My Reason

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Warning: Suicide and Abuse will be mentioned. If this triggers you. Please don't read.

Don't play the song yet

Your Quirk:

You can give people good lucks and bad lucks when only you touch them. But only when they deserve it and have a reason for them to have it


Your PoV

Your walking to U.A after your so called parents scolding and abuse you for getting hit by someone quirk last night.

You had enough.

You want to end this once and for all.

You don't care anymore.

This life you have finally made you snapped and ready for this day.

You felt a slight headache when you got the entrance and heard someone calling out to you.

"Are you alright, (Y/n)?"

You turn around to see your childhood friend, Shoto Todoroki.

You've been friends ever since you found him crying outside at the park and for reason, you two just clicked and became close friends.

You wanted to use your quirk so that his father will stop abusing him but he told you that he doesn't want you to get involved to his problem and that he doesn't need good luck and so instead you encourage him to be strong and brave.

"I'm fine, Sho-kun"

You said, smiling.

Of course, it was fake since you're going to leave him behind after school is over. But you wanted to do something for him before you leave.

"I heard you're dating someone, Sho-kun. Congratulations. Who is it?"

He rubs his neck and looks away shyly

"It's Momo..."

"She must be really lucky to have you. It seems she doesn't need my quirk for luck."

"What about you? Are you still hurt? I heard what happened about last night."

"I'm fine, Sho-kun. We should better get to class now."

He nod and pets your head like he use to when the two of you are kids.

"Alright. I'll see you around, (N/n)-chan."

You watch him leave then frown

"Yeah... We'll 'see' each other soon..."


(You may play the song)

You look around if anyone was following you. When there's no one. You walk upstairs to the rooftop

Just as I was about to take my shoes
Off of the rooftop there I see
A girl with braided hair there before me
Despite myself I go and scream;

You were about to take your shoes. You saw a girl at the railing with braided (h/c) hair but she has a different uniform almost look like my old uniform when I was high school. Your mouth suddenly move on its own

"Hey! Don't do it, please"

The girl turn around revealing her (e/c) tear eyes and look shock that someone is here.

Whoa, wait a minute what did I just say?
I couldn't care less either way
To be honest I was somewhat pissed;
This was an opportunity missed

Your eyes widen from you had said. You wouldn't care anyway since it's not your problem. But for some reason, your pissed that you missed this opportunity.

"What's the matter, miss?"

The girl with braided hair told me her woes

"You've probably heard it all before;
I really thought that he may be the one
But then he told me he was done"

"He cheated on me. I thought he was the one for me. But instead... He used me just for my quirk"

For some reason, you got more angry and shouted

"For God's sakes please! Are you serious? I just can't believe
That for some stupid reason you got here before me"

"Are you upset 'cause you can't have what you wanted?
You're lucky that you've never gotten robbed of anything!"

The girl looks at you in shock and smile but you look down, don't want to see her look. You're still mad that you can't do this but decided just do it tomorrow.

"I'm feeling better thank you for listening!"
The girl with braided hair then dissapeared

You look up when she said thank you and was surprised that she just disappeared.

"So this is where you are"

You turn around to see Shoto at the door.

"I was looking everywhere for you"


"I want to walk home with you."

"Why can't you just walk with your girlfriend?"

He rub his neck and looks away

"She got drive back home. I decided to walk with you like we used to when we were high school"

You sigh and smile a bit

"Alright. Let's go home..."


After class, you got to the rooftop again and hoping that no one was there this time

"Alright, today's the day" or so I thought
Just as I took both of my shoes off
There was but a girl short as can be
Despite myself, I go and scream

You've taken your shoes off but then you heard someone sobbing and saw a short girl with same (h/c) hair and again she wears a different uniform that seem to look like for an elementary but she seems to be just around your age

"Hey, what's wrong?"

You ask as the girl look at your way with those (e/c) sad eyes

The petite girl told me her woes
"You've probably heard it all before;
Everyone ignores me, everyone steals
I don't fit in with anyone here."

"Everyone doesn't like me for who i am. They only like me for my quirk. I just felt like I don't fit in to this world. They ignore me and steal everything...."

Said the petite girl

You got mad at her just for that reason and that she's here before you came so you yell

"For God's sakes please! Are you serious? I just can't believe
That for some stupid reason you got here before me"

'"Cause even so, you're still loved by everyone at home!
There's always dinner waiting at the table, you know?"

'She should be lucky that she has someone that loves her still at home obviously'

You said to your thought looking down while biting your bottom lip

The petite girl smile at you

"I'm hungry" said the girl as she shed a tear
The girl short as can be then disappeared

When you looked up she was gone just instant.


And like that, there was someone every day
I listened to their tale, I made them turn away
And yet there was no one who would do this for me
No way I could let out all this pain

Everyday, I go to the rooftop and everytime someone was there before me. They all have (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes but every time they all have different uniforms. For some, reason I felt deja vu whenever I hear their reason for them to jump and suddenly when I just blink or look for an instant they just suddenly disappeared.

Just what's going on....

"Are you listening to me?"

"Huh? What?"

I look at my right to see Shoto who waved his hand to my face

"Are you alright? You zoned out that's unusual"

"Sorry, Sho-kun. What was that you said?"

"Me and Momo broke up"

"What?! Why?!"

