a coincidence sir" I said.

" I just visit this place sometimes little girl. This has some bitter memories." Sir said.

" I realised I have some too Sir." I said.

" Tell me about them." We both said at the same moment and laughed.

" My mom found me in this place." Sir said shocking me.

" There is a high probability that my dad also found me in this place sir." I said.

Both of us looked at each other in surprise.

I know that I am being stupid but can Sir be my cousin?

I immediately showed sir the picture.

" Sir, do you know any similar tattoo or picture like this?" I asked him.

Sir looked shocked.

He said " Yes!!!"


That's it for now friends..

Please do vote comment and share ❤❤❤

I'll dedicate the next part to the one who votes first on this part.

The story is almost over friends. Let me know about your thoughts.

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