67. Pieces Of Iron🙄😳😳😟😟

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Hi all..

Here's the next part..

I dedicate this part to my friend Itz__Gayu  for voting first on the previous part.

A long part btw. Enjoy friends..😉😉


Vindhya receives her degree and reached Hyderabad. Sid planned to go on a trip with Karthik and his friends. Vindhya joins it and she gets to know the missing piece of her quest. However Karthik tells her that he doesn't want to see her again. Vindhya confesses her feelings and leaves the resort..


Vindhya's POV:

I can't face Sid now, I'm a mess right now

Not caring about where I'm going, I just let me legs walk as long as they can.

Only the nature around the roads looked calm but rest everything seemed to be in a mess too.

I probably walked for an hour and my legs began to ache but I didn't have it in me to stop. I want to let out my pain like this.

It became evening as I've noticed the sun going down the horizon. I didn't even realise the time but I'm sure it's been a couple of hours since I've left the resort. Am I going back now? No! I'll go only when I feel like going.

Suddenly a car zoomed past me. It stopped a feet ahead of me with sudden brakes applied. I could tell it because of the sound of the tyres screeching across the road.

I stopped a safe distance from the car as an instinct.

The car's window rolled down and someone peeped out through and turned towards me and I'm surprised to see who it is.

" Hey, it's almost night. It's not safe for a lady to walk alone by herself. Do you want a lift to Hyderabad? I'm going that way only." He asked me.

" No thanks." I said and started walking back in the opposite direction.

" Hey come on. Don't be stubborn." I heard him say.

" No, I don't travel with strangers." I tried to escape.

" Come on. I'm not a stranger. You saw me in the afternoon. I saved you before you fell into the swimming pool." I heard his voice getting frustrated.

Not speaking a word I continued walking.

" My name is Venod Sharma. You can trust me." I heard him saying softly.

You may ask me why I'm this doubtful?

I know which route will lead to Hyderabad from the resort and I walked in the opposite direction wantedly so that no one of my friends will find me. How did that stranger come this way and say that he is going to Hyderabad? I'm sure it's fishy so I'm not going with him.

I heard his car door open and he shouted "Alright Miss. Iyer. You chose the hard way. Come with me or else you won't like the consequences."

I stopped right there and asked him " How do you know about me?"

" I've saved you earlier just because I wanted you safe and sound to come with me. Boss asked me not to return without you." He smirked.

" Who is your boss?" I inquired.

" None of your concern." He said.

" Then go and tell your boss that I'm not coming." I said and began running in the opposite direction towards the resort.

He didn't follow me and even then I didn't stop running. I planned to stop only after I'm completely exhausted.

Out of nowhere he came and stopped by my side this time.

" Did you forget about the consequences Miss. Iyer?" He smiled evilly.

" What are they?" I asked panting, breatheless because of my running.

" Mr and Mrs.Iyer are with my boss." He said shocking me.

" No way, you are lying." I shouted.

" Try calling them darling." He smirked at me.

When I called Appa, his phone rang but noone answered it.

I got a call from Appa'd number and I answered it immediately.

" Hi there Miss.Iyer." I heard a voice and I knew I had to go with this Venod Sharma immediately.

I don't have much choice anyways.

Karthik's POV:

After I left Kolkata, I went to Maldives.

My trip continued for 2 months in different islands so that Sindhusha will not come here. It was only during last month that I reached home.

Mom and Dad are happy as always to see me. Adi and Reshma bhabhi have also returned home.

I didn't have it in me to work in Bengaluru again. I even told Dad about Karthik and Co.
He was little hurt knowing the purpose of it. The purpose was that I never considered myself as a Kapoor and I didn't want to live with their money. I felt that I was always an outsider.

However now I consider them as my family completely. Also everyone was proud that I successfully managed working in 2 companies at once. Dad suggested that I merge Karthik and Co. with Kapoor companies and I agreed. I'm still working in both the branches.

Everything seemed to be fine until one day. Sindhusha's parents came to our home with a marriage proposal. I said no immediately. Sindhusha tried to commit suicide after that. My parents also thought that it will be better if I spend some time with her. They thought that I will forget Vindhya and move on if I'm with Sindhusha.

This trip is also her plan. But unexpectedly Vindhya joined the trip. I'm so happy to see her after these many days but I can't talk with her as Sindhusha is beside me.

That night when Vindhya said that she loves me I want to scream in happiness and tell her that I love her as always. I am surprised that the police man isn't her cousin. 'What did she want to tell me?' I wondered. But Sid came in middle and I realised that she didn't sleep at all. I've to wait till tomorrow.

But the next day is nothing like I expected. Sindhusha came into my room and said that she overheard what Vindhya told me. She asked me to ignore Vindhya or else she will harm Vindhya. Vindhya's safety is my utmost concern and I never spoke with her again.

Sindhusha acted like she sprained her ankle and wantedly made me carry her in my arms so that Vindhya will be hurt. I remained in opposite team during the Volleyball match but Vindhya didn't pay attention. Also I didn't like how Vijay pulled by her waist.