You look at him, shock. But he just smile at you

"It's just not working out. So we decided to broke it off. She was fine it with it though even me. We just remain as friend from now on"

You look at surprise and just look away

'At least, he's not heartbroken unlike me...'

"Don't tell me you're still thinking about that bastard..."

You look at him confuse

"What bastard?"

"Your ex. Look, that's like 4 years ago. You have to move on now. If you need someone talk to. I'll be here for you no matter what, (y/n)"

You look at him and just smile and let his multi color hair

"I'll be okay, Sho-kun. Just remember be the hero you always wanted not a tool to your father. You may reject your father's quirk but it's still your own quirk. Be yourself. Be the Shoto I grew up, okay?"

He looks at you with shock and suddenly hugged you tightly.

"I promise you, I'll be a hero with or without my old man's quirk... Your the greatest friend I ever had, (y/n)"

You smiled sadly and felt a bit hurt that he said you're only friend.

You have to be honest, you had feelings for him before your ex came. And now, just this moment you felt it came back but you know that you never get a chance with him.

"And you as well, Sho-kun. You'll always be my very best friend. No matter where I am...."


For the very first time, there I see
Someone with the same pains as me
Having done this time and time again
She wore a yellow cardigan

As always after class, you walk to the stairs at rooftop. As always, you're ready to see if someone was there again.

Once you open the door, to your surprise, you see a girl with (h/c) hair and this time she wears the same U.A uniform as you.

Just before you can say something she interrupt you saying

"I just wanna stop the scars that grow
Everytime that I go home
That's why I came up here instead"
That's what the girl in the cardigan said

Whoa, wait a minute what did I just say?I couldn't care less either way
But in the moment I just screamed Something that I did not believe

Your eyes widen of what you have heard. You just stand there and try to think for a reason for her to not jump but for reason, you almost felt the same pain as her. The only words you said...

"Hey! Don't do it, please."

You hold your head and start crying and fall to your knees while the girl in U.A uniform just look at you with pity.

Agh- what to do!? I can't stop this girl, oh this is new!
For once I think I've bitten off more than I can chew

You try to think of something for her to not jump off but nothing. Nothing at all. You only said....

"But even so, please just go away so I can't see
Your pitiful expression is just too much for me!"

The girl just look away from you and said...

"I guess today is just not my day"
She looked away from me and then she dissapeared

When you look up the girl disappeared again but the feeling of pain was still there. You decided you will jump tomorrow morning this time...


You got to U.A early. You have bandages around your arms and bruises but you didn't care.

There's no one here today, I guess it's time
It's just me, myself and I
There's no one who can interfere
No one to get in my way here

You walk to the rooftop to see finally no one is here.

'I guess this is it... I... I want to end this scars I grow... Everytime I go home. My parents abuse me. Saying I'm useless and that I shouldn't have been born.'

Taking off my yellow cardigan

You take off your shoes and red tie and gray uniform off and let it hang in the railing

Watching my braids all come undone

And you take off your the rubber bands from your braids and let your (h/c) hair flow to the wind

This petite girl short as can be

You climb over the railing and look at the view one last time

Is gonna jump now and be free


A hand suddenly grab your wrist and your eyes widen to see who it is.


He holding into your wrist tightly while the other is holding on the railing

"Hold on! I'll pull you up!"

Your eyes start to tear up and look down sadly

"Let go, Shoto..."


You look up to him surprise.

Did he said he love you...?

"Please.... I don't want to lose you... I don't wanna lose the only person who've been with me no matter what... We promise each other remember?! We promise we'll watch each other to become heroes!!"


"But what?! Is it because you got Class 1-C!?? You can't be a hero?!?! You're already a hero to me!! You give me courage! You've been there for me whenever I was sad! You still give me good lucks even though I told you I didn't want to! You'll always be hero to me! So please! Y-YOU'RE SLIPPING!!!!"

Your hand start to slip from him and with your last strength you use your other hand to grab up to him as he pull you up over the railing and quickly hugs you tightly and cries on your shoulder.

"Don't ever do that again.... I love you..."

"I love you too... Sho-kun...."


You and him are walking home, hand in hand.

"Hey, Sho-kun. How do you know I was up there....?"

"When I went to my locker to change into my indoor shoes. A note was there. I still have it"

He went to his pocket and take out a small note and it said

Sᓍᘻᘿᓍᘉᘿ ᓰS ᗩᖶ ᖶᕼᘿ ᖇᓍᓍᖴᖶᓍᕵ. ᕵᒪᘿᗩSᘿ ᘜᓍ ᖶᕼᘿᖇᘿ ᓰᘻᘻᘿᕲᓰᗩᖶᘿᒪᖻ!

You never seen a handwriting like this before.

"Who do you think belongs to?"

"Whoever it is most be watching you and trying to stop you from jumping off the roof. Whoever it is. I'm very much thankful...."

He leans in and kisses you which you kiss back

He pulls away and a smirk form on his lips

"Guess that means I can call you my Baby~"

You blush from that voice he made and cover you red face


+Somewhere around the city+

"Good... She's safe... Good thing I use my quirk on her. She'll finally have a better future...."


What do you guys think? I hope you all like it.

But remember. Suicide is not the answer guys. You are always love by everyone. Friends and Families will always be there for you.

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