In my anger I exchanged team and I saw Sindhusha glaring at me through her room. I tried to play normally without talking with Vindhya but I made sure that she won't hurt herself by playing the balls aimed at Vindhya.

As I was talking with Vindhya I couldn't see the ball and it hit me in my ribs. It's not that paining but felt something piercing me when I fell into the water.

All of them made an unnecessary fuss but I'm all alright. Vindhya cleansed my wound and I'm back into my room.

I didn't expect Sindhusha to be here.

" That rod was supposed to be for Vindhya, not you. Are you hurt?" She asked me sounding worried showing fake concern.

" How did you plan on hurting her?" I asked shocked.

" Satwik suggested to play Volleyball because of my request. Poor fellow has feelings for me.Vijay was supposed to push her accidentally on to that rod." She smiled sickly.

" Why would vijay do that?" I asked much more shocked.

" I threatened him with his sister." She said.

How much more can she do things like this? I'm really tired.

" Marry me Karthik and I will never harm anyone else." She said.

" I don't love you." I shouted.

" Then I'll make sure that you'll not love anyone." She said with an evil laugh.

It was then Vindhya barged into my room. Sindhusha signed through her eyes that I should not speak.

When Vindhya asked me if I really do not want to see her again, I wanted to shout that " I can't live without Vindhya" but Sindhusha is here.

When Vindhya confessed her feelings for me I saw Sindhusha getting angry.

When Vindhya said that I'm her cousin, I'm totally shocked. Vindhya didn't even wait after telling this to me. She ran away.

What do I do now?

I glared at Sindhusha.

" What?" She glared back at me.

" You are not going away with this. I'll make sure our parents know what you're upto." I said.

" When did you become this thoughtful? Don't tell me that you love the stupid girl Vindhya." Sindhusha laughed.

" Not a word against Vindhya." I shouted.

" Let all of this go to hell. Listen to me. I love Vindhya for more than an year and nothing can stop me now knowing that she loves me back." I said standing up with determination.

" Don't forget that I can harm her." She laughed like a maniac.

" I will protect my Vindhya . Also you don't know about her, she can protect herself. She is not like everyone else." I smiled to myself remembering when she fought with the goons alone that night after her internship.

" Alright then make sure to protect her, for I won't let her be in peace." She said challenging me.

I didn't know how I did it but I pinned Sindhusha to the wall holding her by her neck and said " Don't you dare or else you would face my wrath and I'm telling you Karthik Kapoor isn't one who will forgive easily."

She gasped for air and I left her.

" Only because you're a woman, I didn't hit you. Remember that Vindhya is off limits for you to try anything. Realise what love is before you try to claim someone as yours. Vindhya really loves me and that's why she is ready to comply by my wish and left me eventhough she wants to be with me. I really love Vindhya and that's why I respected her decision and stayed away from her until she realised what she wanted." I said and came out of my room.

My shoulder is paining a little but I had to see Vindhya.

When I reached the corridor I saw Sid pacing around.

" Sid"
"Karthik"  both of us called each other at the same time.

" Have you seen Akka? She isn't answering her phone and I didn't find her in the resort." Sid said and made my blood run cold.

As Sid told Vindhya isn't answering any calls of mine also.

Did she go for a walk around?

" Let's check around the resort. I'll come with you. Give me a minute. " I said.

I immediately ran towards my room and saw Sindhusha leaving the room.

" You are not planning to hurt Vindhya, are you?" I asked her straightaway.

" No" She said and left.

Vindhya please be safe. I'm coming!

Vindhya's POV:

Venod Sharma kept talking something or the other while my mind isn't in right senses.

" Can you please stop talking?" I almost shouted.

" Can't do that darling. If I stop talking, I may fall asleep and hit some vehicle." He smiled.

His smile seemed to be genuine but I can't trust him.

" Do you know how cruel your boss is?" I asked him.

" What are you saying? My boss is the most kindest person I've ever met in my life." He said shocking me.

" Yes he is so kind to threaten me with my parents right." I remarked with sarcasm evident in my tone.

" No, he is doing this because you must have done something wrong." He said and concentrated on driving.

" I pity you in believing him so much." I laughed.

My mind kept thinking about what he wanted.

First of all how did he come out? I specifically requested ACP sir to hold him in jail until I find the proofs. However the 3 months I've asked for is already over and I realised it must have been hard for sir to keep him in jail as he is a very influential person.  He could have got a bail very easily. I sighed.

I'm sure he wanted the proofs collected by my mom Amelia. But why did he involve Appa and Amma in this? I must not take this matter lightly.

" Do you want to eat anything darling? It will take a while to reach. " Venod asked me.

" No, I don't want." I said glaring him.

" Don't be that stubborn darling. I'll bring you what's good in this dhaba. Be a good lady and sit in the car until I come." He said and went inside.

I can't run away like this knowing that Appa and Amma are with him. However I should inform someone that I'm in trouble. I searched for my phone but Venod took it away from the moment I got into this car.

How else can I contact someone? I have my tracker with me but I don't think anyone in Team Ten will realise that I am stuck here. I informed all of them that I'm going on a trip with Sid and Karthik. Also I don't even have my emergency phone with me. I just have to see what's going to happen.

Venod brought me a plate of chapathi which I refused to eat but he said that he won't drive until I eat. So I had to sit silently and eat it without a complaint.

We reached Hyderabad in the early hours of the day. Venod took me directly to my home.

" Is this where your boss is?" I asked him.

" Yes." He confirmed.

" Noone would have known it this way that there's something wrong." I thought to myself.

" Let's go inside Darling. Boss will be very happy to see that I did this work perfectly." Venod smiled at me.

" Boss asked me to tie your hands with rope. Don't worry. I won't tie them tightly so that they won't hurt you." He smiled.

He took a rope from the car and tied both of my hands together. True to his words the rope isn't too tight.

Is he really innocent or is he trying to be so?

" Long time, no see Miss. Iyer." Ranjith Khanna laughed at me as soon as I entered into the house.

" I did my job Boss." Venod smiled at Mr.Khanna but he paid no heed to Venod.

" Why did you come here Mr. Khanna? Where are my parents?" I glared at him.

" Easy there girl. I thought that Amelia would come if I threaten you. Now that she didn't come, I've understood that she maybe dead. Also I got to know another interesting thing. The proofs which I require can be found by yourself." He laughed evilly.

" I will never let my mother's hardwork go waste." I said in anger.

" Then I'm afraid your parents will have to face the punishment and they will regret adopting you." He smirked at me.

" No." I shouted.  I didn't know why I felt tears in my eyes. This is not the time to cry. Be strong Vindhya.

" Alright, what do I have to do?" I asked him.

" Get me the proofs and I will not harm anyone." He said.

" What is the guarantee?" I asked him.

" You are speaking too much. Remember that your parents are with me." He laughed.

" Show me my parents." I asked him.

He led me to my room where I saw Appa and Amma in two chairs both tied with ropes. There are 4 people around them and 2 of them pointed guns to Appa and Amma.

" Appa, Amma" I shouted.

" Vindhya" Appa sounded relieved.

" Sorry appa and amma" I said in shame.

" Enough of this. Get me my proofs." Mr.Khanna said angrily.

" No Vindhya, don't do it. Let justice prevail." Appa said.

" I will do anything for you both." I thought to myself.

" Dont worry Appa. You both are more important to me now." I said and Mr.Khanna pulled me out of the room.

" Now get me the proofs in an hour or else I can't assure you of your parents' safety." He threatened me.

I was, am and will never be afraid of my life but when it comes to my family, I can never take  a risk.

" Let me tell you what I have known Mr.Khanna. I found a box in my mother's workplace. It is locked. The code is hid in the form of tattoos. Half of it is with me and the other half I guess will be with my cousin. I tried to open it with my code but it didn't. I don't think I can give you the proofs until I find my cousin." I said acting really dejected.

I didn't tell that the box would be destroyed after 3 unsuccessful attempts. If he had known that he would be more than glad.

" That made my work much easier. Are you sure that the proofs are in that box?" He asked me.

" I'm sure Mr.Khanna. We found nothing else except it in Kolkata." I said looking into his eyes.

" Alright give that box to me without informing anyone and I would spare your parents lives." He said and I agreed immediately.

I hope that someone would have realised that there is a problem here and deal with the situation tactfully.

He asked Venod to look after my parents carefully. He asked to kill anyone who tried to enter the house. Venod looked scared but he said " Okay boss"

Mr.Khanna took me to Team Ten's place in his car.

" Are your friends inside?" He asked me.

" Yes, they will be working at this time." I confirmed.

" Noone should see us bringing the box outside. Is there a way?" He asked me.

" Yes but you have to remove the rope first." I said.

He warned " Remember no foul play or else your parents will be dead."

" I remember. " I said.

" How can I be sure that noone will see us?" He asked me.

" We are using the backdoor of my cabin. There is no CCTV in this direction, also noone knows about this door" I told him the truth.

" Well done." He smiled evilly.

When we reached my cabin, he closed the door of my cabin so that no one will enter.

" This is the box." I confirmed.

" No wonder it looks so old. " He said examining the box.

" What's the code?" He asked me.

" I know only the half." I said panicking.

" Tell that to me." He smirked.

" 46" I said supressing tears in my eyes.

" Why should I believe it?" He asked me.

I showed him the picture which Deepak and Appa brought the other day. He is satisfied on noticing the exact pattern of my tattoo and of the box and he began to try various possibilities with 46.

I began to panic. I thought that he would take the box and hide it somewhere but he is trying to open here. What should I do if the bix got destroyed here itself? Will my mother Amelia ever forgive me?

Within a minute the bix got destroyed infront of our eyes. It is really shocking to see how it self destructed within minutes. There is nothing left except pieces of iron. Mr.Khanna examined the iron pieces carefully.

" I knew Amelia would do something like this. I'm really happy.Celebrating that the proofs are no more I am leaving your parents and you alive this time. Never ever mess up with me." Mr.Khanna warned me and left through the backdoor.

I felt relieved. Appa and Amma are safe. I ran towards my home immediately.


That's it for now friends..

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I'll dedicate the next part to the one who votes first on this part.

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